LoveCry, The Street Kids' Organization, 2001
Detailed Information on: CAUSES OF SUICIDE! | CO-DEPENDANCY | Other Essays, by Angel Femia Published in The Toronto Street News! | LoveCry in partnership with The Toronto Street News! | "LoveCry" Love's not a sin, Abuse is! Please join us and help stop abuse and violence. | LoveCry! | LoveCry's Agenda | Getting Involved | Newsletter Archive Page | LoveCry's News in partnership with The Toronto Street News! | Photo Album | Contact Us | "LoveCry", Please Help Us Stop Abuse and Violence.




2002 is LoveCry's Tenth Aniversary!
We haver survived and grown.


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Love's Not A Sin!
Love and Let Live!

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Together we dream of a time where no type of abuse is tollerated and people can Love and Live in peace!!!

Please Pray for Peace!
War is never worth the cost!

Please take time to light a candle and say a prayre for all those who have been effected by this weeks terriorest attack on The United States of America, In our opinion this violence is the ultimate form of ABUSE!


The ultimate of abuse has been inflicted on our neighbors in The United States of America this past week.
Please, everyone let us take some time to reflect upon ourselves, our thoughts, words and actions during this time and work to change the anger,hatred and violence within to love, peace and forgivness.
I pray that the authoraties dealing with this problem are lead by the hand of our Creator as I know that is the only way to world peace!

For Expert Information On Mental Health Issues!




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Help Stop Abuse!
love's Not A Sin!
We Need Your Support ------- Please Donate
Love's Not A Sin!

Angel' Healing Circle!
Enter You E-Mail Address in the boxd provided above.

LoveCry, The Street Kid's Org.
We are here to make change!

Help Stop Abuse!
We All Need To Change!

LoveCry is now part owner of The Toronto Street News!

This paper is sold on most city street corners in The Greater Toronto Area!

Please support the Homeless help themselves selling something they can truly call their own!

Love Is The Only Truly Free gift we can give to each other!



We need your support:
Please Send Cash Donations To:
On Line:
Send to:
LoveCry,the Street Kids' Org.,
1024 Queen St.,E.,
Toronto, Ont.,
M4M 1K4
Registered Charity Reciet
upon all cash donations.

Food Toitletries, clothing,
or Christmas gifts donations
either call: 416-406-0099
Or drop donations at:
1024 Queen St.,E.,
Toronto, Ont.


"Love's Not A Sin!"

LoveCry is owned and operated by people who have lived on the streets, have first hand experiences,certified education and and have been working with many outside therapists to heal from their own abuse issues and help others.


Please Help Ust Stop Abuse And Get This Message Out!!!


Our prime objective is to raise the issues of abuse, and make it possable for the people who need, and want to heal to be able to recieve this care.
Our Medical Care System does not include most of the therapies needed to heal abuse issues. THIS MESSAGE NEEDS TO BE HEARD AND THE SITUATION CHANGED!!!







Daily Log! Click Here*******



LoveCry now is part owner of The Toronto Street News.

This newspaper is sold on street corners by the Homeless.





Welfare and Family Benefits! Social services Click Here!!!









Health Information! Click Here!























Photo done by
Doug MacLellan






When kids come to LoveCry they know they will be accepted and loved.
They also know that love is not only gentle but tough.
LoveCry believes in dealing with the problem as opposed to bandaid solutions.



This is as insightful, as it is scary. A Columbine
student wrote it.

"The paradox of our time in history is that we have
taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider
freeways, but narrower viewpoints; we spend
more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy it
We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our
values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate
too often. We've learned how to make a living, but
not a life; we've added years to life, not life to
We've been all the way to the moon and back, but
have trouble crossing the street to meet the
We've conquered outer space, but not inner space;
we've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul;
we've split the atom, but not our prejudice.
We have higher incomes, but lower morals; we've
become long on quantity, but short on quality.
These are the times of tall men, and short
character; steep profits, and shallow relationships.
These are the times of world peace, but domestic
warfare; more leisure, but less fun; more kinds of
food, but less nutrition. These are the days of two
incomes, and more divorce; of fancier houses, but
broken home.


Welcome to our nonprofit site!
LoveCry is owned and operated by people who have experienced harsh abuse and street life.
Our main staff has successfully beat the street and the horrors of abuse, then returned to help our fellow street people to do the same.
We have both education and life experience.
Please help us to stop abuse and homelessness.

"Present Board of Directors"

Angela D. Femia-Richmond, Founder, Director, C.E.O., Spiritual Counsellor, Holistic Psychotherapist.
Peter Wood, Photographer, Secondary School Teacher
Lisa Fay Aaharon, Accountant, Secretary Treasurer
Azriel Menahem, Computer Network Specialist.
Galit Menahem, Office Co-ordinator.

LoveCry has successfully helped over 4,000 homeless, abused kids since it opened in 1993, most of
which are either at home with their families or have their own homes. LoveCry catches the kids who
seem to be falling through the cracks in our system before there is no return.
LoveCry has rep.'s in many countries and cities around the world. We hope to someday open headquarters in all major
cities to assist the rising problem of the homeless especially children who are forced to live on the streets around the
globe due to abuse and neglect of our societies, towards the Children of this world.

Our Registered Non Profit # is: 892528365RR0001. Please Help us to Help Ourselves.




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Why Are We All In Fear Of Love?
by Angel Femia of LoveCry!

Everywhere I have been in my life, I see people angry, sad, frustrated, bitter. I see
really deep fear of love, relationships and commitment.
I have personally been through hell since birth, still my hopes and dreams are to be
close to others and have committed relationships in my life.
Thinking about this drove me look deeply into myself to find what it is that I am doing
that others are not. Why are some of us able to get past yesterday's pains and others
not? Is this not blaming someone for something they have not yet done? If we expect
trouble will we not get just that?
Is it really fair to ourselves and others to make the next woman or man we meet to pay for
what the last one did to hurt us? Is it right for me, for example, to meet a person and
expect this new person to treat me the same as the person that just finished abusing me
and believe that this new person will do the same with out even truly getting to know them
at all.
This is what I find many of us doing within society today. Is it fair to ourselves and
others for us to continue with this? With this kind of thinking it is completely
impossible to be true to ourselves, be loved, love, and build strong families, friendships
and communities.
Being true to ourselves means to be honest with ourselves. We are human beings and are
here to care for this planet and all who dwell upon it.
If we are afraid to love our neighbour, the woman or man we are attracted to, or the child
that was just abused, then we are being untrue to ourselves and depriving ourselves of
the love our Creator gave us. {"One must love to receive love!"}.
Are we being true to our children to raise them to be just as afraid of life as we seem
to have become? Are we not rejecting love and teaching our children how to do the same?
If we go on believing that everyone is the same and just out to hurt us then we are
seeing only evil in everyone or everything. Is this all we can seal in ourselves?
{"remembering that what we see in others is truly what we see in ourselves"}
I believe we all need to give ourselves a hard shake and wake up. Yes there is evil in
this world and we should be conscious. We need to be, but I see we have taken the word
cautious way past what should be. Cautious does not mean afraid and suspicous. It means
careful but open minded and hearted to any good that may arise from this situation or
relationship. In many instances, it may mean you are ignoring the true mate you have
always looked for, it may mean giving a person a second chance that is truly deserving of
it, or one smile and hello could turn a frightened child around when they would have made
a horrid mistake.
I believe we need to look for the good within ourselves and others while being cautious,
knowing that evil does exist and if it does present itself walk away, as opposed to just
acting in fear of all. We need to show ourselves and each other that people and things
are not all the same and we will begin to heal each other of this dreadful fear of love!




Karmic Life Lessons

Some astrologers believe that we each choose our exact time of birth according to the
lessons our souls must master in order to evolve to a higher state of consciousness. We
are each equipped with everything we need to become as aware, as centered, as
functional as we can be; the trick is recognizing our gifts and learning to meet our
weaknesses head-on. In a sense, then, the attendant weaknesses of our Sun Signs could
be considered the Karmic lessons we must try to learn in this lifetime in order to progress
to the next as a more complete and evolved soul.

As illuminated by Edgar Cayce, the great clairvoyant, there are certain fundamental
spiritual lessons, such as love, moderation, balance, patience and faith, which we attempt
to learn during our souls' "physical incarnations" as humans here on Earth. Cayce's idea
contains a riddle that many great thinkers have concerned themselves with: The problem
of desire and freedom from desire. Our souls are one with everything and so want for
nothing. However, as humans we want for many things, and not just material items, either.
Some of us want to be rich and famous; others may want to find the perfect mate who will
fulfill everything they sense is lacking in themselves. The underlying idea in both examples
is that we tend to think we are lacking in something essential, and that obtaining more of
that "something" would fulfill our souls.

Astrology teaches us that material items, perfect romantic love, career success -- all these
things we desire are actually external to our souls, which are complete and unified
essences. Furthermore, we are each equipped with all the strengths and abilities we could
possibly ever need in this lifetime or the next; we simply must learn to use them. This is a
prevailing idea both within and outside astrology; from astrologers to Buddhist
philosophers to pop singer-songwriters like Sinead O'Connor and Tracy Chapman, many
are concerned with the idea of self, desire and loss. Chapman sings, "All that you have is
your soul"; O'Connor sings, "I do not want what I haven't got" -- and they're both right.
Our souls are infinite and enough.

Our Sun Signs determine our basic personalities, in all their strengths and limitations.
While we cannot escape our basic instincts as determined by our Sun Signs, we can
exercise free will -- we can decide how to meet our own limitations and deal with them.
Learn what you Sun Sign is and your read more about the Karmic lessons you've chosen to
learn in this lifetime. It's bound to be an eye-opening experience!


Any Questions regardilng abuse/therapy/street life, here.



We work with the kids to help them use thier minds as opposed to living inside illusion bubbles, hiding in fear from their abuse issues and abusers!


Abuse is the reason LoveCry was founded. We would like help to stop abuse in our world. We know this is not something we will do in one lifetime but we must start if we ever wish to succeed.

"Denial" is the worst part of Abuse. Usually one party in a family will realize the problem and the others will lie to protect themselves and the family name. Doing this makes the Abuse continue into the next generation.

Before you Deny: picture your child or grandchild being molested, raped, beaten, and literally driven crazy by abuse!
With Denial happening, this is your families future.

"Please" help us all face and deal with Abuse

Most of our society, is under the impression that people are homeless, mainly due to poverty.
In our studies, we have found, that most homeless come from what we believe to be normal families and homes.
They join the ranks of poverty once they hit the streets.
Five years of research, on the streets of Toronto, revealed to us that there are many more people homeless, in Canada due to abuse than any other reason.

WITH YOUR HELP, WE CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE! We are here for the Protection of Street Peoples
Everywhere! We will make a difference, and show the World some of us still Care.
Sharing leads to Caring, Caring becomes Love.
Lovecry is the voice for the Voice-less.
Everyone will be Remembered.
Lovecry Cares!


The Truth
by Angel Femia
of LoveCry

The truth is essentially how we personally perceive the given situation we are experiencing.

This is what the human race believes the truth to be. Each person blinded, by what he/she believes their truth to be. Closed minded to seeing or believing what each other ses. Even to the point of loosing their lives for what each see to be true.

Of course none of our truths are reality. Perceptions are only parts of what we have earned and put together to create a sinerio we can understand. If in fact we see the exact same sinerio without prior training as to what we believe we see, the sinerio would view completely differently.

If in fact these taught and learned perceptions believed make up what we believe to be our personalities, we have no idea at all of whom we truly are or what the truth is.

The real truth is in our souls and is the same for all Created!

By Agnel Femia
Of LoveCry

If a person uses magic and wishes it to be of love, they must:
1. be within a love headspace.
2. have cleared out all pent up or supressed emotions from all past situations.
3. possess a deep desire to be a positive influence in the universe


Magic is body, mind and soul energy working together with an honest desire to create.

Spells are only as effective as the belief of the caster and the casted. Spells only work if you believe they will. If someone were to cast a spell on me, I would have to believe in that person having the power to do so or it would not work.

Ceremonies are only as effective as the illusions they create. Most institutions have ceremonies. They help the on-lookers to believe. As it does not matter where I choose to pray, knowing God will listen, making it matter not where I do so, therefore it also matters not weather there is ceremony involved.

Instruments are toys used to help create the illusion needed to help the audience believe. When a person is doing a physic reading, we do not need tara cards, crystal ball or any of the instruments normally used to get the job done. We read perfectly fine without instruments. We only need to know how to get inside your mind to read your thoughts. The rest is the illusion used to get your attention.

Ecstasy is usage of the third, super or cosmic mind, {serotonin fluids},which is located at the back of our brain, behind the subconscious mind. It is a natural high that we all can use if we can put ourselves directly into the given situation, keep ourselves honest and clear of all past experiences.

This renders magic to mind over matter using strength of the back-brain and belief from all involved. It only works as Christ depicted to create miracles.

If used properly it is formally referred to users as Meta Physics.

This site will present our organization's cause or ideas to the world. As communicating isn't always easy, we'll try to include photos and images that convey our message (remember, a well-chosen picture is a great way to get a point across). We'll also include specific information about our organization and its members, so no one forgets the people behind the pictures.

On this home page, we'll introduce our cause or message. We'll also try to include a picture or two that represents the kind of work we do.


Historic building; Actual size=240 pixels wide



Psychotherapy is reaching mentally, into past memories in order to face the abusive traumas, deal with the emotions and
wounds, in order to release poisons collected from the untreated wound. This creates a mental healing of the past
situation which makes it possible for the client to go forward with their life.

Some forms of Psychotherapy are: Regression-Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Anger Management-Therapy, Sexual
Response Therapy, Lust Addiction-Therapy, and Substance Abuse Therapy.

Spiritual Therapy

Spiritual Therapy is mainly repairing the human energy system. Connecting the Mind, Body and Soul back together as
well as teaching proper mental patterns, teaching universal law, its true importance on the earth, and balancing, {physically, mentally and spiritually}

Some forms of Spiritual Therapy are:
Holistic Psychotherapy, Ritual/Religous abuse Therapy, Physic-Therapy, Chiropractic-Therapy, {including: Acupuncture & Acupressure}, Music-Therapy, Drama-Therapy, Art-Therapy, Crystal Healing, Aroma-Therapy, Inner Child Work, Re-Birthing, Past Life Regression Meditation, Massage & Touch-Therapy, {ie. Reflexoligy, Rekie, Huna Kane,Touch Healing,}

Physical Therapy

Within our muscles we hold memories and any broken bone, cut, bruise, or highly stressed area of our bodies have
memories of what caused these wounds. Through physical Therapy we allow ourselves to release the stress held in
these areas of damage, face the traumatic memory, deal with their emotions and heal the wound.

Some forms of Physical Therapy are: Sports, Martial Arts, Dance, Jogging, Track and Field, Swimming, Walking, Most
exercise Plans, Preforming Arts, eg(vocals,acting, public speaking), any of Physical Workout that relieves stress, Meditation Therapy, Aroma Therapy, Proper Food Intake with Vitamin and Herbal Therapy.

Mission Statement

LoveCry is a street-based, non profit organization. Our mission is to assist homeless and abused kids, advocate for proper up-to-date medical attention, using Holistic, psychological, and physical therapies in order to heal in all areas, and raise the issues, {such as abuse}, to get the changes in our system directed towards truly healing our abused as opposed to the band aid solutions that have been used for so many years. One of our primary focuses is to provide assistance to kids whose needs are not being met by existing youth services.
Lovecry is also involved with research and finding proper therapies and methods of healing as the present ones seem to work for those who have only been slightly abused, and the more severe victims are left out in the cold, grasping at whatever they can. These are the kids who fall through the cracks in the system. They are the ones most likely to remain on the streets throughout their adult lives, because their abuse issues may be more severe than the juvenile psychiatric system is currently able to handle.

LoveCry consists primarly of individuals who have experienced homelessness and abuse, and have sucessfully met the challenge of changing their own lives. We use our expertise to establish a unique and profound rapport between ourselves and the kids. To form the trust and the support that is a necessary foundation to the rebuilding of self-esteem.

We believe that there is hope for those young people and for all people, whose special needs exceed the capabilities of the mainstream system.
LoveCry can help them to articulate their desires, hopes and dreams, and we can assist them in their journey towards self-esteem and life of hope and fulfillment.




Physical Abuse is any form of touching in anger, frustration, violence, or negativity.


Sexual abuse is any form of unwanted sexual attention or,(eg: seduction, verbal sexual harrassment, child molestation, child pornography, rape etc.)


Verbal abuse is any form of degradation, humiliation, or threats. This includes all forms of gossip, lies, and or verbal manipulation, such as: covert or double messages.


Psychic Abuse is in the form of silent and verbal manipulative head games, peer pressure, mental seduction,
(sexual, material, emotional)covert or double messages, brainwashing, degradation, humiliation, isolation, and mental intimidation. Ignoring while pretending to be listening, peer pressure, material, emotional or sexual seduction, neglect,
brainwashing, and covert messages are the most commonly used on a daily basis in our lives. We are just beginning to
realize the damage done by this form of thinking. Silent hatred {racism, ,jealousy, resentment, judgments} etc... are
also included in this abuse.


Ritual Abuse is when any Godly belief system is being used to control, intimidate, seduce or change another's free will
to believe whatever they choose to believe, -OR- when one is being used in any form of religious or cultish ceremony
against one's belief; eg: verbal or psychic brainwashing, sexual seduction, emotional seduction, ceremonial games,
bribary, and more.
Ritual Abuse comes in many forms: it is the -Dark- side of any Mystical Belief System. By dark I
mean: as most of us work towards living under the rule of the Ten Commandments of our Creator, the dark side of
these commandments are the exact opposite to the way we, for the most part understand them, eg: Take the
commandment "Thou Shalt Not Kill" --- on the dark side, this commandment would read "Thou Shalt Kill !"

Pictures Donated by:
Doug MacLellan Photography

Doug MacLellan Photography

We all need healing, we have all been abused is some way, we all need to relearn how to love ourselves and each other!

LoveCry is a healing experience for all who want to really heal!

LoveCry Is a registered non-profit and needs your support. Please Help!!!!!

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LoveCry: Love's Not A Sin!

Angel's Spiritual Site!

The Toronto Street News, Watch for our essays, comics, question and answer section,and poetry Weekly!

College of Medaphysical Studies. Dr. Paul Daniels. Ph.D.,Th.D.D.D.P.C. President.


Doug MacLellan Photography

Questions About:abuse, problems,spirituality

Earth Link Help Heal Our World!

LoveCry 2002

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