About Allan Rudio

Allan Rudio's apparitions started on the 8th of September 1993. The apparitions continue to happen to Allan to this day. The Public Apparitions will end on 25th March 1998. Allan is 17 years old in 1997. He lives in Murphy, Cubao with his parents, Josie and Marcelino "Mar" and younger brother, Joseph. Their living condition is a humble one and the father operates a taxi service which barely supports their day to day living. The home is a humble one. Young Joseph goes to high school. Allan takes classes at home. Mar is out most of the day operating the taxi. Mam Josie tends to Allan, the home, the apparition site and visitors who come to the apparition site on a daily basis.

Allan receives two (2) Public Apparitions every month. These two (2) days are on the first Friday and first Saturday of each month. The exact time of an apparition is given in advance. The time the apparitions start vary from 9 - 12 P.M. and lasts approximately 1 to 1 - 1/2 hours each.

A miraculous well now stands to the side of the house. Jesus and Mary has given this source of healing water from Heaven for all people. A prayer should be said before the drinking of healing water.

Allan experiences the stigmata. One visible sign that can be seen at all times appears on his wrist. Blood pours forth from his knees and head at times. Also, the Host turns to flesh and blood. Photographs of these and other phenomena are available online:

Photographs of Allan suffering the Passion of Our Lord

Allan's family promotes the imposition of the Brown Scapular and a medal specially designed by Heaven. This is called the Medal of Good Salvation. The medal of Good Salvation is available by writing to:
Mrs. Josie Rudio
26F 12th Avenue
Murphy, Cubao 1109
Tel. (632) 912-0156

(Please include small donation to cover mailing costs)

The Three Promises of Our Lady for those who wear the medal are as follows:

1. I will bring peace to their families.
2. They shall receive graces, both corporal and spiritual.
3. I will be at their side when their hour has come, and I will lead them straight to heaven.

Medals distributed to the Public after every Public Apparition.
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