Overall Grade: A (98.9%) One of our very favorites! Dark and creepy-like, and oh so mysterious. No nudity, no swearing, no nothing! Miyu's laugh is the best!

Heather's Vampire Princess Miyu review

Vampire Princess Miyu is a story for more of an open mind. You need to follow a complex storyline about vampires (obviously) The Shinma, eternal life, and the realization of what makes life so great is death itself.

This series is one of my very favorites. I plan on buying it as soon as I can get the money for it. The characters are well developed and all have deep personalities. You don't find out the history of several until the very last episode, which tells all about Miyu's life and some of Himiko's. I guess no one knows much about Larva.

I also would like to say that it doesn't have any nudity in it! YAY!! There is almost no profanity at all and the music really adds to the effect.

Heather's ratings


5/5 It was complex and easy to follow- if you are a thinker!

Character Development

5/5 Done very well on all except Larva- although I think he was supposed to be "mysterious"

Plot Depth

5/5 Very deep, if you're not a thinker, don't watch this!


5/5 I love that freaky bell-chimes music!

Sexual Content

5/5 there was talk about it, and the word "virgin" was mentioned.


5/5 None whatsoever.


4/5 Some shootings, deaths, and vampiristic blood feasts going on


5/5 Very good for the early 90's, and it could go by today's standards, too.


5/5 Maybe one or two swear words.

Overall goodness

5/5 I liked it A LOT. Highly reccommended (more to the fans of the occult)!

Totals: 49/50, or WOW!! What an excellent series! Recommended by me!

Megan's Review

I loved it so much!! Vampire Princess Miyu is SO UNIQUE. (as we all know, I LOVE unique things. I wanted a pot that looked like an ugly monkey because it was unique.) And the story!! EEP! This is a must have for my collection! HAHAHAH! I liked Miyu and Larva the best. Miyu cause.. well, let's see, she's a vampire, can grant eternal life, got neato hair, cool clothes, and a Shinma! Larva cause he IS a Shinma (sounds like Shin-Ra, doesn't it?) Oh, and a cape, a cool mask, and when it's not on his face, he's cute!!

Miyu is a thirteen year old girl who is destined to banish Shinma back to the Dark from whence they came. She has an assistant, Larva, who is really really cool, along with Miyu. They are just doing their job, giving people eternal life who want it. THEN, Himiko the spiritualist comes along, and tries to stop them. This would be bad. She messes everything up. And thensome.

Megan's ratings


5/5 DEEP. I nearly drownded. BUT! That's good

Character Development

5/5 I liked this alot, the style inwhich it was told.

Plot Depth

5/5 Philosophical.



Sexual Content

5/5 None. Zip. NANI!!


5/5 There was a nudee doll, but it's nothing.


4/5 Dribble. Miyu, wipe your mouth. The violence is small, nothing to be concerned about.


5/5 Pretty good


5/5 Maybe two swear words total. If any at all.

Overall goodness

5/5 It was very good, and I am happy to announce that I own it!


TOTALS PUT TOGETHER: 49.45/50 we both liked it a lot.

***We bought both tapes: subtitled and unedited.***