" ...and it just a sort of idealism that goes along to resolve the everyday living "
i have a feeling that every human being has at least one quotation or epigram or poem that's crying to be written, just as everbody has at least one story. But though many of the people ( including myself ) who would like to write poems aren't able to make the words rhyme or the lines scan. that's why i put up this page called " Heartspace: Poems and Epigrams ". Anyone who had a anything in mind like mentioned above can send here and let other people read it. it's just a sort of the idealism that goes along with the emotional reactions and everyday living because we put into them what we feel even if it's just simply a reminder of our trueself or our heart or our presence... that's enough for us. you know... when other people read it and trying to resolve the true meaning of every piece of it. so it's really important if you make it...