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The Scenes

Although the RP is up to Scene 12 in chat (all scenes are played out live in the CHV Chat Room, see the Yahoo mailing list for details), the "fictionalized" versions are only up to Scene 4. We're working on it.

Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 3

Scene 4, Part One

Scene 4, Part Two

Scene 4, Part Three

COMING SOON: Scenes 5-16, in Chat Log format!

Who Can Attend Chat Sessions?

Spectators are always welcome (provided they're polite and don't disrupt play). If you like what you see, we hope you'll join the A_I_Artificial_Intelligence_RP Yahoo! group.

Take me to the A_I_Artificial_Intelligence_RP Yahoo! group.

The Yahoo! group is where the major action of the RP takes place, and includes photo galleries, character dossiers, and lots of mailing list fun and highjinks. For the full AI RP experience, you have to become a member!

Take me to the CHV Chat Room entry page.

The RP is played out in chat sessions. Chat session times will be announced several days in advance on the A_I_Artificial_Intelligence_RP Yahoo! group mailing list.

NEXT CHAT SESSION: Wednesday September 24th, 10:30 pm to 4:30 am (approximately) CST

Famous Last Words #386 -- "Our GM is harsh but fair (snigger)."