From: ReedK79091
To: Juli885680
Subject: "AniTV_Opinion"
Date: 10/23/1999 7:32:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time


    Unfortunately, sorry, I share the webmistress's dislike for the show. In fact, I haven't seen the show in so long, I don't even know what's currently wrong with it.
    I remember how excited I was when the first episode was airing, how much I was wanting the books to be on TV. Apparently, I was asking too much. I had expected the show to be just like the books -- from the way the characters looked, spoke, and acted to the plots, what the aliens looked like, ect. But within the first two minuets of the first episode, I realized it wasn't going to be.
    I realized a lot later that the TV show shouldn't be just like the books, then what be the use of buying the books? But even then I thought the Scholastic company making the TV show could have done better. Now, I'm not going to get into all the minuscule details of why the show didn't work. I really didn't pay enough attention to the series to be able to. I'm just going to give you the reasons why I didn't like it.
    In the first episode, from what I can even remember, didn't the show start off in an arcade, in the mall? Well, then and there I figured the show wasn't going to be just like the books. Bursted my bubble. I mean don't get me wrong, Marco and Jake had just gone to the mall in the book, but they had just left, and Homer was defiantly not with them. (See how much I had wanted the TV show to be like the books? )
    Well, I could have gotten over the fact that the setting wasn't right, but Homer, a dog, in the mall? I didn't think so. And what ever happened to the construction site? Wasn't that kind of important? And the Andalites...... Don't even get me started, but Elfangor was a fuzzy puppeteer with a hockey mask on.
    I kind of draw and am creative, so, Pleaaaaase, if they redo the first episode, let me create the Andalites. I'm only 15, but I swear I could do a better job with the aliens then who ever decided to make them look like they did.
    So, in conclusion to this looong letter, I just wanted to get off my chest how much I really dislike the TV show. For all you people out there, go ahead and stick with the books. They're soooo much better than the $5 dollar budgeted show Scholastic tried to throw on the air.

                        Well, better go. Writing this letter took a lot of time.
                                                Char R. ( sounded out -- Shar
                                                            as in Charlotte, not
                                                            like that's my real