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The AI RP Scenes-To-Date Summary

by Matrix Refugee and Laurie E. Smith

Game timeframe: Starts two weeks after the events of Part Two of the film.

Scene 1: Friday, late night

Following his capture in Manhatten and subsequent interrogation at Cybertronics, Joe is turned over into the hands of the Rouge City police and sent back by amphibicopter. But something goes wrong and the amphibicopter crashes in the woods outside Camden, New Jersey. Joe, damaged in the crash and realizing that there are apparently no Orga around, flees into the forest with no clear destination and no goal except to escape.

Scene 2: Friday, late night

Alone at home, with Henry away on business and Martin spending the weekend with friends, Monica wrestles with her conflicting thoughts and feelings about David and her family's reaction to him, and situation that is slowly tearing her apart.

Scene 3: Saturday, early morning

Returning home to Rouge City, Pennsylvania by way of the countryside near West Camden, Cal McPherson, Mecha bounty-hunter and her young assistant, Nicky Panzini, hit what they think is a bump in the road, sending their car into the ditch. What they at first think might be a hiker turns out to be a burned, muddy, and damaged male lover-Mecha, minus his operating license and unable to speak because of a damaged voicebox. Now in need of a tow, they walk up the road to the nearest house...

Scene 4: Saturday, early morning

Which turns out to be no less than the Swinton house. Monica awakens to find a strange trio on her doorstep, including a male lover-Mecha who turns to be the Mecha that had brought David to Manhatten. At Monica's insistence, Cal sends Nicky to Rouge City to find Gwen, a young girl highly adept at repairing Mechas. While Nicky is out, Monica discovers just what Cal's profession is...and cuts a deal with her to take her (Monica) and Joe to Manhatten in search of David.

Scene 5: Saturday, late morning

Monica starts to prepare for the trip to Rouge City, only to have the police show up on her doorstep, searching for a rogue Mecha matching Joe's description (Joe has hidden himself in a closet). Monica pretends to be only a house-sitter; while the police search the backyard, at Cal's prompting, Monica throws them off the scent by screaming, claiming that she'd just been assaulted by the rogue Mecha in the front yard, which then took off into the woods away from the house. The police set off in pursuit, and Monica realizes that by deliberately lying to them (a grave offense in the "high law level" society of the AI universe), she has effectively made herself a fugitive. She has no choice now but to leave.

Scene 6: Saturday, noon

Monica continues packing for the trip. Nicky returns with Gwen, who promptly sets about repairing Joe's damaged voicebox, malfunctioning gyroscope and burned derma. In the meantime, Cal's car -- actually belonging to her boyfriend, Rory Hagen -- has been towed and a nice parking ticket left in its place. The crew sets out for Rouge City in Monica's car.

Scene 7: Saturday, afternoon

Now in Rouge City, holed up in Cal's apartment in a rough area of the city near the Italian Market, Monica shares her story, which is also David's story, with Gwen and Joe. Joe continues the narrative with his encounter with David. Exhausted now, Monica settles down to rest on Cal's bed, while Joe keeps watch beside her. Cal heads out to make some important arrangements for the nextphase of the quest.

Scene 8: Saturday, morning

Earlier that morning, in a more opulent section of Rouge City, Cecie Martin, writer and low-level CRF (Coalition for Robotic Freedom) operative, reads over several newspaper items from the last few weeks, all which refer to a male lover-Mecha which appears to be Joe, her long-lost love whom she has not seen since his resale two years before. Her roommates Frank Sweitz, self-made "heroic reporter" and his not-so-reliable sidekick Halloran "Hal" McGeever, news-photographer, are called out to cover a story of a mysterious crash in the woods outside Camden, NJ.

Scene 9: Saturday, early evening

Cal sets about making preparations for the trip to Manhatten, first making arrangements to find an amphibicopter through Georgie, a dealer in almost anything. Next, by way of a dinner date with her ex-husband Harry Shearer, she obtains the promise of access pass to Cybertronics' Manhatten facility.

Scene 10: Saturday, evening

Awakening from a disturbing dream, Monica finds herself in Cal's room, with Joe nestling her protectively in his arms. Determined to fit her part as a fugitive, Monica decides to alter her appearance by cutting her hair, a task which Joe obligingly assists her with. Joe tells her that he now "belongs" to her offers her his "services", which Monica refuses.

Scene 11: Saturday, late evening

After her date with Harry, Cal is more than ruffled, which briefly disrupts the domestic "tranquility" in her apartment, which Joe tries to restore, but without much success.

Meanwhile, Cecie has received a call from one of the third-tier chiefs of the local CRF, Milford Dellarose, who informs her that they have located Joe and Monica and that she is to serve as a back-up during an extraction. What should have been a routine maneuver turns horribly wrong when ARM (Anti-Robot Militia) operatives close in, resulting in a shoot-out in which Cal's apartment is trashed. No sooner do they get out, when Nicky is shot in the arm and Joe is struck by an EMP (electromagnetic pulse gun). Dellarose, communicating with Monica via a cellphone he had Gwen hand-deliver, orders Monica to commandeer a vehicle to get them out of there.

Scene 12: Saturday, night

Cecie has witnessed everything, including the devastating effects on Joe of the EMP blast -- he's unconscious, convulsing, and in danger of having his cube fry. Cal and Monica commandeer a van driven by Tsivil Joblowski, astronomer, accompanied by her service-Mecha, Sirus. At Cal's insistence, they high-tail it for the Zona Rosa, the roughest part of Rouge City, and a hospital that will treat Nicky (an unregistered child) for the gunshot wound to his arm. Cecie drives after them in her roommate Frank's cherished vintage roadster, but on the highway, they are pursued by what turn out to be ARM operatives. A high-speed chase ends with smashed cars, several dead ARM operatives, and considerable damage to Frank's vehicle, which stalls out as the van vanishes into the roughest area of Rouge City.

With Nicky in surgery, Gwen and Tsivil, who is also adept at Mecha repair, set about scanning Joe's cube. Fortunately he has survived the EMP, but he is unable to see and he suddenly becomes distracted, murmuring what sounds like Latin. Meanwhile, the CRF locates Monica and Joe's whereabouts and sends Cecie, accompanied by Frank and Hal, another expert in Mecha repair and programming, to bring them to the relative safety of the Press Box (Frank's name for their apartment).

Once there, Monica calls the hospital to check on Nicky, who is now out of surgery and should be resting peacefully, but instead he starts crying out in Latin and wailing something about a "Chimera". Tsival and Hal have both heard rumors of a virus called the Chimera which has supposedly infected Mechas and caused them to suddenly go crazy, assaulting and killing Orga. Meanwhile, Hal and Tsivil have repaired the glitch in Joe's visual processing cortex that made him blind, but unbeknown to everyone -- at least until Joe resets -- Hal has palmed into Joe's metal skull a homosexual orientation chip, a gesture Hal claims is only "payment" for his work. Hal banishes them all from his workroom, and sets about collecting his dues from a very willing Joe.

Scene 13: Saturday, late night

With Monica distraught at the recent turn of events -- and at nearly being locked in Hal's den with Hal putting the moves on Joe -- the others, particularly Frank, do their best to console her. After the others have settled down for the night, Joe, emerging from Hal's den, startles Frank by making amorous overtures to him, but Frank only dodges him.

Meanwhile, Nicky jolts awakens in the hospital, terrified by the memory of his vision. Cal questions Nicky about his outburst: with characteristic hesitation, he admits that he thinks this was more than a drug-induced fit and that his vision, of fire and a horror called Chimera, has left him deeply troubled... Cal shakes her head, and Nicky does not push the issue.

Back at the Press Box, Cecie takes Joe downstairs an unoccupied apartment, where he tells her of David and their encounter. She notices something "different" about him, an observation which takes on a whole different meaning when he suddenly has an outburst about a "Chimera". But that is soon forgotten when the two of them make up for the two lost years... they return upstairs and Cecie slips into bed, happy and satisfied.

Scene 14: Sunday, morning into afternoon

A not-so-typical Sunday morning in the Press Box. The unexpected houseguests mingle with their hosts. Monica tries to head out to the hospital to pay for Nicky's medical expenses, but Cecie, acting as a CRF operative, blocks her and goes with Sirus (who is starting to manifest some odd behavior) to the hospital to deliver the money and to transport Nicky back to the Press Box.

Later that afternoon, Hal and Tsivil examine the anomalies Hal spotted in Joe's cube the night before, which include what look memetic sequences starting to collect in Joe's processing pathways and a visual memory sequence which seemingly came out of nowhere. When Hal informs Cecie that he'll have to keep a close watch on Joe and continue examining these strange factors, she sees right through him and tries to deck him, but at length she grudgingly relents. Frank, sensing impending trouble, hunts up something that once belonged to his father, but which has been lying barely touched in storage: a hard case containing an M1928 Thompson submachine gun.

Scene 15: Sunday afternoon
With Cal and Nicky resting, Cecie practising her sword form while she awaits a call back from Dellarose, and Hal examining the scans from Joe's cube, Monica and Frank chat briefly, but are interrupted when Cecie calls "a council of war", to brief the group on what she knows about the CRF's plans to move Monica and Joe. Until they receive the call back, no one is to leave the relative safety of the Press Box. Hal, however, is skeptical of the CRF's intentions toward Joe. He takes Cecie aside and shows her something he found on a hidden CRF data cache he had hacked into, revealing one of the CRF's secret experiments on Mecha processors. Appalled at what she sees there, Cecie, impelled by her love for Joe and the duty she has assumed toward him and Monica to help them find David, she decides they have to get out. Now. Tsivil suggests they hide out in a bunker behind the Blackhill Observatory, where she and Sirus both work. Hal suggests they hole up for the night in the Heart of Rouge Hotel, a fleabag hotel on the city's waterfront, where the InVaginators, the hacking cell Hal belongs to frequently meet for group hack sessions and to trade parts for contraband MetaFlesh VR systems. This however poses difficulties, since Joe frequently met up with customers. But since they are all now fugitives, they realize they must assume false identities. Tsivil, who once worked for a company that produced IDs, promises to make IDs for the group.
That settled, the group heads out for the Heart of Rouge Hotel; once everyone has settled in a cluster of rooms on the third floor, Hal contacts one of his "friends" in the InVaginators to procure a new I/O matrix for his VR unit. Frank heads out to obtain printing supplies for Tsivil -- and live rounds for the "Chicago typewriter"...

Scene 16: Sunday, late afternoon to early evening:

On his way out to pick up the new part for his VR unit, Hal stops to chat with Cal, who isn't feeling so hot. As Tsivil naps and Sirus tries to make the rooms presentable and Cecie cuddles with Joe, Monica, assuming her false identity as a woman of the world, steps out for a walk. Cecie, making a tour of inspection, discovers Monica has disappeared. Joe dashes out after Monica, with Cecie on his heels and Tsivil trailing them. They finally catch up with Monica in a nearby cafe, where she has confronted the manager for his abuse of a waitress-Mecha, to which he replies by slapping Monica in the face. Cecie and Joe intervene and lead her back tothe hotel. With Tsivil keeping Joe occupied, Cecie confronts Monica for wandering away, then explains why they are in even greater danger now than before.

Upstairs in Room 606, the regular meeting place of the InVaginators, the hacking cell Hal belongs to, Sledge, a hacker friend of Hal's, arrives with the part Hal needs. But when Hal offers to pay for it in cash, Sledge begs him to barter it for some of the encryption code Hal created for a homebrew virus. Hal grudgingly accepts the offer, although he'll have to go back to the Press Box to retrieve the disks containing the viruses. He returns to the group's temporary quarters, where he installs the new part then "goes Nightside", entering the VR realm to make sure his personal construct was not corrupted and to seek any news on the movements of the CRF or the ARM. Frank returns with most of the printing supplies for Tsivil, but had no luck getting the live rounds for "the Chicago Typewriter" from Georgie, one of Cal's contacts. With evening approaching, Cecie orders take-out from a nearby Chinese restaurant. While she and Hal go out to pick up the meal, Joe and Frank do their best to comfort Monica, who is still shaken from being slapped. As they return from the Heart of Rouge, Cecie and Hal spot a shadowy figure who appears to be watching them, but they can't be sure.

As the group sits down to dinner, Hal unsettles everyone's composure -- particularly Cal's -- when he opens the box containing his own meal: the house specialty, roasted newts. Curious over this disruption, Joe makes a startlingly logical deduction about the nature of food, effectively proving he's becoming more than just a pretty face...

Scene 17: Sunday night

After the roast newt debacle, the group manages to regain their  composure. Cal slips out to scare up some clothes for her and Nicky. Frank and Joe do their best to comfort Monica. Discussing their various pasts, Frank admits that, during his college years, he carried on an affair with a female lover-Mecha named Aubrey, who came to a terrible end. Meanwhile, Nicky drowses, but in his dreams there arises a strange beast like a lion.

Frank heads out to make a phonecall to Terez, his elder twin sister, letting her know that he's going to be out of town for some time, covering "the story to end all stories". Monica, who has gone with him to get some fresh air, spots a shadowy figure who appears to be watching them.

Hal heads out to the Press Box to collect the disks containing his homebrew viruses and a few other supplies. But while he is there, the phone rings. Guessing it's the CRF calling back, he lets it ring.  After making sure they can't call back, he heads back to the Heart of   Rouge Hotel. On the way back, he encounters Cal, who seems more out of sorts than usual.

While Cecie and Joe snuggle and Monica drowses and Tsivil starts making IDs, Frank heads out again to see if he can find some "BBs for the overgrown BB gun" from one of Cal's contacts. He returns empty-handed from consulting Georgie, so he heads out to meet with the more dangerous Jimmy Moltov, who works in the Naval Yard.

Hal, on returning from his scavenging mission, discovers -- *GASP!* -- Tsivil has moved his computer set-up to her room. His outburst  startles Joe, who quails back into the corner. Spotting Joe like this, Hal approaches him and finds the usually voluable Mecha reduced to a nervous wreck (if that were possible). Hal manages to talk Joe through this, finding that Joe appears to be having a flashback, as it were, of being attacked by an enraged customer, Allison Timmerman. Once Joe is out of the worst, Hal engages him in a virtual fulfillment of an old fantasy he's had for a long time, and has Joe take on Frank's hair and eye color, reenacting a moment back in Hal's college days when he tried to seduce Frank. Cecie, in the other room,  overhears this with mingled horror and disgust.

Once the festivities are over, she tiptoes into Hal's room, finding him asleep. But when she tries to approach Joe, he tenses up again, letting out a cry of fear which awakens Hal, who realizes that this outburst may have something to do with the white code forming on Joe's cube. Once he collects his set up from Tsivil's room, Hal rescans Joe's cube to find the code has multiplied. It dawns on Cecie that the memes may have come from David, since Joe's behavior echoes David's fear reactions as Joe described in his narrative of the time he spent with the little Mecha. Having little choice but to leave Joe's cube in the reader overnight, Hal and Cecie move Joe's inert body to the couch. Cecie crawls back to bed, but nightmares of being pursued by mechanoid beasts disturb her sleep, leaving her unrefreshed.....

Scene 18: Sunday night into Monday morning and early afternoon:

While most of the team is asleep, Frank returns, somewhat successful,
from getting rounds for the "Chicago Typewriter" from Cal's contact,
the highly dangerous crime boss Jimmy Moltov -- alive but not
completely unshaken.

In the morning, Monica awakens, still aching from the bruise she got
the day before; Cecie helps ease the pain by way of Reiki, a kind of
healing near-touch, which soothes Monica's aching spirit as well.
Sirus has also completed his work, searching out information on the
Internet about the Chimera, which he burns onto a CD for later
access. Most of the goupr heads out to have breakfast at a neaby
coffee shop, leaving Cecie behind to guard Joe and keep Nicky
company. On returning, Hal replaces Joe's cube after scanning it
overnight; once activated, the Mecha shows no adverse signs of his
terrified outburst the night before.

But unbeknown to the group, someone has been watching them from a
window in a room across the street...

Travelling by rented van, the group heads out to Blackhill
Observatory, high up in the Allegeny Mountains in the north-east
corner of the state, a four hour drive away. Tsivil shares with the
others the webpages Sirus dug up on the Chimera, a strange sentient
virus which has arisen, infecting Mechas and causing havoc wherever
it goes. [Which see at:  
http://www.cybcity.com/gigolojoe/crf_mechamyth/crfmechmyth ] Hal finds his skin start to prickle on seeing two symbols
associated with the Chimera. Cecie notices an item about a court case
which her dad prosecuted: People of Massachusetts vs. B1-66-ER, a
service droid who attacked and killed its owners when they tried to
have it permanently shut down, a landmark case which resulted in the
repeal of the MIT Bill of Rights, laws which granted legal rights to
Mechas in the state of Massachusetts. Joe also recognizes one of the
symbols, which causes him to murmur something in Latin, which Frank
interprets, finding it's part of the "Dies Irae", a description of
the Judgement Day.

As they drive through the country, Nicky watches the scenery pass by: the sight of a fox running by the side of the road triggers the
memory of a past dream image, a fox carrying a cat in its mouth,
fleeing from some danger. Monica and Joe help ease the monotony of
travel by reminiscing about David, which helps shorten the long miles
to Blackhill...

Scene 19: Monday afternoon:

At length, the group reaches Blackhill Observatory, up in the
mountains. The long trip through the country has Hal reminiscing --
to himself -- about his last long trip into the countryside, this
time to southern France, after some mysterious strangers had offered
to show him things he never knew about himself and his true
origins... As they enter the observatory, Monica spies a small stray
kitten wandering in the parking lot, dirty, injured and lonely;
moved, she takes the little one in with them. Joe is fascinated with
the small creature, but Cal is less than impressed with the newcomer,
since she has a terrible allergy to cats!

The group starts to settle into the living quarters at the
observatory. Nicky's injured arm is bothering him, so he settles down
to rest in the bunk room. While the others have lunch in the lounge-
like cafeteria, Cal and Monica both clean up, particularly Monica,
who has picked up some of the oil and debris staining the kitten's
fur. Joe also tidies himself up. As Nicky rests, he has another
strange dream, similar to the one he had during the drive to the
observatory, only this time, the fox entreats him to shelter the
white cat it has been trying to protect... Shaken, he awakes and goes
to join the others in the cafeteria.

Once clean and dressed, Monica sets about cleaning up the kitten.
Cecie explores the building, getting a feel for the place. While
exploring the building himself, Joe encounters Sirus, who has been
cleaning one of the public bathrooms, but stops and approaches Joe...
And something passes between them... Something lurking in Sirus
lunges out via microburst and tries to penetrate Joe...

Meanwhile, Hal is taking a shower before he runs another scan on
Joe's cube, but it winds up being rudely interrupted when Frank
sneaks up on him and douses him with a wastebasket of ice-water. Hal
chases Frank out into the hallway, startling Monica. As the two young
men tussle on the floor, Monica gets a glimpse of a large birthmark
on Hal's back, shaped wierdly like an eight-pointed arrow....

Scene 20: Monday mid-to-late afternoon:

Cecie hears Joe's panicked scream in the washroom and she runs to his side to find him all but frozen from whatever passed between him and Sirus. While Monica and Nicky set to work cleaning up Princessa's oil-stained fur -- and finding that the kitty is a male, Monica renames
the little one Hijo de Luna, "Son of the Moon" -- Hal sets to work
rescanning Joe's cube in the observatory's main computer room, where
he and Tsivil stumble over Zachary, one of the astronomers who works
there, who was curled up under his desk waiting for a file to
transfer. On finding that the wierd white code on Joe's cube has
proliferated, Hal decides to counter-code some of the "snow"
collecting on the lattices of Joe's processing paths. But he and
especially Tsivil spot something that shouldn't be there, whatever it
is, as it ghosts in and out. With Cecie keeping watch over Joe, Hal
settles on sealing over the bullet hole in Joe's torso, a relic of
the recent gunfight with the ARM.

In the meantime, Monica heads out for a breath of fresh air,
accompanied by Frank, who is starting to feel the stirrings
of . . .something in his heart, towards her. Tsivil and Zachary try
running a 'Net search on Mecha cortex anomalies, but all they come up
with are the same websites which Sirus found the night before. Hal
decides to run a visual readout of the visual anomalies Joe
manifested on Saturday night.

What Hal sees there -- a nightmare vision of fire and destruction, a
barren landscape dominated by a flaming sigil similar to something on
one of the Chimera sites -- is too horrible even for his hardened
sensibilities. Figuring the image had some preternatural origins,
especially since Mechas don't have hallucinations or visions, and
since Joe's cube was offline at the time the visual anomalies showed
up, Hal goes out to find Frank and Monica -- tapping his own scant
precognizence to aid his search -- to have Frank take a look at the

Meanwhile, someone approaches the observatory, driving from Rouge
City, tracing the path the group too earlier that day...

While Monica checks on her sleeping kitty, Hal plays back the images
for Frank's benefit, to see if he has any input. Frank recognizes the
strange symbol, since a girl with oracular abilities, whom he once
wrote about, sketched a picture of it. The images leave him so badly
shaken and terrified that when he tries conveying it to Monica, he
breaks down in tears.

By now, the mysterious tracker has reached the observatory and has
entered the public area. Meeting Nicky in the hallway, still feeling
sore after a squabble with Cal, the newcomer introduces herself as
Nadine Bencham, who appears to know about his gift. This spooks
Nicky, so calls up Cal for help. Nadine informs them that she
represents the Army of Bellerophon, an organization whose goal is to
thwart the onslaught of the Chimera, and which has taken an interest
in Joe, wishing to keep him out of the clutches of the CRF and the

Hal pauses during his work creating the counter-code to get some
coffee, whereupon he encounters Nadine, and at his end, it's
suspicion at first sight. Cal takes Hal aside and asks him if he
knows anything about this Chimera that keeps being mentioned and what an Oracle has to do with it. Hal gives her his usual cynical take on the whole matter, but suddenly the Mark on his back gets awfully

Scene 21: Monday evening

As Frank reads a passage about the mythic Chimera from Cecie's copy
of Nathaniel Hawthorne's "A Wonder Book", Monica lies asleep,
dreaming disturbing dreams of fire and water and some strange beast
calling her "the holy mother". She jolts awake to find Frank at her
side. Hal sends Cecie outside while he finishes patching up the
bullet hole in Joe's torso. Tsivil meets Nadine the newcomer and,
during the course of the exchange between them, when Nadine points
out poorly-defended this location is, Tsivil shows her the old
military bunker hidden below the observatory, its entrance concealed
by a cabinet in the computer room.

Nadine manages to collect the Team and, after retracing the events
that led them here, explains their predicament: that for some reason
the Chimera is drawing a bead on them and that the Army of
Bellerophon, an organization devoted to destroying this entity, is
offering to aide them. Frank and Hal both confirm that the Chimera
has been mentioned in Nicky's nightmare vision and in Joe's odd
murmurings, and also in the visual anomalies Hal found on Joe's cube.
Nadine asks Hal to show them these images; Hal gladly shows them to
the whole group -- on the widescreen. The Planetarium projector to be precise. The images the Team sees -- of fire and horror in a
desolated city -- are enough to send Monica scurrying out to seek
consolation in looking after her kitty... who needs to take care of a
call of nature, so she takes him outside. Frank follows her, offering
her what little comfort he can offer as he leads her back inside, his
heart beginning to swell with love for her. Nadine taps into the
future via the pack of Tarot cards she carries, but the images -- the
Lovers trumped by the Magician -- divined thus offer her no hope...

Suddenly an explosion erupts, rocking the observatory. Frank tries to
quickly assemble the Chicago Typewriter, but he's rusty at it. Cecie,
with Joe at her side, rushes back to the bunkroom to grab her gun and
her sword. Another explosion -- most likely the gas tanks in the
garage -- erupts as Nadine tries to herd the group into the bunker....

Scene -- 22 Monday evening into night

Zachary has made it down to the bunker, but the rest of the Team is
still milling about in the hallway outside the office. As they start
down the trapdoor, another, smaller explosion rocks the building and
voices and heavy footsteps can be heard. Hijo panics, jumping out of
Joe's hands -- after scratching Monica when she passed him to Joe,
and then scratching Joe's hands -- and scampers away to hide in the
office. Nadine and Frank manage to grab Hijo and drop him down the
trapdoor... where the cat lands on Cal and Nicky's dufflebag. Hijo's
yowls have tipped off the unseen intruders, but the leader of the
squad outside the office door is heard ordering his men to hold their
fire. Nadine manages to pull the trap and the inner hatch shut, then
scurry down after a panicking Frank as the intruders burst through
the office door.

Hal sets to work sealing the scratches on Joe's hands and reseating a
loose wire -- with Cecie looking on -- as Frank carefully cleans and
bandages Monica's scratches. Cecie and Joe find a place to cuddle in
the bunk room; Nadine, Tsivil and Zachary go in search of food, while
Nicky dozes in a corner in the medical bay and Sirus checks on the
sealed door of an ancient weapons bunker which he may need Joe's help to open. To settle his nerves, Hal decides to head Nightside, and
pesters Zachary to find out if the bunker is Datastream-equipped.
Finding a port in the bunk room, Hal starts setting up his unit, but
Sirus interrupts him, asking Joe if he can help him open the sealed
door. Hal offers to shut off Joe's strength governors.

Nicky's arm has started bothering him again. With Cecie looking on,
Frank and Monica set to work changing the bandages on his wound. Hal checks the sealed door, then diables Joe's strength governors. Once finished, Hal tries making a lil' time with Joe, only to have Cecie
chase him away. Making lemonade out of lemons, Hal takes this
oppurtunity to head Nightside and contact some mysterious contacts of his about this "Chimera" that keeps being mentioned. He's just missed meeting one of them... and a mysterious voice keeps whispering at him as footsteps dog his trail.

Nicky's fever has returned and he raves in pain and fear of his dream-
visions. Nadien reassures him that if she is near him, the beast in
his dreams cannot see him.

Feeling hungry now, Hal goes in search of food; Cecie, nearly dozing
off blissfully in Joe's arms, gets up to find some food as well. With
Nicky and Monica resting, Frank goes to join his two housemates in
the bunker mess hall. Zachary lights some incense on his Order of the
Vampire altar as the rest of the Team settles in for the evening.

Scene 23 -- Monday night

But the relative tranquility in the bunker is short-lived: Sirus
hears some suspiciously loud bangs and thumps at one of the bunker
doors and goes to investigate one of the passageways. As he does so, a few ARM troops break through and open fire on Sirus,hitting him in the torso, severing the power line to his lower half. Cecie, hearing
the shots, bids Joe a hasty farewell and runs to the bunkroom to
collect her gun and, despite Cal's common-sense grumbling, her sword
as well Tsivil and Zachary scrabble for weapons and the door of a
sealed bunker full of more weaponry, sending Cal, Nicky, Monica and
Hal into the open weapons cache for safety. Frank, backing up Cecie,
runs for his "Chicago Typewriter" and proceeds to finish assembling
it and loading it.

Nadine, awakened by the commotion, joins the others in the open
bunker. She proposes having Joe help them open the door of the sealed bunker, but Hal of course objects. Necessity, however, overrules Hal's protests and the group at the bunker door starts pulling on the door to get it to open. But the exertion at the door proves too much for Joe: the servo in his left shoulder shorts out, sending Hal
scrabbling to get Joe offline before the short spreads, and to remove
the shot servo. Meanwhile, the door has cracked open wide enough for the rest of the crew to get it open, revealing a cache of weapons of all kinds, which the crew will certainly need...

Cecie, meanwhile, manages to wing one of the ARM troops, but she
herself is winged in the arm by their return fire. Frank manages to
join her and fires off the entire round of ammunition, succeeding in
killing one of the ARM troops and winging the other. But there are
more where those troops came from...

Scene 24 -- Monday night

Tsivil continues digging around in the weapons cache, looking for
anything that will both prove useful (and which is still working).
Back near the entrance the ARM has breached, Cecie holds her position while Frank runs to fetch more ammo for his "Chicago Typewriter". Cecie doesn't stay put for long, though: their unwelcome visitors hurl a smoke grenade into the passageway, forcing her to flee.
Zachary, looking for Sirus, catches up with her, closing one of the
blast doors between them and the ARM. Zach then leads Frank and Cecie to where the others have taken cover in the weapons cache. Nadine starts to formulate an escape plan in case the ARM manages to break through. At this, Tsivil opens a false panel in the wall of the
weapons cache, revealing a passageway to another, smaller bunker far out in the woods, and a hidden entrance to the outside. Hal,
venturing out to get himself a shirt, hauls his technical equipment
to the weapons cache, in case they have to make a quick exit. Zacharyproposes going back to save Sirus before the ARM finds him, something Nadine agrees to with some slight misgiving of actually pulling it off, since the ARM is closing in...

Scene 25 -- Monday night

Cecie discovers the small wound in her arm; Frank scurries back to the medical bay to retrieve the banadage bos for her. On the way back, he grabs Monica's bag and hauls it with him. While Nadine hustles the Team together to head out to the small remote bunker two miles away, Zachary and Ethan search for Sirus. Once Frank returns,
Cecie nips back to fetch her laptop and her own bag. An ARM goon
ambushes Zachary and Ethan; the goon nicks Ethan in the leg, but he
and Zach manage to rejoin the others, with Ethan lugging a severy
damaged Sirus. The Team manages to push the door closed behind them and head out the remote bunker. They arrive there without incident, but Nicky's arm is still bothering him and there's something odd about Sirus and Ethan...


Famous Last Words #11 -- "All clear, guys!"

Famous Last Words #12 -- NPC: "Lets drop our weapons and talk." PC : "Okay!"


Famous Last Words #14-- "I'm bored..."

Famous Last Words #15-- "You know, I'm actually starting to like this character..."