Akhenaten's Official F.A.Q.

Frequently asked questions about my beliefs and philosophies. I'd be happy to answer any you might have regarding what you've seen on my webpage. My email is akhenaten_777@hotmail.com

Akhenaten's Official F.A.Q.

1a.) Question: Are you a satanist?

1b.) Answer: Depends on your definition I suppose. I am a satanist in the sense that my belief system represents the complete opposite of Christianity and organized religions, and thus is the antithesis of traditional society. I certainly do not worship the Devil, or any other Judeo-Christian creation of myth. I bow to no diety but myself, for I am striving to enter into a state of self-divinity through the evolution of my Will. However, I honour the archtype of the Prince of Darkness in his original form of Set, or the Egyptian god Sutekh, as a symbol of self-indepedence, creativity, freedom from delusion and passion for life. Set is an inspiration towards what we can become eventually through the expansion of mind and strengthening of character, a hero against hypocrisy, ignorance and self stagnation.

2a.) Question: So you dont believe in a spirit realm of any sort?

2b.) Answer: It would be hard to be a dedicated occultist, and discredit the existence of a Non-Physical plane of existence! I believe in the existence of various supernatural entities that range in power and intelligence, which were created by the collective subconcious belief of Mankind. These psychic entities were Willed into existence simply because Man wanted something to believe in, and they some have gained more strength through Time by the continued faith of humans in their manifestations. Many have also become free- thinking, intelligent, and powerful. I choose not to worship any of these entities, however, recognizing them as mere projections of our own conciousness. Various means of communicating and interacting with these beings are explored through almost every major spiritual belief system.

3a.) Question: Were you completely guided by the Temple of Set in the development of your own personal
belief system?

3b.) Answer: Absolutely not. I have chosen to affiliate myself with the T.O.S. because the organization seems to best reflect the ideas and philosophies I had been contemplating for most of my lifetime. The Temple does not have a specific belief system to which its members must adhere, it is a free forum in which scholars, students of the occult and thinkers may meet and discuss their own philosophies openly. My beliefs stem from a lifetime involvement and experience in occult practices (focusing mainly on Ceremonial Magick, Black Magick and recently, Chaos Magick), a keen obsession with Egyptology, Ancient History, and the works of F. Nietzche. I found most satanic organizations to be lacking the elements I deemed to be important, so I set about to find my own path.

4a.) Question: Why do you wear pentacles and sport Satanic regalia if you are not a devil worshipper?

4b.) Answer: I choose to use the imagery of the inverted pentagrams and other so-called 'Satanic' symbols because they represent the antinomian attitude taken by those of the Left Hand Path, seperating and identifying the indepedent and free-willed from the slave herds of society. The attraction towards such dramatic and dark imagery is admitedly the first step in rebelling against the traditional morals of organized religion, but they are usually discarded after the indivigual realizes they are merely 'trappings' of the philosophy. To clarify the meaning of the inverted pentagram to myself personally, it represents the human spirit focused inward towards itself, grounding itself on Reality and Earthly things, rather than reaching outwards towards any supposed 'higher power'.

I've chosen to dismiss any ridiculous accusations or questions that frequently surface, compliments of the ignorant. Examples: "Do you drink blood"?, "Do you kill cats"?, "Do you advocate human sacrifice"? etc. This juvenille drivel and sensationalized Hollywood hype is not even worth my time, so dont expect answers. Such rumours have absolutely no evidence to back them up, and are simply circulated by various fanatical fundamentalist Christian organizations as fuel for their witch burning fires.

What prompts an indivigual to become a Satanist?

This question has always been a fascinating one to me. Lets start by asking ourselves a few questions about your own personality and ethics. Perhaps you have antinomian tendencies and you didnt even know it!

1.) Would you be described as an aggressive indivigual?

2.) Do you value personal freedom and indepedence highly?

3.) Are you a highly sensitive person?

4.) Do you possess a keen hunger for knowlege and personal power?

5.) Do you feel your higher instincts are repressed by a society that encourages the meek and 'poor in spirit'?

6.) Are there times when you consider yourself superior to those around you?

7.) Have you always displayed a distaste of organized religion and their stagnant morals?

8.) Can you admit to feeling joyful over the discomfort and defeat of your enemies?

9.) Were you ever disappointed by the hollow ethics of the New Age and neo-pagan movements?

10.) Do you feel that you have the right to judge others freely, and without guilt?

11.) Have you always been attracted to dark and mysterious symbolism, i.e. occult imagery, vampires etc.?

12.) Do you know how to get what you want in life?

13.) Do you find yourself detesting those weaker than yourself and actively taking measures to assert your superiority in your daily life?

If you have answered a resounding 'YES!' to all of the above questions, give yourself a pat on the back, and be confident that you have already embarked on your own journey towards self-evolution and inner realization. You didnt even need the label of 'Satanist' to do all this either, you were simply responding to basic and natural emotions that have been deemed negative by the weak and ill-constituted of this world.

Might is Right!
Hail Self!

Many indiviguals that were raised in traditional Christian homes are often attracted to Satanism as a form of rebellion against the repressive atmosphere of the Church. This certainly doesnt mean, however, that all Satanists are ex-Christians. Followers of the Left Hand Path come from all spiritual backgrounds, and all walks of life. Once they have worked the rebellion out of their systems and conquered the inherent fear of "The Dark Side", they are free to begin taking control of their own lives, realizing that Satan is a powerful archetype, bringing to mind such things as sexuality, power, individualism and control over one's destiny. Like Lucifier of the Hebrew legends, rebellion against rigid traditions and moralism is the first important step in coming to terms with one's own sense of authority.

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