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Zachary Ethans : Bio and Skills


The Astronomer assistant with a vampire fetish extrordinaire!!

Starship Earth. This is Where Zachary gets most of his Jewlery.

ZacharyEthans Template

Zachary Ethans / orga

*** Name: Zachary Ethans (aka Zach, Zachariah, Count Malarki and Queen of Discord and Chaos)

*** Template: Astronomer and Astrophysicist, Mecha Repair, Computer Specialist, Spiritual Vampirism priest

*** Species: orga

*** Age: About 20-25 yrs old

*** Gender: male

*** Height: 6 foot 5

*** Weight: 165 pounds

*** Physical Description:

-Tall, slim, Flame red hair, looks like girl bait, and looks like he stepped right out of a japanese anime. His Looks/Real World Counterpart is Nigel Baily from Relic Hunter, tho Zach looks more anime and with a pointier chin and more feminine face.

-He's not overly muscular. When he's not at work, he dresses soooo
goth that goths look frugal! He comes complete with chains and eye
rings and stuff.... however, at work he looks like mr. mundane. I mean ...at work, you’d never know he owns over 400 pieces of bat Jewlery. The good news is that he doesn’t dress overindulgently. He usually over does it when he’s Role Playing and when there’s a special event, like an Anime Convention.

-when dressed in his normal clothes (err..goth clothes), he wears alot of religious jewlery, like skulls with fangs, an ankh, another more specialized ankh that pulls apart and is a miniature ritual knife, and skulls. He's especially drawn towards skulls. Skull crosses, skull rings, bats with skulls, etc

*** Background:

-Zachary is Canadian at heart, but grew up all over the US for the first 10 years of his life. His mom is French Canadian (from Quebec) and his dad is a Southern Yankee from North Carolina. He and his brother were registered as born in the USA but in fact were born in canada. Zach’s dad pulled some strings in the miltary and did some unusual favors for the military in return. Zach conciders himself a canuk, but in reality he and Damon carry American citizanship.

-Zach's parents were busy but devoting. Zach had a decent family life. He was close to his father and is the oldest of identical Twins. Both he and his brother are Legal and Registered. They are the only children in their family.

-Zach's mom was a lab technologist at a hospital, but moved to
small lab work for a doctor's office. She had training as a Scientist specializing in Medical care. She started in that, then decided to switch to a medical technologist in a small office in order to have more time to devote to her family. She loves her sons.

-Zach learned a lot of doctor type stuff because of his mom.

-Zach's dad was Military. Dad was high up, too. He travelled lots, so he didn't see his family that often.

-When dad was home, dad let Zach hang out at the base and taught him gun handling at a very young age. Zach knows how to handle some specialty weapons as well as hunting rifles and pistols. Zach
specializes in Hunting Rifles and Pistols, but isn’t that great with military weapons. He knows how to ‘turn it on and make it go’ but that’s about all he can do with machine guns and laser rifles, etc. I mean..they’re not exactly every day items you can find at Walmart ;-)

-Zachary has been to University twice. Once was to study psychology, then he decided to switch to Astrophysics as he found it more mentally stimulating. The truth? He got tired of knowing how his friends thought... and why!!

-His Parents hate the fact he has dated some guys. Zach’s brother, Damon, doesn’t give a rat’s arse who Zach screws cuz it’s none of his &^%$ING business!!

-owns two pet rats that his brother (also his room mate) babysits. Occassionally Zach will smuggle them into the observatory. One is a female named Nibbles and a Male (neutered) named Brutus. Believe me, Brutus is fekking **HUGE**.

-Zach gets along with his roommate/ brother. They occassionally get into screaming fights over who cares for what, but they almost never mean it. They're big kidders :-)

-Makes stuff called 'Blood wine' through their Vampire
club...it's really well defined, sweet fruit wine. Blood red. REALLY
delicious. Only booze Zach will drink.

-Lives in a small two bedroom apartment that the Fang Club helped finance maaany years ago, when Damon was quite sick with a debilitating medical problem. Damon contracted a Debilitating Bacterial infection in his early teens that screwed around with his motor functions and it, and the infection, hasn’t gone away completely. Zach has told Tsivil and Sirus about his brother, but he rarely mentions it to people he doesn’t know well. He does it out of Jealous protectiveness of his twin brother. His brother is still quite sick, but is well enough that he can function on his own.

-Dad died years ago in an accident. There was an explosion in the garage after he retired from the military. Zachary has kept a lot of his dad’s military manuals and stuff. He misses his dad a lot and feels jipped cuz he never got to say Bye to his dad.

-Mom is still alive and lives with a Sister of a new christian denomination called the Mecha Liberatiors Under the Hands of Jesus. (NL’s Note: I was desperate for names, LOL!!). They reside in a small town house. The Sister helps Zach’s aging mother with everyday things, like cooking, cleaning and shopping. Zachary always visits, writes or whatever, but tries to email his mom regularly :-)

-Since Zachary’s started working for Tsivil, he’s been more involved with Mecha Rights, but he’s not as emmersed in it as Tsivil.

-Presently Zachary is at Blackhill Observatory, working with reflector, Xray, and various other kinds of telescopes available to him.

*** Personality:

-HUGE bat fetish

-HUGE vampire fetish? (At work you'd never know)

-He roll plays/LARPS vampire the masqurade despite working out in the middle of no-where. He does internet RPGs with a vampire theme. He has a huge collection of Vampire related props and do-hickies, books and information on medical Vampirism (Re: people who think they ARE 1000 year old vampires who will turn to dust if you stick them with a stake). He's especially fond of his Custom made fangs that he ordered from his dentist. They're quite impressive. :-) He’s saving up for perminant caps :-)

-Fan of Vampire Hunter D. He loves Armano's work. He also loves the Blade Movies, with Blade 2 being one of his all time faves.

-Zack draws some, writes fanfics, specializes in Hentai and Manga with a vampire theme, esp Vampire Hunter D. He does some very simple animations for web sites and Observatory programs :-)

-Part of Zach's interest in Vampires was because of a vampire Movie he saw when he was a kid...Blade 2 methinks... and it stuck. To those of ye who have experianced these things- You see something and you just **KNOW** it’s you. That’s what happened to Zach when he was 6 and a half. His parents never did understand why he became obsessed with Blade and Dracula :-P

-He is the equivallent of a priest in the Order of the Vampire (aka Order of Dracula). They’re what are known as Psi Vampires, as opposed to Sang Vampires. He deals with spiritual vampirism rather than physical stuff, like blood drinking, being unable to take sunlight, etc. If he doesn’t get his daily dose of life force he becomes quite cranky!!

-Very religious/spiritual, but tries not to be too much of a prick about it :-) His religious views are a bit unusual in some areas, and it’s gotten him into some hot water with believers of other faiths.

-Not afraid to break/bend rules, tho he’s really quite friendly and polite. His disadvantage is that he is a bit of a wuss.

-Regularly steals Sirus to play Vampire LARPS behind Tsivil's back. He pops in a character into the mecha’s skill slot and off they go. Tsivil suspects he does this but isn't 100% sure.

-He's an excellent scientist but still has more learning to do. He's a sponge when it comes to information, but isn’t as experienced as Tsivil. Has the potential to be as excellent as her if given a few more years.

-Reliable, devoted worker. Zach’s a bit high strung but appears quite normal on his work days. Once at home he **SCREAMS** Vampire freak. Brother tolerates this extreme ‘change of personality’.

-Has an alter at home and at work. His work alter is in the underground area of the military bunker.

-Bi, but more interested in gals. Overall not picky about who he dates as long as they're nice and treat him right. He’s been told he’s a Damn Fine sex toy **evil grin**. This always embarasses him when it’s brought up.

-He gets along very well with Tsivil. They are good friends, but in a way that’s different from Tsivil and Sirus’ relationship. Zach adores Sirus, but again, it’s in a different way from Tsivil and Sirus’ comradship. Zach treats Sirus more like a close friend who doesn’t like to talk much :-)

-Zach helped organize and make the military shelter more livable should tragady strike (caugh, caugh) :-) (CAUGH)

-Zach likes to hunt deer and Rabbits. When he travels up north, he shoots caribou. It’s not his favorite sport, but he’ll do it if he needs food to eat :-)

-HATES mutton but adores Sushi, Pizza and drinks so much
tea he corners the market on the Tetley brand name. (JK)

-He loves to exercise by hanging upside down from a bar bolted to
the wall of his room in his apartment. His brother does this too and it can be disturbing seeing the twins side by side doing this.

-Nicknamed the 'Queen of Discord and Chaos"

-He knows a lot of people who are hackers/programmers, mecha parts dealers, etc through the Fang Club.

The Fang Club is a club in the nearest big town/small city. It caters to the underground vampire freaks who either are convinced the 'are' Vampires or have a blood sucking fetish (NB: Zach does not suck people's blood, though he has been a 'donor')

The Fang Club also does some general social work for the members of the Fang Club, by providing temporary housing for sexual assult cases, abuses, people being forced on the street, prostitutes, medical situation, etc. They also try to provide some funding for those who need to use the Fang Club housing and Support system. Their Housing is a few simple rooms, a kitchen, Nurses station and the entire club area.

*** Objectives: -

-Zach owns no weapons...except a good keen karate kick :-) He knows some martial arts. He’s one level below black belt and He’s itching to learn some sword.

-Zach really really wants to find a date (and possibly a life mate) who doesn’t run screaming every time they find out he’s a **GASP!!** ‘Vampire’. Ooooh. Dem nasty vampires who take their role playing and characters too far **Zach rolls his eyes at this** That line burns Zachary right up every time!! Ideally he would like to be treated for who he is (even if he is a bit odd) and how he treats people, rather than on how he looks and what he believes believes.

-He hopes his brother’s medical problems will end one day. He trys to donate to medical research done on Damon’s condition when he can afford it.

-Zachary is quite fond of Mecha. They’re useful, and a lot of fun! He wants to see them have the same rights as any Orga, tho he believes and accepts that Mecha are very different from Orga with specialized needs and wants.

-His short term objectives are to get laid soon (VERY SOON), get those damnable tooth caps/fangs paid for, and email his mom cuz he hasn’t heard from her in over a week.

*** A Quote:

Several quotes come to mind :)

“Freedom is the right of every sentient being” Optimus Prime, Autobot (Transformers)

‘What’s that red spot on your forehead?’ One of the Famous Last Lines from the Famous last lines list!!

*** Special Quirks, Flaws, Abilities, Etc:

-Zachary is what is classed by religion as a spiritual Vampire, or Psi vampire. He feels the over whelming need to ‘feed’ off of people’s life energies and becomes quite cranky if he doesn’t get a decent ‘meal’.

-Zachary is the equivallent of a Priest in the Order of the Vampire, aka The Order of Dracula. It is a church of sorts devoted to Vampirism, both Sanguine and Psi, tho Zachary specializes in Psi. He takes his job seriously, but doesn’t let it get in the way of his work at the Observatory.

-Zachary is almost finished earning his black belt in Karate. Once he earns that, he wants to learn some sort of Swordsmanship. He’s always been interested in swords, vampires, bats and other creatures related to the above. He’s not so hot on werewolves, tho :-P

-Zachary’s biggest flaw is that when he’s not at work, he looks WEIRD. I mean, you would think he walked right off a movie set or something. Because of this, he puts up with a lot of flak from people who simply judge him on his looks and not on the decent, helpful, devoted guy he really is.

-As mentioned above, Zach’s Bi. He’s dated in the past but not seriously. He’s still waiting for that special someone to fall into his lap. He’s a playful romantic but hasn’t had a chance to show that side out to anyone yet.

-Zach is fiercely protective of his twin brother and will kick your sorry arse if you try to harm him. So much for the Wuss theory, eh?

-Another major fault of Zach’s is that he has a soft spot for collector’s items of various sorts. He LOVES his 1980’s handheld Space Invaders game, and his rooster shaped tea set. If I remember right, he inherited that from his grandmother.

-Zach usually wears a lot of Jelery. It’s interesting to look at, tho the theme of bats and skulls is quite prominant.

-Zach’s favorite item in the whole wide world (Besides the Space Invaders Game and the Tea Set) is his Vampire Skull. It’s basically a special order religious item he has on his alter at work. It’s a Human head but with very impressive Vampire teeth.

-Zachary Regularly goes to Live Action Role Playing Games with a Vampire theme. He goes maybe twice a month, as travelling to his home town is a bit hard when you’re out in the middle of no-where under a several ton telescope. However, when he can, he drags Sirus along to play an Elder Vampire turned vampire Slayer. Tsivil isn’t sure if Zachary actually does this, as it’s often done behind her back. If she’d been asked, she would have wanted to come along, too :-P

-He wont admit it, but he’s animal crazy :-D

Zachary Skill List

> SKILL LIST: Zachary Ethans (AKA Count Malarki)
> KNOWLEDGE: Computer repair, Astronomical / radio telescope functions
> Telescope adjustment, upkeep and bug remover
> Advanced astrophysics and Advanced Computer Sciences
Advanced math
> Typing
Medical Care (Intermediate) and First Aid (Advanced)
Gun Usage and Saftey of Military hand weapons, Pistol and Hunting Rifle
Unusual Religions and practices, especially in the Order of Dracula/Spiritual Vampirism
Expert in Mecha Repair, physiology and intermediate in Mecha programming
Intermediate knowledge of Psychology
Animal care, advanced
Wine Making, intermediate (‘Blood Wine’)

> PERFORMS: Almost a Black Belt in karate
Role Playing/Improv Acting
Drawing and basic Animation

> PILOT: Ground vehicles (3 and 4 wheel)
> ADVANTAGES: VERY Knowledgable in his disiplines
> Excellent for when detailed calculations are needed
> Retains Knowledge
> Fast learner and always willing to know more
> Not inclined to talk back unless situations deman it
Patient as long as he can control the situation’s results to some extent
Polite but not afraid to question orders
Very Observant and alert
Aware of details
Is perpetually doing something
Because his dad was military, Zach knows some things and tricks others may not know.
FIERCELY protective of those VERY close to him, even to the point of Violence
> DISADVANTAGES: Tends to be a bit of a wuss
When he wears his ‘normal’ clothes, he sticks out in public!!
> Can be a snot if Orders are not to his liking, but he is polite about it
> Often Appears to be doing something he shouldn’t (Re: games at work), but truth is he needs to have time to himself to think in order to do his best
Can be Hot Headed and Firey
> Not the sharpest knife in the drawer when things go very very BAD
> Vampire fetish makes him easy to spot in a crowd
His Religious views are a bit unusual and it often gets him in hot water with others of different faiths.
Nosey but tries to be polite about it.
Sometimes acts as if he knows everything.
Unusual collector’s items always distract him!!
Often Takes in more information he can handle