TAKE A TOUR OF THE SITE Here is a little bit of information to make you familiar with the layout of our site. Our site is divided up into eight (8) topics: travel, dining, culture, politics, computer & technology, education, news and entertainment. Each topic has links to sites that have been individually evaluated for content and design. We make every effort to only list sites that are in English, but at times there is no alternative. If there is ever a site without an English translation, it will say in the description.
If you would like to suggest a site to be added to our database, please send us the information and we will evaluate the site.
If you are looking for something specific, you can use our site search feature. If you still can't find what you are looking for, use our handy Message Boards. We have message boards on a variety of topics including geneaology, travel, regional boards and more.
If you have additional questions, please feel free to send me your feedback.
Sincerely, Christina