LoveCry, The Street Kids' Organization, 2001
LoveCry's Agenda


Detailed Information on: CAUSES OF SUICIDE! | CO-DEPENDANCY | Other Essays, by Angel Femia Published in The Toronto Street News! | LoveCry in partnership with The Toronto Street News! | "LoveCry" Love's not a sin, Abuse is! Please join us and help stop abuse and violence. | LoveCry! | LoveCry's Agenda | Getting Involved | Newsletter Archive Page | LoveCry's News in partnership with The Toronto Street News! | Photo Album | Contact Us | "LoveCry", Please Help Us Stop Abuse and Violence.

Welcome Computer Board 2

LoveCry is here to:

1. Help stop abuse!

2. Raise awareness to the new Therapies, that we have tested and know from first-hand experience that they work! What ever we do is within this subject.

3. Research other avenues of healing and repairing the family unit!

LoveCry's extra activities,{other then the daily work we are doing with outreach and drop in}, are involving reaching the public with the information we have compiled within the ten years of LoveCry's existance!

Ringing Bells

LoveCry is now making some changes:
We are primarly here to raise the issues that come with:
Domestic Violance
Sexual Abuse
Physical Abuse
emotional Abuse
Ritual Abuse
Verbal Abuse
We have for this past few years done sever Piolet Projects!
All of which were huge sucesses.
Time to get to making chanages within our system to include thes sucesses!

March 21, 2001
LoveCry always has a get together for the changing of the seasons to give thanks to Mother Nature for all she has given us throughout the season.
Spring is the season of New Birth.

It is each of our jobs within our lifetime to find out who we truly are in the scheme of things. We must learn to face, realize, dicipline and use all of ourselves to make our world a better place!

Learning to know ourselves means realizing both positive and negative factors about ourselves.

All Humans are equal in that we all have what we call, positive and negative, or good and evil tendancies.

We all must learn how to use these traits, {both positive and negative, good and evil}, in appropriate places to better mankind, the world and the universe.

REMEMBER: anyone that is too nice to be true is hiding half of their true personalities.

A barbecue party; Actual size=240 pixels wide

by Angel Femia, 1994

In the depth of our souls,
The beauty and beast reside,
You are the master,
And thus decide which you shall be,
Using your belief of what you are,
You create what you become.

"Today, I shall be radiantly beautiful,"
And with the shimmering light of love,
Circling around my being, I am.


"Today, I shall be ugly and evil,"
And the darkness of hell,
Circles my being, so I am.

The master is in our minds,
With thought, to our soul, a message is sent,

And we become whatever we decide,
As we are the creators of what we shall be,
So create with the force of LOVE.--

Written by: Angel Femia

Is Verbal Abuse Destructive to The Human Mind?

Yes Verbal Abuse is very destructive to the Human Mind and destroys many
good people and their lives.
Verbal abuse sounds hateful at times and funny at others. Much of our so
called sitcoms, {such as the Simpsons and South Park}, are highly verbally abusive.

Our authorities are just now realizing that these and many other
entertaining show, movies and music, containing verbal abuse are teaching
our children to be hateful, uncaring and violent.

Verbal abuse is anything form putting a person down cracking jokes about
their shortcomings. What this does is cause us to be insecure with
ourselves,defers us from trusting our own judgment and decision making
processes, and many times suicide.

All of us have seen this many times. Take a look in your memories and
see if you did not know one person in your town that everyone picked on for
I knew many and was one for many years. Several of my friends have died by
their own hand and I tried to kill myself for years until I finally found a
good therapist who taught me how to think properly about myself and we turn
it around. Now I love Myself and so should you.

Verbal abuse causes SELF-HATRED. This is not Cool!


Watch for:


Sold on almost every street corner in Toronto by the homeless.
Please support our street vendors!

LoveCry has an article in The Toronto Street News weekly regarding:
abuse,{all areas} social changes needed, family issues, therapy, healing of the body, mind and soul!

LoveCry also has a Poets Corner in
"The Toronto Street News"
Monday,March 19,2001:

Keep your eye on Speakers Corners, City T.V.:
for Announcements fron The Homeless Kids!


LoveCry is always looking for donations in:

Sleeping bags

If you can help please contact!

Donations can be sent to:
1024 Queen St.,E.,
Toronto, Ont.,
M4M 1K4

We hope to update this page often with new photos.

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Earth Spinning

We, the Human Race are the Caretakers of this planet.

Remember to take time to appreciate our world, life and universe.

These are gifts from our Creator an should be respected as such!

Stars and Nebula

Student Rally


Volenteers Welcome:
Contact us at:
416-406-0099 or