Celebrities Facts Finder

Biography www.biography.com/
This is A&E cable tv series Biography web site. Site include search engine for over 20000 persons, chapters from biographies, calendar of upcoming shows, quizzes, games, content of current Biography magazine.
The Celebrity Almanac! http://celebrityalmanac.com/main.shtml
This site with introduction by Ed MaMahon have the address, birthday, death date, and real name of thousands of famous personalities.
DITTO ditto.com
DITTO is Web crawler for pictures. The results of the search are return in e-mail.
fansite www.fansites.com
Find A Grave http://www.findagrave.com/
Site find celebrites and VIP graves geographically or alphabetically, have pictures of famous grave, and link to other tombs.
Internet Movie Database (IMDb) www.imdb.com
IMDb is data base of movies, television series, videos, and video games. Movies, videos, and television data include cast and crew, company credits, plots, awards and reviews, release date, showtime, and photo gallery. Data on individual include birth date and location, death date and location, credits history in movies, videos, television.
Seeing Stars seeing-stars.com
This is the ultimate guide of Hollywood and celebrities. Site give listing of where celebrities eat, shop, and play. Site give listing of grave sites, museums, and landmarks.
starpages www.starpages.com
Star Seeker www.starseeker.com
This is a search engines for highest quality celebrites web sites. Search subcategories are Actors/Actresses, Television, Music, Supermodels, Good & Service, Entertainment News, Sneak Prevews, Movies, Other Celebs, Sports.

Burton Craddock
Last update August 12, 2000