The Animorphs Vortex

Welcome to the Vortex, the comprehensive Animorphs fanpage. Here you can find Animorphs info, neat stuff about the books and fan works, including some of my own. Lots of updates have been made, and new sections are being added, so if you haven't been through here in a while, you might want to check it again.

I would like to put up a little warning: this page contains some extreme spoilers for both the Animorphs books and for the television show. I tried to be no-spoiler, but so many other pages are (including the official site) and it's very hard to discuss the books when you have to avoid mentioning certain things and trying to guess what might be considered a spoiler and what wouldn't be. So, you probably shouldn't browse through this page unless you've already seen/read the book or episode in question, and read most books up to #37. I will avoid saying anything about the most recent books, because my bookstore gets stocked very late. ^_^

-- Intro to ANIMORPHS:
A kid's book series about a bunch of kids who turn into animals, right? Well . . . that's only the beginning!

-- Character Bios:
An in-depth look at the Animorphs characters, their various quirks and the things that make us love them and hate them so much. Updates coming soon!

-- Books:
A guide to all of the Animorphs books. Short summaries and comments, plus I'm gradually updating them to make them more complete guides as I re-read the books.

-- AniTV:
Since this is supposed to be a complete, informative Animorphs site, I decided not to let my dislike of the TV show get in the way of there being a page for one.

-- Animorph Encyclopedia:
All the alien terms and names of Animorphs, alphabetized for your convenience.


Art, poetry, and stories in the Animorphs universe.

--Opinions and Editorials:
On various issues and topics involving Animorphs.

--Writing and Analysis:
About the actual books; character introspection, theories, and themes.

-Humor and Fun Stuff:
Lists, collections and miscellaneous items.

-Message Board:
Speak out! Let the world know your opinions! Post on the Vortex board! Lots of cool factoids and topics.

--Sign my Guestbook:
Make an impact on the Vortex! Please!

--View the Guestbook:
What other adventurers have traversed here?

-- Awards Won:
Yes, this page has gotten awards! Multiple awards!

-- Mailbag:
Some of the interesting, intelligent, and/or messed up views of people who have visited this site.

-- About the Webmisstress[es]

Learn about the human-Controller who made this site. Dare you find out?


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  I have a few split personalities


ANIMORPHS is a registered trademark of Scholastic, Inc. copyrighted 1996. Animorphs books belong to K.A. Applegate. This site was created for entertainment and informative purposes only, for Animorphs fans such as myself. All images except for AniVortex logo by David Mattingly.

The Animorphs Vortex © 1999 by Julie. All text content of this website is original unless stated otherwise, and information comes from the Animorphs books, the official Scholastic site as well as various other sited sources.



Any injuries, eyestrain, illness or seizures experienced after viewing this site are not the responsibility of the site owner and maintainer. Nor are any spelling errors. They were caused by malfunctions in the English part of my universal translator. If you should spot any of these malfunctions, please note them and tell me what they are -- I'll be happy to fix them.