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Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Power Systems


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A structure of many ADALINE units.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT) An independent, coeducational university located in Cambridge, MA, USA.
The MathWorks, Inc., see MATLAB
An interactive program from The MathWorks for high-performance numeric computation and visualisation. MATLAB integrates numerical analysis, matrix computation, signal processing, and graphics in an easy-to-use environment. MATLAB is built on sophisticated matrix software for analysing linear equations. The tools supplied can be used for applied mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering, finance and other areas dealing with complex numerical calculations.
The McCulloch-Pitts neuron is the basic building block of neural networks. It receives one or more inputs and produces one or more identical outputs, each of which is a simple non-linear function of the sum of the inputs to the neuron. The non-linear function is typically a threshhold or step function which is usually smoothed (i.e. a sigmoid) to facilitate learning.
membership function
See fuzzy subset.
memetic algorithm
A genetic algorithm or evolutionary algorithm which includes a non-genentic local search to improve genotypes. The term comes from the Richard Dawkin's term "{meme}". One big difference between memes and genes is that memes are processed and possibly improved by the people that hold them - something that cannot happen to genes. It is this advantage that the memetic algorithm has over simple genetic or evolutionary algorithms. These algorithms are useful in solving complex problems, such as the "Travelling Salesman Problem," which involves finding the shortest path through a large number of nodes, or in creating artificial life to test evolutionary theories.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Monte Carlo
(After Monte Carlo, Monaco - a notorious gambling mecca) Any one of various methods involving statistical techniques, such as the use of random samples, to finding the solutions to mathematical or physical problems.
multilayer perceptron
A network composed of more than one layer of neurons, with some or all of the outputs of each layer connected to one or more of the inputs of another layer. The first layer is called the input layer, the last one is the output layer, and in between there may be one or more hidden layers.

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