
It's pretty hard to have a page about -- just about anything -- without being flamed. Unfortunately, The AniVortex doesn't have too many controversial opinions on it, so so far I haven't really been flamed by real fans. However, I have been getting some annoying guestbook flames from people who don't like Animorphs. Now, I'm somewhat flattered that they chose me out of all the Ani-sites to flame, but their posts are really annoying. After a comment about my g-book, I decided that it was better to display their stupidity in a place like this... where I can offer my own comments.  If you have any comments about the Flames page (or would like to add to it ^^) mail me!

Flame #1-The Strangers
Flame #2-Joe Cool
Flame #3-The "Herty" Incident
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Okay, here's the first flame I got. The text is made smaller and the image removed for your visual health. :) For this flame, my comments will be in blue.


That's interesting. You never told me they sucked in the first place. Is this because of an argument with some other Animorphans with a long story you're simply not going to reveal to us? Since this exact same note has been found on various Animorphs websites all over, you obviously cut-and-paste this stupid flame and went straight to guestbooks without even glancing at the content of the site.

We know they're are many sites and clubs against us! You actually think we'll lay off you guys? Sorry your wrong!

This is also very interesting. You see, this was the first wide-stream flame you sent to anyone in the "Animorphs web community." There probably weren't any sites or clubs against you (at least not from us) until you started bothering everyone. I never thought you would "lay off you guys" because I, for one, had never heard of you before in my life. Thank you for also clarifying your statement.

Aw, gonna run crying to mommy now?

Not really. Actually, quite the opposite. I'm happy you considered my site significant enough that you would flame its guestbook (twice, I might add) and not be wasting your time. And although I might go over to your message board and ridicule your page a little, I have my doubts that I'll be crying to anyone right now.

Some people just can't accept the fact that there are people like us that hate the things they like!

Really? How horrible. I extend my sympathies to those "some people." Though, for a thing such as Animorphs where the average fan is hesitant to read it in public (and even then lays it down so the cover's not showing), I don't think this came as too much of a shock. And I think what they're having trouble accepting is that you were so malicious in getting attention for your site. It would have been *really easy* to leave a small, quiet g-book entry saying something along the lines of, "You know, I don't really like Animorphs. Go see my Anti-Whatever site!" You wouldn't have to know zip about HTML! And it would be better that you show off your extensive knowledge (as in the golden rule of never using <h2> tags).

Well, instead of us getting a life, YOU should get a life!

Thanks for that inspiring piece of advice. Though which scenario more suggests the lack of a life:

A) people who are in love with a certain book series, so much that they write articles their insights on the information in the series, post them on the internet and get involved with the other people who do so in between whatever they are doing in real life,
B) people who write a malicious, pointless hate-message about the same series just because so many people love it and they don't like that, creating an enormous amount of pointless complaints against that series and many other things?

PS: we DO read Shakespeare. And cause of you guys we are now making an Anti-Goosebumps page!

What does reading Shakespeare have to do with anything? I've read Shakespeare too, and Orwell, and Toni Morrison, and Tolkien, as well as many, many others. I think another flame had something along the lines of getting A's in reading. Well, that doesn't have to do with anything. These things are superficial and more often than not inaccurate, supposed indicators of a person's intelligence, while they actually have little to do with them. Do you think that reading Shakespeare gives you a "Smart" label and makes you immune from however many ridiculously stupid comments you make after that?

I would also like to know what Goosebumps has to do with anything. It has nothing to do with Animorphs, except it's a book series and it's published by Scholastic. I've only read 3 Goosebumps books (an extremely long time ago ... almost 5 years...) and I didn't particularly like them. Now, however, I still like Animorphs because of the various attributes in the books, not because there was another series by the same publisher.

That is all our brilliant flamer has to say for now, so for now this flame/rant is


I also got another flame from the Strangers, then the following one. At first I thought it was a *third* post from The Strangers, but I think it's mainly attributed to some guy called "Joe Cool." I tracked him down and found out he actually has his own site and e-mail, (the site has the horrendous title of "Gaymorphs"), he seems to be just hiding behind The Stranger's alias and website. This is almost an exact copy of The Strangers' second flame, the reason I didn't put a copy of that here. This third one is the worst of both worlds. My comments will be in normal white, this time.

WE'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!

That's wonderful. Thank you for telling me that. As if I couldn't already tell by the enormous, multicolored text.

Guess what kiddos? Yep! Once again, it's time to play the......

Oh, goodie! How do you play? Though I might sit out this round, if that's all the same to you.


Glad to hear of it. I'm glad to see you corrected that irritating grammatical error, "Animorphs suck still."

Haven't you peoples figured that out by now?

Apparently not. The Aniphan web communities seem to be doing just fine. And we're continuing to buy the books. I guess you'll have to wait until the books get into the 50's for us to get a clue. 

This is Joe Cool!! I'm a special friend of the Strangers!

Really? Such a good friend that you idolize them and create an imitation page of theirs? 

In case you loosers havent gessed by now, the Strangers HATE Animorphs, Pokemon, Star Wars, Buffy, Sailor Moon, Brittney Spears, and N'Sync!!!!! Because they SUCK!!!! Animorphs SUCKS!! Strangers RULE!!!!!!!!

Now you've removed all my doubts that you don't completely worship The Strangers and their Anti-Whatever site. You think that just because a person you idolize dislikes something, it must be bad. It's actually a common complex.

And we're not afraid to voice r opinins! Because ALL YOU ANIMORPHS FREEKS R DUM!!!

Are you saying that you and The Strangers (as a team) are not afraid to voice your opinions, or are you talking about yourself in plural? And why should anyone be afraid of voicing their opinions if it's a totally negative one and you have no online friends? The worst people can do is flame you back, and you people seem to enjoy that. I may be dumb, but at least I know that deliberate misspelling makes you look even more that way. (Names and alien words, that's another matter entirely ::sweatdrops::)

This is The Strangers and Joe Cool signing off! Until the next time we come back!!!!

ANIMORPHS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You mean you people are considering on going on another flame crusade? Heaven forbid. And you don't need to say "Animorphs Suck," again; you've said it, what, 15 times already?

P.S. Yes, we DO read Shakespeare! An u AniDork fans r so stupid, u read Goosebumps!!! Idiots! AniFreaks! You all suck!!!!!

See my earlier response to this same thing. The flame ends as this Joe Cool person is forced to resort to lame insults.



That's all for now! Come back later if I get more flames (though in the future I will be more prompt in getting rid of them on my guestbook and such).

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