Subject: "AniTV_Opinion"
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 16:38:35 EST


I don't think you relies that everyone interprets books differently.The way we thought AniTV should be like is different for every person. The show is not half as bad as you portray it as. Must you be critical of every flaw in the entire show?? The characters don't look like they are described in the books, but that is not very important. This show is half and hour on Nick. They don't have much of a budget. You really should not be so critical of the special effects. The scripts could have been better, and the acting could be improved, but better special effects require a larger budget.

In you're review of the first episode (if it can be called a review) wasn't even trying to find any of the good points of AniTV. You're opinion of AniTV could be greatly improved if you tried to find good points in it. K.A. had no part in the making of the show, so the scripts aren't going to be as good. (Anything looks bad compared to K.A.'s writing.) These actors don't have much experience, perhaps they will improve.

AniTV could have been much better, I'll admit that. I think Brooke is the show's major flaw. AniTV could have been much worse, though. You don't have to hate it because it shows a different idea of what the Animorphs are.Your initial reaction to the show prejudiced your opinion of the AniTV.




My response:

Hmm, I was trying to be objective on my page. I do dislike the show, and I realize that they don't have that much money. But one of my main objections to the show is the fact that they made it with so little money. It would be one thing if it were made by a small, up-and-coming studio somewhere in Wyoming by a group of recent college graduates because of their vision of a television adaptation. But actually, it was made by Scholastic Productions which, if they're short of funding, they don't seem to be showing it in any ways other than their products.They didn't make the show for the sake of art, they made it because they figured with the success of the books, the show would also be a hit. They should have either invested more time and money or not made the show at all.

Okay, I see where you're coming from here. For one thing, I didn't write that review, Giulianna (who's one of my Internet friends) wrote it as one of her rants. I wanted to pick two opinions that were polar opposites of each other; one who despised the show, and another who loved it. The positive opinion was written for me by the owner of Justice For AniTV. I'm sorry it wasn't as long or detailed, but I couldn't help that. My own little episode guides had their complaints, but they are, as I call them, nit-picks. Just little (or not so little) things that detract from my enjoyment of the show.

I don't hate it because it shows a different idea of what the Animorphs are. I dislike the show because it takes out everything I like in it: the likable and identifiable characters, the engaging plots, and the themes are either diluted or simply not there. And I don't think I'm prejudiced. I wasn't expecting The X-Files or anything when I first turned into Nickelodeon to watch the show, and I was actually so new to Animorphs at the time that while I had read quite a few books, I hadn't even read The Invasion yet, so I didn't notice the little discrepancies so many people complain about. The only things that bothered me were 1) the attempts at imitating teenage slang and 2) many vital things like thought-speak, character pasts, and the technicalities of morphing were glossed over, while other scenes which weren't that important took a long time as if they had a profound significance. But as the show went on and I read more and more books,there were more and more discrepancies in adaptations from the books to the show. It's not that it's different, it that ,IMHO, they're just bad. Even more irritating was when people who clump the show and the books together, watching the show would say "How can you read Animorphs, it's so stupid!" But I'm definitely not one of those people who says, "You like the show;you're evil!"