Tremere Philisophy and Sayings
These are the sayings our brothers and sisters use around the world.
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ine Pyramide nihil sumus
Without the Pyramid we are nothing
Vim Pyramidis in saxibus quadratis
The strength of the Pyramid is in the
Pyramidis tenet sanguine, sed ratio
The Pyramid is kept together (gets its
strength from) the blood, but also from
rationality (its order)
Hodie animi nostri, postridie orbis.
Today our souls, tomorrow the world.
Mors principium est
Death is the beginning.
Scientia non est potentia, quae
prologum potentia solidum est.
Knowledge is not power, but the prelude
to power.
Facies quatro Pyramidis sunt: Velle,
Noscere, Audere et Tacere.
The four sides of the Pyramid is to will,
to know, to dare and to keep silent.
Ne invoces expellere non possis
Do not call up that you cannot put down
Sub Pyramidis umbra sumus
We stand in the shadow (protection) of
the Pyramid.
Nox praesidium nostri
The Night is our protection.

Arcane Words
Being of the night, night-wanderer
Natus Cainum
The children of Caine.
Domus et genus Tremere
The House and Clan of Tremere
Tremerid, Tremere-descendant (Greek).
Life (Blood in vampiric-occult context)
Force, energy.
The water of blood, its mundane content.
Spilt blood.
Sanguis malus
Evil blood.
Sanguinis vinculum
Blood Bond
Ultio sanguinus cujus
Revenge of the blood.
Ars Magna et Ultima
The great and ultimate art, thaumaturgy.
Arcanum Arcanissimum
The secret of secrets.

Arcane Sayings
Frontis nulla fides
Do not trust appearances.
Bestiae sumus, ut non bestiae simus
Beasts we are, lest we beasts become.
Scientia est potentia
Knowledge is power.
Exercitato Artem Parat
Exercise gives skill.
Sunt pueri pueri, pueri puerilia
Children are children, and do childish
Labor improbus omnia vincit
Great labor overcomes everything.
Quid vesper ferat, incertum est
What the evening brings is uncertain.
Non est discipulus super magistrum
nec servus super dominum.
The apprentice is not over the teacher,
nor is the slave over his master.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decepiatur
The world wants to be fooled, thus it is
Omne ignotum pro magnifico est
Everything unknown seems magnificent.
Repetitio est mater studiorum
Repetition is the mother of study.
Cavendi nulla est dimittenda occasio
No occasion to be alert is to be
In re dubia melius est verbis edicti
In uncertain cases its best to follow
Pretium Scientiae.
The price of knowledge.
Scientia ultima stat pretio ultime
Ultimate knowledge costs the ultimate
In fidelitate et veritate universas ab
In universal truth and loyalty in eternity.
Carpe noctem!
Sieze the night!

Words of Thaumaturgy
Fiat ignem.
Let there be fire.
Scribit, fiet
So it shall be written, so shall it be.
Sanguis vitam est
The blood is the life.
Sanguis est vim
The blood is the power.
Vitae animum nobis est
The blood is your soul.
Vis tecum sit!
May the force be with you! (Tremere
Sanguis est ignem et aquam.
The blood is fire and water.
Oculo omnividens te vigilet
May the all-seing eye watch over you
Nomen est. Res non est.
The name exists, the thing does not exist.
Nunc nox, mox lux
Now it is night, suddenly it is day.

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