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November 14 2002:

    Ok I am moving us all over to www.odysseyclan.net I hope this goes smoothly. There I have unlimited space and bandwidth. Here I have 20 megs and about 200 bandwidth. So... Thats all for now. I might upload some |oT| sprays later.

November 12 2002:

    I have added a downloads section. Right now it only has some sprays I made. Later I will make some with |oT| in them. I am trying to get the other site up. I have the domain name www.odysseyclan.net, but am currently unable to upload files to it. I am trying to get it going as soon as possible though because I will have much more space there than I do here and its a better site name.

    Clan match is cancelled. They say we had to forfeit because they weren't willing to reschedule. LOL!! I think they were just afraid of our Ub3r 1337n355iii Oh well. We came in and asked for a reschedule and then the admin said ok. We went to play for rec. the night the match was originally set for and they claimed we were still playin that night. WTF???!! So they say we forfeit and they don't want to rematch so I think they are just afraid. If any clans out there want to know who we are talking about there tag is |n3o| and this is their current IP, server is a bit laggy tho: Neo-Gladiators |n3o|

November 10 2002:

    We are Back!!! I am still making some major changes to the layout. As for the server... I plan on renting out a permanent one for practices and matches and so forth.

    Other news: we are now the Counter-Strike division of clan |oT| most of the current members are all from ODY but check out our new roster section for more info.

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