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Nicky Panzini: Skills and Character Bio


Sweet-natured and polite, Nicky coasts through underworld life on little but charm.

Name: Nicholas Raphael Gabriel Panzini. Just goes by Nicky or Lad.

Template: The nervous, skeptical, always expecting the worst, alienated kid in the back of the classroom. Would probably be Goth if that hadn't passed completely out of fashion by 2122.

Species: Anglo/? Orga

Age: 18 (28 January 2120...roughly. His birth is unregistered and his mother was too strung out at the time to know exactly when he was born, but this is generally accepted as the right day)

Gender: Male

Height: exactly 5'5'', if he doesn't slouch.

Weight: about 150 lbs, although scrawny as Hell.

Physical Description: Most notable feature are huge brown eyes-- attractive in a sheepish kind of way, messy brown hair, kind of pale skin. Right eyebrow cut in half with a scar, has numerous cigar burn marks on arms, and other scars on various parts of his body, all recieved from his mother's boyfriend. Scrawny would be the most flattering description of his build-- although he's 150 lbs, noboody is quite sure where that weight goes. Thumbnails very ragged from constant chewing. Generally nervous disposition, moves with submissive body language.

Background: Lucia Panzini arrived in Rouge City from Naples, Italy with 25 dollars and a head full of dreams. Five years later the 25 dollars had been spent on heroin and her belly was full of foetus. Her son, Nicholas Rafael, was delivered in a welfare tenement in the Zona Rosa District slum, born addicted to crack and nearly a month premature. The son of a prostitute, he has no idea who his father is and frankly has no interest in finding out. When he was six his mother brought work home with her, and this time it didn't go away after an hour. Nicky spent the next six years trying to keep alive in the midst of heavy physical abuse, bouncing from state-run schools and running away several times, always dragged home by the 'Sicilan Shithead' and occassionally drugged by his mother to keep him quiet and docile.
The nightmare of his life finally ended on Christmas Eve of his 12th year. The Sicilan was shot to death for failing to pay a gambling debt, and terrified that he would be next if found, Nicky ran from his flat to the door of the only person who'd even showed slight concern over him-- a 24-year-old recently divorced, undocumented Irishwoman named Cal McPherson.
Currently Nicky, now 18, has recently graduated out of high school and is saving up money to enter Brooks Institute of Photography in California to follow his main interest, photojournalism.

Personality: Nicky has the balls of a donkey, he just doesn't realise it. He lets Cal go on her tirades because he knows that it'll eventually end and life will be better afterwards. He is outwardly very calm, but is always thinking over different situations and possible outcomes. Very pragmatic, unoffensive, and moves through life trying not to be noticed-- hangs onto the conviction that whatever happens, it most likely isn't going to mean much to him in the long run. Convinced that whatever he does is probably not going to have an impact on anybody around him, occasionally overcome by feelings of utter futility . Still harbors a lot of bitterness for his crappy childhood, but prefers to think about the future. Has perfected the art of tuning out of his surroundings at any given moment. Very quiet individual, will usually only speak if spoken to.

Objectives: Try and get through life without getting jailed, killed, or mangled-- especially by Cal.

A quote: "Don't ask because I'll be forced to bore you to death with the details of my tortured existence." - Mia from 'Love and Other Catastrophes'.
"Trust is something that comes easy/
When you've never been a victim." -- "Disconnected", Face to Face

Special quirks, ect: The almost magical ability to be stuck around Cal nearly every waking moment without going completely bat-shit looney. Very shy around strangers, rarely smiles, and as a result of earlier child abuse does not like people he doesn't know to touch him.

* Fly-on-the-Wall Streetwise
* Fluent Italian, limited Sicilian
* Basic Computer Ops
* Basic Mecha construction
* Car repair, limited antigrav repair

PERFORMS: Played Rosencrantz in 11th grade production of "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead". Otherwise prefers to be behind a camera than in front.

PILOT: Ground vehicle (3 & 4 wheel)

* Goes nearly unnoticed in any situation
* Almost exceedingly polite
* Can usually get himself out of bad situations by being sweet and charming (Cal refers to this as the "Awww Defense")

* He is 5'5'' at his tallest, and sees this as a grave disadvantage
* Shy around strangers
* Finds it very hard to trust people
* Physically slight and can literally be knocked down by a strong wind
* Not exactly a wimp, but would rather head for the hills than fight

Nicky's Photographs