To me, 3x3 Eyes had a good storyline, strong character development, and plenty of violence and gore. Within the first 10 minutes of the story, there is a gory killing scene. I won't ruin it for you and say who it is.
The first four episodes, which were contained in a collection called "3x3 Eyes: The Perfect Collection", were very well made. The animation was great, the dubbed voices matched the characters well, and the storyline was very easy to understand, although at times just too choppy to follow. It kinda revolves around this guy named Yakumo who is supposed to help this Sanjiyan, Pai, become human. In order to do this, they need to find the statue of Humanity. It isn't as simple as it seems, though. They go through many a trouble to get that stupid thing. And where we are in the series, they STILL haven't got it (we haven't watched our fansubs yet!!)
The fifth episode, which was contained on a separate tape, "the Decendant" was not as good. The animation was still very detailed and rich, the story was still good. However, there was a rather explicit nude doll floating around throughout most of the tape. And blood fans- (the Dorothy Catalonia Fan Club... if you haven't watched Gundam Wing, then ignore that last comment....) you still get the gore you have been so eagerly awaiting from the first four episodes. Oh yeah, and this takes place about two years after the first episodes. Pai has had her Sanjiyan powers sealed and doesn't remember any of her past, including Yakumo and her quest to become a human.
If you get the chance to grab a hold of the first graphic novel, do so. This contains episode 1. The pictures are still explicit, so be careful. However, the introduction is done by Rob Zombie himself (which is REALLY cool!!!!) so pick it up if possible! :) Plus the manga is way better than the anime.
3 x 3 Eyes is most definitely not for children. You want to rent it? Make sure you can handle the blood- it is EXTREMELY gory, and I am NOT making an understatement. There is some reference to sexual content in it, but as far as I know, no actual sexual scenes are shown. There is some minimal swearing, too.
4/5 It's good in the first part, but it kinda gets lost under all the blood and gore. Plus they leave a great many parts out from the manga and it is quite choppy.
Character Development
5/5 Good, all of the characters were pretty well developed, all the major ones anyway.
Plot Depth
5/5 It has good potential.
5/5 Good music. I love the 3 x 3 eyes freakish-type music.
Sexual Content
4/5 There were references to it, and they worked at a bar where the men dressed as women. You kind of get this weird disturbing picture in your head as you read the manga or watch the movie.
2/5 There was way too much in the decendant, and a little bit in the perfect collection.
2/5 There was extreme violence in both, such as graphically depicted decapitations, limbs getting torn off, livers getting ripped out... etc.
5/5 Pretty good, at times it could have been better, but you have to remember the budget Streamline Pictures had to work with (it wasn't big).
4/5 Swearing, there is some, but not that much to be bothersome. Just your normal, everyday swear words.
Overall goodness
4/5 I liked it, but the manga is much better. Obviously the Anime portrays the blood better, but still... let's not sacrifice the story here, people!
Totals: 40/50, or pretty good. I liked it although it was choppy.
3x3 Eyes, a personal favorite.. I do love this show... but I am skittish (skittleeeeeee) to recommend it to people.. WHY?? IF YOU LOVE IT SO MUCH, YOU SHOULD TELL PEOPLE, YOU HYPOCRITE!! Because! There is so much violence!! And when I showed it to a few of my more... um.. love story, happy ending type friends, one nearly "tossed her cookies" watching someone get hit by the bus, while I laughed merrily and rewound it to see the violence again!! (Sorry, Dorothy.. but not ALL bloodshed is that wonderful as seeing people get hit by buses) So, may I NOT exaggerate, this is pretty much the most violent one I have seen to date, and I have seen quite aplenty.
Well, Yakumo has lived alone most of his life. His dad is somewhere in Tibet and hasn't contacted him for four years. He's kinda mad about that. But his mother left 'cause his dad's a nut. Not really, but he's obsessed with proving an ancient tribe called the "Sanjiyan" exist. They're three-eyeballed creatures with cool powers and stuff. And they are really crabby. Or maybe that's just the one WE get to meet!! Suddenly, on his motorcycle, he nearly hits this chicky-poo. She just sits and looks at his with one eye half-open. He takes her to his workplace, a bar where he's a psuedo-transvestite!! ^_^!! She tells him that she knew his father. Knew? Yeah, he's dead and she carries his skull. O_O Yakumo is "destined" to help her and all that wonderful stuff. Her name is Pai. (looks like it sounds and sounds like it looks) She's a SANJIYAN!! AUGH! And all that wonderful stuff.
In 3x3 Eyes 2, (or the fifth episode) Pai doesn't know she's Pai. Well, not the REAL Pai. She doesn't know her past, and most DEFINITELY not Yakumo. He's been looking for her forever. And she does NOT care. But, she's living with her "grandparents" and stuff. These dolls come to life to steal her away, and Yakumo defends her. She's all thankful and crap. And THEN... this nakee doll, yes, loverly and QUITE detailed, comes and tries to kill her. Then it possesses her best friends... augh. We never expected them to be evil, with their eyes all a glowy red and no shines. The the cool monster comes. It has an eyeball in it's mouth. (how can the monster eat? Wouldn't that hurt his eye?) And other fun violent stuff.
5/5 Wonderful and STUFF! (I am "stuffy" tonight)
Character Development
5/5 Good, and all that stuff that happened in the past.
Plot Depth
5/5 Love and monsters and violence and people dying. It's a good thing.
5/5 Gooey goo
Sexual Content
4/5 Yeah, the comments, and then there's the scene where Mei-shin gets tortured. That is NOT a pretty sight. This monster is trying to uh.. wait and see. Then the.. yeah. Booby grabbing.
3/5 The naked doll. No nudity in the Perfect Collection. But the DOLL! THE STUPEE DOLLIE! (I sound so intellegent)
2/5 Splooty splat and splooty sploot. Oh, boy! I LOVE violence.. too bad there's so much. Now I have to rate it low.
5/5 Loverly
4/5 They swear. Yeah. Big fat and hairy deal (eeeew, hairy!)
Overall goodness
5/5 It was great! ^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^ happy clones (no, that has nothing to do with the show)
Totals: 43/50, or It was GOOOOOOOOO! BUT TOO NAKEE!
TOTALS PUT TOGETHER: 41.5/50 we both liked it a lot.
***We have this series professionally owned on DVD. We are no longer bad.***
Title: | 3 x 3 Eyes (Sazan Eyes) |
Original Creator: | Yuzo Takada |
Year: | 1994 |
Licensed by: | Pioneer (The earlier version was obtained by Streamline Pictures) |
Length: | 200 min |
Rating: (not professional) | R (blood and gore, some nudity, and mature situations) |
Number of Tapes: | 2 |
Price for individual tape: | $29.98 for each tape, same price for dub and sub. |
Box Set? Price: | Yes, $59.96 (both dubbed and subbed) |
Number of DVD's: | 1 |
Price for individual DVD: | $64.98 |
Box Set? Price: | No |
Comments: | 3 x 3 Eyes is a series recommended to viewers who like blood and gore. It is a rather odd love-type story, which is something for the female viewers. The sweet motorcycles and flying guts are sure to appeal to the men of the crowd. We recommend you see it subbed over dubbed. |