Macbeth-The Mission Statement
The Magical Climate of Shakespeare's England

Macbeth was written between 1603 and 1606 for King James I. James had a morbid interest in Witchcraft, the Devil and other such things. His fascinations caused him to write a book-Daemonology, whereby he made quite bold statements like, these witches on the other pathre, being intised either for the desire of revenge, or of worldly riches, their whole practices are to hurte men and their gudes. When Shakespeare wrote Macbeth, he consciously embraced murder, evil and witchcraft as the main themes of the play, which catered King James interests. Shakespeare used Daemonology (written in 1599), as a specific source for his play, and Macbeth was deeply influenced by James political incorrectness. Tracing James ancestry back to Banquo, Shakespeare altered history by having Banquo as a hero in Macbeth, (opposed to reality, where hes a villain).



Why Shakespeare was a filthy thief! | The Magical Climate of Shakespeare's England | The times around the play | The Jacobean Witch Project