Poetry from Vietnam Vets and Loved Ones      


Now is the time for healing
Sure it will be hard to do
But we have the support of each other
And God will carry us though
Time that we take a look at our life
And all that we have done
Maybe we can see where one day
We all can be as one
Lets use this experience to make us strong
And not break us down
For we have so much to live for
We need to stay around
Our children is still our future
Lets not let them down
For they have dreams to forfill
And new freedom to be found
But not to forget what has been done
We have the strength of each other
To continue on as one.

Justice(In Loving Memories)Sept 11,2001

"This Rose"

Let this rose respresent your life
Watch it shine in the light
Its produce life to everything around it
Its so sweet in many ways
The caring,compassion
Let this rose give life
Life to everything that is important
Life in itself
You deserve to be as free
Free to express
Free to love
And show love and understanding
Life for you can be free
But learn to live it to the fullest
This rose is the gift of life
So Enjoy.

Justice(In Loving memories)Sept 11,2001

Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003   Roy E. Stanford.