Overall Grade: A (94%) The usual Moonie stuff. Violence and swearing and buttcracks. And cool moon-like things.

Heather's Sailor Moon S Review

A meteor crashes to Earth. A scientist-dude looks at it and brings it back home to do studies on it. Why'd he do that? He lives in Tokyo. If you do that in Tokyo something evil will come of it, I promise you. Anyway, the crystal emits horrid energy drainers and makes people fall sickly-like. Luna gets a fever while walking home and passes out in the street. The scientist saves her and takes care of her. He gives her a yellow ribbon. Every day now she returns to visit him. He talks to her about his studies on the meteor, and how his fascination is with the moon goddess. He believes one lives on the moon, buut his girlfriend does not. And SHE is the one who actually gets to go to the moon. Anyway, she's rude to Luna and the scientist gets mad at her.

Guess what? Luna falls in love with the human and asks to be turned human so she can experience that kind of love. Well evil snow queen Kaguya is trying to freeze over earth, and take people's pure heart crystals. So guess what else? Sailor Moon must save all of the world again and try to get Luna's wish for her. Just what happens you'll never know unless you watch it... do I have you intrigued? Too bad if I don't- that's the best I can do.

Heather's ratings


5/5 Good Sailor-moony stuff. Luna is in this one more, though and that's cool.

Character Development

5/5 Good. Luna is such a cutie, but Artemis is more!

Plot Depth

5/5 It was good and deep, just as you can expect from a Sailor Moon movie.


5/5 Good. Addicting.

Sexual Content

5/5 None.


4/5 Just transformations, buttcracks and all, but hey- it's part of the human anatomy. At least, we all HOPE it is.


4/5 People die and the enemy gets attacked and blah blah blah.


5/5 It was good animation as usual.


4/5 Makoto swears, I believe. LITA swears. Sorry.

Overall goodness

5/5 I liked it, it was good, and all the usual stuff.

Totals: 47/50 I thought this one was especially cute. I suppose you can figure out why, but I can't tell you because some people don't like spoilers.

Megan's Sailor Moon S Review

Sailor Moon..okay! So let us begin.. A scientist sees a "shooting star" fall to Earth. He runs out to the place where he saw it fall, and takes it back to his home. BIG MISTAKE!! That was sent by an evil enemy! OH NO. You never expected THAT one.

Luna's getting annoyed with Usagi (Serena), and she's not feeling well. Luna wants to go home. Artimis offers to escort her, but she declines. Luna gets a fever, and has trouble walking. She faints in the street, and the scientist saves her life, nearly getting hit by a car in the process. He takes her home to help her get better. He stays with her the whole night. Luna finds this touching, and she gets taught all about the moon. The scientist has a girlfriend, and she's actually GOING to the moon. His girlfriend doesn't like his obsession with the Moon goddess. He believes one really lives there. His girlfriend? Nah. She's very serious, and I did NOT like her. She was a total witch!! (not literally, mind you!) Luna returns home, with a yellow ribbon tied around her neck. She remembers the scientist fondly. He was a nice guy. Soon, he falls ill. That really sucked. It was the crystal, the "shooting star". Luna wants to help. But she's only a cat, and she is honestly in love with the scientist. She wishes she could be a human girl, so she could experience the love that humans get to have with each other. Usagi is touched by this, (that would be aka Serena) They fight the BIG BAD LADY. She wants to freeze over Earth. Yeah. Why? She just wants to. Most enemies don't really have a purpose. Whatever will become of the scientist? Will Luna ever get her wish? YOU NEVER KNOW!! Sailor Moon's got magic.. MOOOON.... TIARAAAA..... MAGIC!

Megan's ratings


5/5 Pretty good, if I do say so myself.

Character Development

5/5 Oh, we know the Moon Princess bit already!! But we got to find out more about Luna, and her feelings.

Plot Depth

5/5 It was good, that's true.


5/5 Sailor Moon always has pretty good music.

Sexual Content

5/5 None.


4/5 Oh, the nakee transformations, all that. There was a naked woman, too.


4/5 Surprising.. uncut it's more intended for an older audience! They kill things. I know, threatening.


5/5 Sailor Moon's animation DEFINITELY improves!!


4/5 Makoto (Lita) is a potty-mouth

Overall goodness

5/5 I liked it a lot. Yeah, I cried. It was just so GOOD!

Totals: 47/50, or good! YAY!!

TOTALS (both reviews coined together) 47/50. Goo. Very goo.

*** Sheila, subbed, uncut. We also own, DUBBED AND CUT.. hey! It was a present... ***