Overall Grade: B (85%) Pretty good, some characters were neglected, and it was a little too drawn out. Some sexual content, and ther was plenty 'o nudees. Violence, of course, and some weird people. Very hateable and likeable chracters. Only three caused problems. We really didn't like two "good" characters, and really liked one "bad" guy.

Heather's Fushigi Yugi Review

Fushigi Yugi is a story about a girl named Miaka Yuki who has been best friends with Yui Hongo since kindergarten (or maybe younger, I can't remember since it took a whole year for me to get a hold of the entire series). One day, while at the library to get books to study for their high school entrance exams, Miaka sees a red bird fly into a room off limits to customers. She follows it up and finds a book, "The Universe of the Four Gods". Yui comes upstairs, too. They open the book, and it is written in ancient Chinese. As Yui (who just so happens to know this language) starts to read, they get sucked into the book.

From here on out, it is a story about how Miaka (who is actually semi-intelligent at this point in the story) learns that she is the legendary Priestess of Suzaku and she needs to find seven warriors. If she succeeds in doing this, then she has three wishes that she can have granted for her. Sounds simple, right? Well, not really. Yui gets sucked back into their world again and continues reading. Miaka eventually wants to go back, Yui gets put in the book in place of Miaka, and terrible things happen to her... kind of. She finds out that she is the Priestess of Seiryuu, which means that her and Miaka are enemies. Like the Priestess of Suzaku, she gets three wishes granted if she gathers all seven of her warriors.

To lessen your apparent boredom, I'll sum up the rest in a few short sentences. Miaka falls in love with Tamahome. They call out each other's names a lot. Yui thinks she is in love with Tamahome...then Nakago...blah blah... the series is too drawn-out... -_-()

Heather's ratings


5/5 I liked it, but there are too many side-stories that may make you think about them instead of what is really happening.

Character Development

4/5 I could go on and on about poor Mitsukake and Chiriko, but I WONT... (strains herself not to rant and rave about how poorly they were developed for Warriors...)*grimace*

Plot Depth

5/5 The plot gets deeper as you continue on through the story. There are un-needed things in it though!


4/5 It tends to repeat itself. They just use different versions of the same somg. I finally found out in the last episode what the last word is in the closing song. For those of you wondering, it is "Meow."

Sexual Content

4/5 Nakago rapes people (or at least SAYS he does, big-headed jerk)


4/5 Nakago is naked a lot, so is Miaka, and Yui, and Tamahome, and Soi...etc


4/5 Things get killed, people die, and people get beat up. There are wars going on between two countries.


5/5 Most of the time it is pretty good. Considering it is a TV show, too.


4/5 They swear a bit, and there are some really nasty comments made by the many gaywads on the show (but not by Nuriko!! -_^)

Overall goodness

5/5 I liked it, but there was some raunchy stuff they could have cut out to make the thing shorter!

Totals: 44/50, very good, and I recommend it to any shojo fan. This is a show full of hot guys. 0_0 (especially poor neglected Chichiri!)

Megan's Fushigi Yugi Review

First things first. Too long. Many many scenes that were just plain unnessessary. On the 11th and 12th tapes. The Nakago/Miaka thing was just not even relevant to the storyline. ANYWAY...

Two girls get sucked into another world and get saved by a VERY cute guy. His name? Tamahome, of course! Shortly afterwards, Yui, the blondie, gets to go back to the "real" world. Miaka.. the brunette.. (baka miaka..) finds Hotohori.. he's a man. YES, a man. Sexy, may I add. HAHAHAHA (girlish laughter.) BUT! The very best is yet to come.. the third warrior, NURIKO! Well. . . in the beginning, I just wished Nuriko would go away. But later on, Nurik's the coolest of cool. . . kindof. ANYWAY.. then there's Chichiri, a real cutie-pie, with the blue hair. Everybody's life is sad and depressing. Oh, well! On with the sexy men! Mitsukake, an OLDER type, but not as old and ugly as NAKAGO!! HAHAHA! He's 25, and Mitsukake is only 22. I just abhor Nakago. He's not really old... oh well! Tasuki is the fire-obsessed guy with orange hair.. I know way too much about that guy. And Chiriko, the 13 year old genius. OH NO! I just told you everything there is to know about CHIRIKO!! I'm so sorry! So the warriors are going to summon SUZAKU! I'll leave it at that.. At least I have something useful to say.

Anyway, the book is called "The Universe of the Four Gods". There's an old lady in there named Taitskoon. (I spelled that wrong) She is the narrator and she tells them (the Suzaku warriors) that there are four gods. (ohmigod, Never saw that one coming, with the title of the book and all) Suzaku, Seiryu, and two others. It doesn't matter anyway. The battle ends up being between Seiryu and Suzaku. Miaka, the Preistess of Suzaku, fights the Priestess of Seiryu. OOH. There are lots of good thigs in this series, but it gets WAY too drug out. After the eleventh tape or so, it's like - D@$$ you! Ya coulda ended it right then and there, but NOOOO! Anyway, the bad part is that it's too long. You begin to just want it to get over. The beginning - mwah! Loverly! Good series - too long. Another series brought down by those terrible things. . .

Megan's ratings


5/5 Goo! Goo!

Character Development

4/5 Pretty good.. but CHIRIKO! And MITSUKAKE!! And MEBOSHI! Not that anyone really cares.

Plot Depth

5/5 Deep, moving thinking, ALIVE!


4/5 Meow.

Sexual Content

3/5 Oh, please don't get me started on the rape thing. Nakago is a poo-poo head. That's all I will say about that. Soi is a prostitute...


3/5 Naked people galore.


4/5 Pretty violent, actually.


5/5 Pretty goo, I'd say.


4/5 "Poo on YOU, Nakago!"

Overall goodness

5/5 Good, but could have better. (more Nuriko!) Actually, I think it was slightly drug out, but was pretty good. Mitsukake and Chiriko definitely would have been better had they been developed more.

Totals: 41/50, good, but definetly could have been better.

TOTALS: 42.5/50 Very nice, very goo.

***We own it dubbed, (what'd ya think, we were really rich?! To won it subbed... that amount of $$$ scares us...) professionally done and uncut!***