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35 Revisited
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Background Image: Wall scene from the tomb of Ramesses II (KV 7.) From Karl
Richard Lepsius, Denkmäler (Berlin: 1849-1859.)

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Dynasty Gallery I Learn more about
the 21'st
Nodjmet (c. 1080?-1074?
B.C. Dated to husband's reign.) 21'st
Dynasty Provenance: DB 320 (in side room "D") Discovery Date:
1881 Current Location:
Cairo Museum CG61087
See Nodjmet's Coffins

Biographical data Details:
The mummy of Nodjmet was partly unwrapped by
Gaston Maspero on June 1'st 1886. G. E. Smith continued the unwrapping on
Sept. 13'th, 1906, but only removed the remaining wrappings from areas of
the body that were of special relevance to his study of ancient Egyptian
embalming practices. Smith points out that, as
one of the earliest mummies from the 21'st Dynasty, Nodjmet's is of
special interest because it provides one of the first examples of the
newer mummifying techniques initiated by the embalmers, probably inspired
by their inspection of earlier mummies that had been restored and reburied
in the caches. This mummy represents a transitional phase in the
adoption of the new embalming methods. No attempt was made to insert
materials under the skin via incisions, as in the case of later
21'st Dynasty mummies. Instead, the embalmers applied padding, wax, and
other cosmetics directly to the surface of the skin in order to give the
mummy a more life-like appearance. In order to fill out Nodjmet's face,
her mouth was tightly packed with sawdust and her nose filled with resin.
Artificial eyebrows, made of hair, were attached to her face with some
type of adhesive substance, possibly resin. A wig was added, which gives
the mummy a youthful look by concealing the few remaining gray hairs on
the head. (To see another color photo of Nodjmet’s mummy, click here. Photo credit: Patrick Landmann, ACI/Science Photo Library.)
Nodjmet had been buried with two funerary papyri, one of which was stolen (presumably by the Abd el-Rassul’s) and sold. Maspero states in his 1905 Guide du
Visiteur (to the Cairo Museum) that parts of the stolen papyrus (which
Nodjmet had jointly owned with her husband Herihor) had ended up in the
collections of the Louvre and the British Museum. (See photo of a vignette from the British Museum papyrus at right.) The Osiris shroud covering the mummy also
concealed ancient damage. Nodjmet had gashes on her forehead, cheeks and
nose, probably caused when thieves had cut through her original wrappings
in search of valuables. Impressions of jewelry on her right arm indicate
that they had found and stolen some objects. Nodjmet's legs were also
badly broken, her wrists were fractured, and her left humerus was broken
near the shoulder. Some traces of jewelry
still remain on Nodjmet's mummy. Smith discovered several bracelets,
composed variously of tiny carnelian beads carved into the shapes of
spheres and lotus buds, lapis lazuli beads, and gold cylinders, still
in situ on Nojmet's wrists. Her artificial eyes are also in place
(and, to some, give this mummy a "doll-like" appearance.) Smith states
that this is the earliest known use of artificial eyes in a mummy.
(However, see his comments on the artificial eyes, made of onions, used in
the mummy of Ramesses IV. Smith also noted that linen had been packed
under the eyelids of Tuyu and into the eye sockets of Ramesses III in an attempt to fashion artificial eyes.
When he discussed Nodjmet's eyes, Smith probably meant that they were the
first he had seen that had been made out of semi precious stone.) X-rays
show that a heart scarab is still in situ in her chest along with
figures of the four sons of Horus. The traditional embalming plate was not
used in this case, and the embalmers had simply filled the embalming
incision with a wax plug. The body cavity had been packed with sawdust.
Smith reported that he could find no trace of viscera in the body cavity,
so, in Nodjmet's case, the viscera had probably been placed in canopics
rather than reinserted into the body cavity as is the case with subsequent
21'st Dynasty mummies. She was found along with an Osiris figure and a wooden canopic box (Photo credit: from the National Gallery
of Art's Quest for Immortality website.) Nodjmet lay
in two nested coffins (CG61024) that had originally been made for
an unidentified man. The outer coffin had its gilding completely adzed off
and eye inlays removed. The inner coffin had received slightly different
treatment. Most of its gilded surfaces were also adzed off, the gold
covered hands removed, and the eye inlays taken out. But the inscriptions and
religious symbols remained intact, indicating that the coffin had
been stripped by necropolis officials and priests rather than by thieves.
(See a photo of Nodjmet's coffin from Ian Bolton's Egypt:
Land of Eternity site.) (Source Bibliography: CCR,
40ff; CP, 175; DRN, 201, 207, 213; GdV, 336
f.; JARCE 16 (1979) 66f.; MiAE, 127, 230, 329, ills.
133, 143, 429; MMM, 37, ill. 36; MR, 569f., 592f.,
677; RM, 94ff; XRA, 3D3-3ES; XRP, 171, 172,
ills. 48, 49.)
Other Burial Data: Original
Burial: Occurred around Year 1 of Smendes (see
Linen Docket translation below) probably in tomb of Inhapi (WN
A?). Reburial: in DB 320 after Year 11 of Shoshenq I
(Sources: DRN, 255.)
(i.) Linen Docket: Dated in context with the
inscriptional evidence provided by Linen Docket (iii.) below to Yr 1 of
Smendes/PinudjemI. Found on bandages on the sole of Nodjmet's
left foot: "High Priestess of Amon." (Source: RM, 97.)
(ii.) Linen Docket: Dated in context with the
inscriptional evidence provided by Linen Docket (iii.) below to Yr 1 of
Smendes/PinudjemI. Found on a bandage on the right side of the
body: "Nodjmet (written in a cartouche.)"
(iii.) Linen Docket: Yr 1 of
Smendes/Pinudjem I: "(Reference to 'the first year of Pinotmou')"
(Source Bibliography: DRN, 234, #11; GPI doc. 1; RM,
97; RNT, 249; TIP, 417 [6].)
Photo Credit: Bridgeman/ACI for photos of Nodjmet's mummy. Vignette from Nodjmet's papyrus from The British Museum. For high resolution photos of Nodjmet see the
University of Chicago's Electronic Open Stacks copy of Smith's The
Royal Mummies (Cairo, 1912,) Call #: DT57.C2
vol59, plates LXIX, LXX, LXXI
Source Abbreviation Key
 Pinudjem I
(c. 1070-1032 B.C.) 21'st Dynasty Provenance: DB 320 Discovery Date: 1881 Current Location: Unknown. (Qasr el Einy Medical Facility,
Cairo?) See the Coffins of Pinudjem I.
Click here for
biographical data
Click here for more biographical data on Pinudjem I from Ian
Bolton's Egypt: Land of Eternity

Details: The mummy of Pinudjem I had been disturbed,
probably first in antiquity and then by the Abd er-Rassuls between their
discovery of DB 320 and its official clearance by Emil Brugsch 10 years
later. The mummy was wrapped in an Osiris shroud, and may have been
basically intact but, since its location remains unknown, the
condition of the mummy can not be determined. (The odd fact the mummy of Pinudjem I has been missing since the late 19'th century constitutes a genuine Egyptological mystery. Rumors that it might be at the Qasr el Einy Medical Facility in Cairo occasionally circulate, but nothing definite has ever emerged to confirm this.) The photo (above left) taken by
Brugsch sometime after the DB 320 mummies were taken to Boulak, seems to
show a mummy in good condition. Another photo taken by Brugsch (at right) shows the mummy as it appeared during an early stage of its unwrapping.
The mummy of Pinudjem I had originally been covered with a shroud held in
place with red leather straps, or "braces" (cf. the still-wrapped mummy of
Isiemkheb-D.) These had been removed by the Abd
er-Rassuls, who attempted to sell them to Charles E. Wilbour, a colleague
of Gaston Maspero's. This event provided important evidence that
eventually helped the authorities track down the location of DB 320.
Pinudjem I was interred with an exceptionally fine
papyrus copy of The Book of the Dead, some 450 cm. in length
and 37 cm. in width, which was found rolled up between the legs of
his mummy (see photo of papyrus from EMC-87, no.
235.) Two shabti boxes associated with Pinedjem I were also found in
the tomb (see photo of shabti box and shabtis from The British Museum.) Pinudjem I was found in the very large,
yellow painted coffin (CG61006) originally belonging to Ahotpe I,
mother of Amosis I, the founder of the 18'th Dynasty. (See a photo of this coffin from Ian Bolton's Egypt: Land of Eternity site.) But Pinudjem I had
originally been buried in a double coffin set (CG61025) that he had
appropriated from Tuthmosis I. These two coffins had been coated with
plaster, gilded, painted and reinscribed for Pinudjem I. When found, the
gilding had been adzed off, but Pinudjem's inscriptions were left intact.
Close inspection of the coffins revealed their original owner. As in the
case of Nodjmet's coffins, Pinudjem I's had also probably been stripped by
priestly reburial officials instead of thieves. (See Nodjmet above.)
(Source Bibliography: CCR, 50ff; DRN, 202, 208, 212, 213; MR, 544ff, 570,
581; MiAE, 92, 125, 230, 232, 319, 329, ills. 73, 74, 128,
129, 207, 301; TVK, 130; XRP, 172,
Other Burial Data: Original
Burial: Perhaps in the tomb of Inhapi (WN A). Reburial:
after Year 11 of Shoshenq I (in side room "D" of DB 320.) (Source: DRN,
Photo Credit: unwrapped mummy: MiAE
, 125; wrapped mummy: Museum of New Zealand.
Source Abbreviation Key
Duathathor-Henttawy-A (c.
1070?-1032? B.C. Dated to husband's reign.) 21'st Dynasty Provenance: DB 320 Discovery Date: 1881 Current Location: Cairo
Museum CG61090 See Duathathor-Henttawy’s Coffins
Biographical data
Details: The mummy of Henntawy had been
disturbed, and an opening had been dug through the bandages in the region
of the thorax and abdomen. The mummy had an Osiris shroud which appears
intact in a photo taken by Emile Brugsch after the mummy had been taken to
Cairo (see photo of wrapped mummy from MR1 [Cairo, 1881] and reprinted in
KMT [3:4] 46) proving that the hole burrowed
into Duathathor-Henntawy's body was already present when the 21'st Dynasty
priests re-wrapped her. This mummy is
historically interesting in that it is one of the first to exhibit the
completely evolved version of the new embalming techniques pioneered in
the 21'st Dynasty. The original embalmers had packed sawdust mixed with
resins and bits of linen under the skin of Henttawy's body and face in
order to give her a more life-like appearance. This represents a departure
from the method used on Nodjmet's mummy (cf. above) in which the padding
had been applied directly to the surface of the skin without any attempt
at sub-dermal packing. Over the centuries, the sawdust used to "flesh out"
Henntawy expanded and unfortunately ruptured the skin. In 1974, her face
was restored to a semblance of her ancient appearance by Dr. Nasri
Iskander (see Henttawy prior to Iskander's restoration by clicking here. Photo from RM , pl. LXXIII.
) X-rays revealed the presence of several amulets still
in the wrappings. Smith also records that he found a very fine
example of a gold embalming plate covering the embalming incision. This
plate was unusual in that, in addition to the customary Eye of Horus, it
was also engraved with images of the Four Sons of Horus and bore
inscriptions. Tiny holes visible in the upper and lower corners of
this object show where string had been threaded. This was circled around
the abdomen like a belt in order to attach the plate to Henntawy's
body.(See photo of embalming plate at right.) The mummy was found in a dual set of
coffins (CG61026) one of which (the outer one) lacked a lid. The
gilded portions of both coffins had been adzed over, but the sacred images
on both were intact, and the inner coffin also retained its inscriptions.
As in the case of the
coffins belonging to Nodjmet and Pinudjem II, Duathathor-Henttawy's
were probably stripped by necropolis officials rather than thieves. She
was found along with two shabti boxes, an Osiris figure, a papyrus, and
canopic jars. A shabti belonging to her is currently in the Berlin Museum
(see photo from CP, 175) Shabtis of this
queen are unusually well represented online. One may be seen at the University of Pennsylvania Museum. Another shabti of Duathathor-Henttawy
is in the collection of the Petrie Museum. A third shabti of this queen may be viewed at
(Source Bibliography: CCR, 63ff; CP, 175; DRN,
201, 207, 212, 255-256; EMs, 47, 48, ill. 46; MiAE, 126,
239, 329, ill. 131; MMM, 37, 65, ill. 22; MR,
576f., 590, 592; RM, 101ff.; XRP, 100, 172-73,
ills. 20, 50.)
Other Burial Data: Original Burial: In tomb
of Inhapi (WN A?) Reeves points out that the coffins and mummy of
Duathathor-Henttawy bear a close resemblance to those of Pinudjem I and
Nodjmet (see above), all of which were disturbed (by being processed by necropolis officials.) He believes this
indicates that all three mummies were originally buried together in the
same tomb--probably WN A.) Reburial: In DB 320 (in corridor "B") after year 11 of Shoshenq I.
(Source: DRN, 251-252.)
Photo Credit: Patrick Landmann, ACI/Science Photo Library For high resolution photos of Duathathor-Henttawy see
the University of Chicago's Electronic Open Stacks copy of Smith's
The Royal Mummies (Cairo, 1912,) Call #: DT57.C2
vol59, plate LXXVI (which shows both mummy and gold embalming plate.) To see another color photo of Henuttawy’s reconstructed face, click here (Photo credit: Patrick Landmann, ACI/Science Photo Library.)
Source Abbreviation Key
(c. 1070?-1032? B.C. Dated to parent's reign.) 21'st
Dynasty Provenance: DB 320 Discovery Date: 1881 Current Location: Cairo
Museum CG61088
View Matkare's Coffins
Biographical data: Daughter of Pinudjem I
and Duathathor-Henttawy-A (see above). Maatkare-Mutemhet bore the
title "God's Wife of Amen," and as such was the second most powerful
person in Egypt after the
Pharaoh. See additional biographical data.
Details: Reeves (perhaps using
MR [Cairo, 1889] as the basis of his report) states that the
mummy of Maatkare-Mutemhet had been disturbed, and mentions that only the
wrappings of her right arm were slit open by thieves searching for
valuables. Smith, who examined the mummy in June, 1909, describes the
ancient damage as being more extensive in nature, saying that Maatkare's
shroud had been ripped from forehead to pelvis (cf. RM, pp. 98
ff.) Her left forearm was broken, and her hands had been badly
damaged, one being practically broken off. Smith records that Maatkare's
face had been painted with yellow ochre (probably in imitation of the skin
color used by artists when depicting aristocratic women on wall
paintings--cf. Masaharta, below) and a gum-like material which adhered to
the linen shroud. He described the linens used to wrap Maatkare as being
of superior quality to any he had encountered in mummies from the
preceding dynasties. He also states that the body cavity was filled with
sawdust, and that the neck had been packed with fat (possibly butter)
mixed with soda in order to give the mummy a more life-like
appearance. Maatkare was found in her original
coffins (CG 61028; JE26200). The beautiful outer coffin had a
gilded left hand (the right hand was missing) and had originally been designed to include some type of forehead decoration which was no longer present. The holes clearly visible above the forehead on the
portrait mask of the outer coffin
indicate that some type of decorative element had originally been placed there. (For more details about this missing decoration, see Rogerio Sousa, GCSS, 53f., n. 321. Also see the link above to our page about Maatkare's coffins.) The
coffin and coffin board had both the gilded hands and faces missing. (See
photo of Maatkare still enshrouded in damaged inner coffin from
MR1 [Cairo, 1881] and reprinted in
KMT [3:4] 41.) A leather thong was found around Maatkare's head which
was probably used to hold an amulet, now missing. Three gold and silver
rings were found on each thumb (see link to RM, pl. LXXIII
below), and x-rays revealed the presence of a gold plate covering the
embalming incision (which, notes Reeves, had been missed by G. E. Smith.)
A funerary papyrus of Maatkare exists but is not mentioned by Reeves in
his list of objects found with the High Priestess in DB 320, perhaps
indicating that this had been stolen by the Abd el-Rassul's and
subsequently sold on the antiquities market. (See photo of papyrus from PF, pl. I.) See another photo of papyrus from TVK,
A small, neatly wrapped mummy was found in
the coffins with the High Priestess (see photo at left.)
Since Smith had observed that Maatkare's breasts were enlarged as though
she had been lactating, he concluded that she had died in childbirth, and
assumed that the small mummy was that of her child and (as had Maspero
earlier) mistakenly believed that the name "Mutemhet," which appeared on
Maatkare's coffin, designated this child. Later, it was discovered that
the name "Mutemhet" was a name of Maatkare herself. Harris and Weeks also
affirm that Maatkare died in childbirth, and add that the embalmers had
packed her abdomen in a way calculated to emphasize that fact. However,
their x-rays revealed that the tiny mummy is not a human child, but a
female hamadryas baboon (XRP, 53), perhaps included with Maatkare for
ritual purposes. Not all Egyptologists agree that Maatkare
died in childbirth. Salima Ikram and Aidan Dodson point out that her
mummy's "pregnant" appearance could have resulted unintentionally from the
slow "swelling" of the embalming materials. The 1987 edition of the
Official Catalogue: The Egyptian Museum, Cairo also disputes
the theory that Maatkare died while giving birth. (Source
Bibliography: CCR, 82ff.; DRN, 201, 207, 213; EM,
114; EMC-87, no. 237; EMs, 48, ills. 47; EMbm,
66, ill. no. 85; GCSS, 53f., n. 321; MiAE, 126-7, 242, 329, ills. no. 27, 74, 299,
300; MR, 579-pl. 19b, 590ff.; RM, 98ff., 106; TVK,
127; XRA, 3E5-351; XRP, 173, 174, ills.
Other Burial Data: Original Burial:
Unknown. Reburial: in DB 320 (probably in end chamber "F") at sometime
before Year 11 of Shoshenq I (after which the Inhapi group of mummies were
cached in this tomb. (Source: DRN, 256.)
Photo Credit: top photo from Patrick Landmann/Science Photo Library; b&w photo from RM (Cairo, 1912) pl. LXXII; composite photo of baboon mummy with X-ray from RM (Cairo, 1912) plate LXXIV & XRP, 53.
For high resolution photos of Maatkare see the University
of Chicago's Electronic Open Stacks copy of Smith's The Royal
Mummies (Cairo, 1912,) Call #: DT57.C2 vol59,
plates LXXII, LXXIII (showing close up of hand with rings,) LXXIV.
Source Abbreviation Key
Masaharta (c.
1054-1046 B.C.) 21'st Dynasty Provenance: DB 320 Discovery Date: 1881 Current Location: Luxor Museum of
View Masaharta's Coffins
Click here for biographical data
Click here for more biographical data on Masaharta from
Ian Bolton's Egypt: Land of Eternity
Details: Masaharta's mummy was unwrapped by
Gaston Maspero on June 30'th, 1886. It is an unusual looking mummy due to
its rotund appearance, which may have been exaggerated due to the
expansion of embalming materials (chiefly sawdust, resin, and strips of
linen) under the skin (cf. Duathathor-Henttawy-A above.) G. Elliot Smith
describes it as having a "grotesque, ourang-outan-like (sic.) appearance."
He notes that the face was painted with red ochre of the same color as
that employed for representations of men in wall paintings. Smith also
records that the hands of the mummy, although placed in a manner intended
to cover the pubic region, failed to reach far enough to accomplish this
due to Masaharta's corpulence. The High Priest's stoutness also
necessitated a change in the position of the embalming incision, which in
his case was parallel to Poupart's ligament instead of higher up on the
Masaharta's mummy had been disturbed by the Abd el-Rassul's, who stole a
papyrus from it. Otherwise, the mummy appears to be intact. Impressions of
a pectoral ornament remain in the hardened resins on the mummy's chest,
and Reeves also mentions some kind of "braces," which were perhaps used to
strengthen or support the mummy in an upright position. (See DRN,
267, n. 313, where the "braces" or "brace" (JE46953) is
described as the lower part of a stucco-covered pole inserted at the time
the mummy was originally wrapped. Typically, the term "braces" usually
refers to the strips of linen used to hold the shroud in place, but here
the term is used differently.) One gold finger stall remains in place on
the middle finger of Masaharta's right hand.
The High Priest was found in his original coffins (CG61027) The
gilded right hand was missing from the outer coffin (see photo of coffin at right by Heidi Kontkanen/Flickr), and both gilded hands
and faces were missing from the inner coffin and coffin board. Found with Masaharta
were the remains of what might have been a leather shrine. (Source
Bibliography: DRN, 201, 207, 213, 267-n. 313; EM, 118; MiAE,
132, 162, 242, 329, ill. 186; MR, 571; RM,
Other Burial Data: Original Burial:
Unknown. Reburial: In DB 320 (in end chamber "F"). Reeves conjectures that
Masaharta's mummy was placed in DB 320 before year 11 of Shoshenq
I., the time at which which the Inhapi group of mummies was
transferred to this tomb. Since his mummy was plundered, unlike the
mummies of the Pinudjem II group, Reeves thinks it unlikely that DB 320
was the original burial place of Masaharta. (Source: DRN,
Photo Credit: Photo of Masaharta's mummy from RM (Cairo,
1912) pl. LXXIX.; photo of Masaharta's outer coffin by Heidi Kontkanen/Flickr. For high resolution photo of Masaharta
see the University of Chicago's Electronic Open Stacks copy of Smith's
The Royal Mummies (Cairo, 1912,) Call #: DT57.C2
vol59, plate LXXIX.
View recent close up photos of
Masaharta's mummy.
Source Abbreviation Key
Tayuheret (c.
1054-1046 B. C.): Provenance: DB 320 Discovery Date: 1881 Current Location: Cairo Museum
View Tayuheret's Coffins
Biographical data: Tayuheret was probably
the wife of high priest Masaharta (see above.)
Details: The mummy of Tayuheret was unwrapped
by Gaston Maspero on June 29'th, 1886. The resin coated linen carapace
which covered her was allowed to remain in place. On July 6, 1909, G. E.
Smith examined the mummy, and discovered that the resin used to fashion
this carapace had been mixed with sawdust, an ingredient Smith had not
previously seen employed in this fashion. He removed enough of this
hardened linen to expose the face, but had to leave most of it in place to
avoid damaging the mummy. Smith noted that
Tayuheret's cheeks had been packed in order to flesh them out. He does not
specify the packing material used in this case, but he describes it as
being similar to that employed in the mummies of Maatkare and
Duathathor-Henttawy-A (see above.) Tayuheret's nostrils had been covered
with discs of wax, and a type of nose-guard had been fashioned of wax for
the purpose of preventing the nose from becoming flattened and distorted
by the bandages. She had been given a set of artificial stone eyes, and
her right eye had also been covered by a wax plate. Wax was additionally
employed to fill the space between the lips, which Smith described as
being widely parted. Tayuheret's ears were
covered with hair which Smith thought was mostly from a wig. Tayuheret's
own hair was mostly white, indicating that she had died an elderly woman.
Smith also noted that insects had damaged the skin of the face, especially
that of the forehead. This may indicate that an unusually long period of
time had elapsed between Tayuheret's death and her embalming. However, her
bandages also appear to be pitted with small holes (see photo above) which
could have been caused by insects sometime after her embalming. Smith
comments that the plate used to cover the embalming incision differs from
the engraved plates usually employed during the 21'st Dynasty. It was
plain and fusiform, similar to the plates used by embalmers of the 18'th
Dynasty. Tayuheret was found in a double
coffin set which had been usurped from a chantress of Amen named Hatet
(CG 61032). The gilded hands and faces of both coffins were
missing, and the inner coffin had been further damaged. The head and feet
of her coffin-board were missing. Reeves notes only
that some broken shabti boxes remained of Tayuheret's other funerary
equipment. However, numerous shabtis inscribed for Tayuheret exist in private collections and museums. Presumably from DB320, many of these shabtis were probably stolen by the Abd el-Rassul's and sold on the antiquities market. The photo at right shows a shabti of Tayuheret auctioned at Christie's in 2012. (Photo from
Christie's. For more views of Tayuheret's shabtis, see Niek de Haan's The Overseer Shabtis of Tayu-heret.) (Source Bibliography: CCR, 171ff.; DRN,
203, 208, 214, 256; MR, 578, 590; RM,
Other Burial Data: Original
Burial: Unknown. Reburials: Since Tayuheret's coffins
and coffin board had been effaced in a manner similar to those of
Masaharta (see above), and Maatkare-Mutemhet (see above) Reeves thinks
that she was probably buried with them at some point prior to her reburial
in DB 320. Edward Loring interprets the coffin damage differently and argues that Tayuheret had not been interred with her supposed husband Masaharta or Maakare-Mutemhet but had been originally interred elsewhere,
All three mummies were found in end chamber "F" of DB 320 prior to the caching of the Inhapi group of
mummies. Reeves dates this latter event to sometime after Year 11 of Shoshenq I.
(Source Bibliography: DRN, 256; TIP, 457, table 9; TRC, 67f.)
Credit: Photo of Tayuheret's mummy from RM (Cairo, 1912) pl. LXXVII. Photo of Tayuheret's shabti from
Christie's. For high
resolution photo of Tayuheret's mummy see the University of Chicago's Electronic Open
Stacks copy of Smith's The Royal Mummies (Cairo, 1912,) Call
#: DT57.C2 vol59, plates LXXVII and LXXVIII.
Source Abbreviation Key
Pinudjem II (c.
990-969 B.C.) 21'st Dynasty Provenance: DB 320 Discovery Date: 1881 Current Location: Cairo
Museum CG61094
View the coffins of Pinudjem II
Biographical data
Details: The mummy of Pinudjem II was in a
virtually intact condition when found. (See recent color photos here [from Al Ahram], and here [from yusheng on Flickr.]) It was unwrapped by Gaston Maspero
on June 28, 1886. Reeves notes that he had been wrapped in an Osiris
shroud, and that some of his wrappings had been replaced or patched up in
some fashion by a mat made of halfa grass. There were several different
inscriptions on Pinudjem II's bandages (see Linen Docket
translations below) and a number of amulets and articles of jewelry,
including two bracelets, were also found in the wrappings and on his body.
(See photo of bracelets from EMC-87,
239.) Ikram and Dodson note that Pinudjem's body was
colored with ochre (perhaps red in color, cf. Masaharta above) and state
that his body cavity had been packed with linen packets, some of which
held sawdust while others contained the mummified viscera of the king.
They also note that his arms had been packed with
mud. Pinudjem II was found in a double coffin
set. Both inner and outer coffins (CG 61029A-B see color photo of the inner coffin's face below left) were intact, as was
the coffin board (CG 61029C see photo below right) which accompanied them.
His remaining funerary equipment consisted of a shabti box (Reeves
indicates that there may have been more than one), an Osiris figure, a
papyrus (photo from Ancient Origins), and canopic jars (again, Reeves indicates a degree of uncertainty
about this last item.) A shabti belonging to Pinudjem II is currently in a
private collection (see photo of shabti from CP, 177. An
extreme close up photo composite of another shabti of
Pinudjem II is available at shabtis.com.) A third shabti of this priest/king
is in the collection of the Petrie Museum. Whether
these shabtis were still in DB 320 when Brugsch first entered it, or had
been stolen by the Abd el-Rassuls and sold on the antiquities market, is
presently unknown. (Source Bibliography: CCR, 95ff.; CP,
177; DRN, 202, 208, 214, 256; MiAE, 44, 77, 79, 228,
230, 232, 242, 265, 330, ills. 134, 208, 303, 304; MR, 571f.,
592ff.; RM, 107.)
 Other Burial Data: Original Burial:
DB 320 in Year 10 4 prt 20 of Siamun.
(Source: DRN, 256. On this page, Reeves mentions the
wall docket found at the bottom of the entrance shaft leading into DB 320,
which dates the burial of Pinudjem II, and directs reader's to
footnote no. 318 on p. 267 of
DRN. Footnote no. 318 further refers readers
to Docket # 44, Table 10, p. 238. This is in error. The
Docket Reeves means to indicate is # 45, Table 10, p. 238.
[See Wall Docket translation below.]) Year 10 4 prt 20 was a busy
day for necropolis officials, for dockets on the coffins of Seti I and Ramesses II (and
also on a coffin fragment of Ramesses I) indicate that they had also reburied these
two kings on that date in a tomb identified by Reeves as the "high place
(k3y) of Inhapi" referred to in the dockets. He also argues
that this tomb is WN A, and not DB 320 itself as Winlock and others have
Wall Docket: (From bottom of entrance shaft to DB
320) "Year 10 4 prt 20. Day of burial
(krs) of the Osiris, high priest of Amon-Re king of the
gods, great chief of the army, the leader Pinudjem, by the god's father of
Amun, overseer of the treasury Djedkhonsiufankh; the god's father of Amun,
scribe of the army, chief inspector Nespakashuty; the prophet of Amun
...enamun; the god's father of Amun Wennufer; by the king's scribe of the
Place of Truth Bakenmut; the chief workman Pediamun; the chief workman
Amenmose; the god's father of Amun, chief of secrets, Pediamun son of
Ankhefenkhons" (Source Bibliography: C, [May, 1887], [article
about DB 320 discovery by Edward Wilson] [see photo of wall docket]; DRN, 239, no.
45: JEA 32, 25ff.; MR, 522f. [facs., transcr.];
RNT, 253 [30a-b]; TIP, 423 [79].)
Linen Dockets: (i.) Year 1 of Siamun (or Amenomope?
Osochor?)/Pinudjem II:"...(Am)un in Yr 1" (Source
Bibliography: DRN, 236, #32: MR, 572 [transcr.]; RNT,
251 [20]; TIP, 422 [57].)
(ii.) Year 3 of
Siamun (or Amenomope? Osochor?)/Pinudjem II: "...Amun
(in) Yr 3" (Source Bibliography: DRN, 236, #34; MR, 572
[transcr.]; RNT, 251 [21]; TIP, 422
(iii.) Year 7 of Siamun (or Amenomope?
Osochor?)/Pinudjem II: "Linen which the high priest of Amun Pinudjem son
of Menkheperre made for Amun (in) Yr 7" (Source Bibliography: DRN,
237, #38; MR, 572 [transcr.]; RNT, 252 [26]; TIP,
422 [71].)
(iv.) Year 9 of Siamun (or Amenomope?
Osochor?)/Pinudjem II: "Linen which the high priest of Amun Pinudjem (son
of) Menkheperre made for Khons in Yr 9" (Source Bibliography: DRN,
237, #39; MR, 572 [transcr.]; RNT, 252 [27]; TIP,
422 [76].)
Photo Credit: Photo of mummy from RM (Cairo, 1912) pl. LXXXI; photo of coffin board from CCR, pl. XLIV; color photo of inner coffin face from CESRAS.
For high resolution photo of Pinudjem II see the University
of Chicago's Electronic Open Stacks copy of Smith's The Royal
Mummies (Cairo, 1912,) Call #: DT57.C2 vol59,
plate LXXXI.
Source Abbreviation Key