mmm, old people skin.. or barf.. which is what we want to do about now

Overall Grade: F!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! (50%) That's WAY too high. This show sucked!! It was awful! IT GOT AN F! HAHAHAHA! Well, not that we're done bveing vengeful for our unfornunate time wasted watching this piece of CRAP. . . yeah. Nudity, swearing, violence, sexual content, etc, etc. Go eat rat poison and save yourself some brain cells instead of wacthing this. (not literally! STAY AWAY FROM THE RAT POISON!)

Heather's Knights of Ramune Review

Oh my god, where do I start? First off, this series left way too much to your imagination. Take for example, the plotline! There was none until the last tape, when it was all hurled at you within a five minute time-span. It was all rather uneventful until the last tape, also. Another thing would be that it had the potential to be good- if they gave the characters a little bit more personality. They were all just bimbos named after food. No, I am not lying. And half of those were alcholic drinks, mind you. The variety of well-named characters included:
Cacao- Grabs herself constantly and moans 'cuz she can- she's the holy virgin.... uh-huh... and she's named after a nut. Does this make sense to you, too?
Parfait- Doesn't grab herself much but is constantly naked. Why? 'Cuz you have to be to pilot the holy mech, of course! Also, she is incredibly annoying QUESTION? Is Parfait annoying? And the answer- YES!!! (she says "Question!" alot).
Lemon- Her name says it all. She's an annoying little brat who is secretly horny for Parfait.
PiQu- an annoying blob who is perverted and...annoying.
Electone- An incredibly possessive android-woman who loves Ramunes.
Cocktail- A "military commander" who wears "military" outfits with nipple-clips. How eccentric.
Drum- Originally from Lamune. They hang her naked on a wall and she says "sir ra-mune-es".
Ramunes- An okay guy in Lamune (the series before this- trust me, you don't need to see that one before you see this one- this has no plot until the last tape, and it isn't too hard to figure out, either) but horribly cruel in Ramune, and also annoying as hell.
Don Vodka- Hey he was kinda cool. He was an android-dude who played absolutely no significant role except telling you the whole plot in five minutes.
Samuel Adams- Nah, just kidding. There wasn't one. I just like to make lame jokes.

Well, the music was excellent! I do give this series credit for that, at least. The animation was good, too. Pretty detailed, especially on naked breasts. *scoff*

Heather's ratings


1/5 Let us save the Twinkle-Spirit world. (that is the plot hurled at you)

Character Development

2/5 God, they are all retarded women!

Plot Depth

1/5 It had potential.


5/5 I looooovvvvveeee the opening song!

Sexual Content

3/5 There were scenes, but no detail, really. Just boob-grabbing, laying in a bed together, kissing, and hand-up-a-skirt fun and goodness.


1/5 Way too much. Every single episode has a ton of it!


4/5 Well, uh, I guess there is the electricuting scene- yes, that's what I love to see. S & M with Cacao. She gets electricuted and her boobs bounce insanely.


5/5 It's actually good.


4/5 They swear and all that wonderful stuff.

Overall goodness

1/5 I laugh at the creators of this. HA HA HA... I can do better. And THATS bad.

Totals: 27/50, or god, spare me from this horrid torture. Please?

Megan's Knights of Ramune Review!

Knights of Ramune.. where do I start? Well, let's start off by introducing Cacao and Parfait. (cah-cow and par-fay) Cacao is a large breasted woman who grabs herself and moans a lot. She screams, too. She's naked a lot. Cool hair, but that's about it. Parfait. A small-breasted woman, who is naked a lot too. The storyline: In general, save the Twinkle Spirit world that Ramunes and Cacao and Parfait created or something. That's it! I'm done being so pooping nice! (except the music was really cool and the characters were cute when they were clothed. And.. I think that's all I liked)

IT SUCKS!! THEY ARE ALWAYS NAKED AND THERE IS NO PLOT AND I HOPE ALL THE CHARACTERS DIE AND ESPECIALLY RAMUNE AND CACAO!! RAMUNE IS A BIG PERVERT WHO ALWAYS GRABS WOMEN'S BREASTS AND ACTS AS IF THEY ARE FRESH WATERMELONS TO BE PICKED!! THEY ARE NOT!! THE ONLY GOOD THING ABOUT THE SHOW IS THE MUSIC! The music ruled, by the way. All the battle scenes you see in the opening song and in the ads, they don't exist. The mechs suck. The characters suck. The plot, when there WAS one, was actually okay. But they threw it all at you in one episode! And after that, there wasn't any plot again! Just a bunch of naked women!! And Electone.. you need to get yourself a life.. you are obsessed with Ramune. And Ramune, you need a soul. You are a horrid person, I hope you suffer horribly in Hell, and you have to stop grabbing women as if they are playtoys of which for you to play with. Cacao! You have single-handedly disgusted me from anything to DO with your retarded show!! Breasts do NOT bounce incessantly when you are being electrocuted! You need to learn that clothes are for COVERING you, not to be dropped on the ground so you can arouse yourself!! Parfait! You have to learn that mechs can be piloted WITH clothing on! Lemon can do it, why can't you? Both of you women are STUPID Holy Virgins, whatever THEY had to do with your retarded plot!! How can Cacao's mommy be a Holy VIRGIN?? Cacao's MOTHER?? SHE CANNOT BE A VIRGIN!! SOOOO THERE!! I did like Piqu. (pee-kew) She was a cutie. I don't mind seeing Piqu's little butt wiggling in the end! It was actually CUTE! And I sortof liked Lemon. She was cute, too. And through MOST of the show, she was clothed. NO breasts to grab, so she was rated HIGH!! YAHOO! And now, to finish my review with the FINAL blow... I think. YOU ALL SUCK AND I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL! The whole show is virtually plotless and the characters are annoying, they are all named after alcoholic drinks. Like say, Don Vodka, Leecore, I think there was a Champagne, but who cares? I hated Ramune and I am thankful it is finally over. (I endured much much torture). At least I'm not bitter, right?

Megan's ratings


2/5 It sucked. The VERY SMALL plot they had was kinda cool.

Character Development

1/5 I hated all the characters. They needed no more development. I saw Cacao's naked chest enough times to realize that she must be desireable.

Plot Depth

1/5 We are swimming in a drop of water here, baby. (in other words, I hate you, RAMUNE!! And also in other words, it was very shallow)


5/5 OH YEAH! THE BEST PART OF THE WHOLE SHOW!! I loved the music!! Yamate yoshite sawaranaide BABY!! heh heh!

Sexual Content

0/5 Can we say.. CLEAN?? No, apparently we cannot! There was far too much. WAY WAY WAY too much.


0/5 I can't even begin to say how much nudity is in here. It was totally unnessessary and totally inappropriate.


4/5 Enough to rate it low. AWFUL!


5/5 Actually, pretty good.


5/5 CRAP! Couldn't they have at least added something so I can rate it LOW??

Overall goodness

0/5 HORRID. It corrupted my mind and please, save yourself some brain cells and hang upside down or eat rat poison. Instead of wasting your money on this work of crap.

Totals: 23/50, or horrid, mind-corrupting crap. Please.. don't watch Ramune and download the MP3 or midi or SOMETHING of the songs. Because the music totally ruled, the show in general totally sucked. Arigato.. not that you'd listen to me.

TOTAL SCORE : 25/50 Or we have better things to do than to watch THIS. Such as exist?

***I always pick the worst anime to watch (megumi baka baka... like Maze...)! From Comic Junction.. oooh, a real keeper. More like hit it with a bat until the damage is minimized to our minds.***