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Welcome to Annie Lynn's Home
Page. Here you'll find some info about Annie along with great photos which you can
purchase. Browse through the site, and if you have any questions or want to buy some
photos, feel free to contact Annie via e-mail at: AnnieK01@aol.com |

Annie Lynn Klepacki is a
competitive heavyweight bodybuilder out of Wilmington, DE USA. she has been training
for 4 years and has competed for 2 years. Her contest placings are as follows: |
'97 NPC Womens'
Extravaganza ~ 3rd HW
'97 NPC New York City ~ 3rd HW'98
NABBA Keystone Classic ~ 1st HW
'98 NPS NY Grand Prix ~ 1st HW & Overall (National Qualifier)
'98 NPS Lehigh Valley ~ 1st HW
'99 Annie Lynn took year off to put more
size on her symmetrical 5'9" frame. |

e-mail Annie !
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Site created and maintained by Diane Tonne