North America Photos

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    Welcome to my photo collection of photographs from North America. The photos represent two stages of my life. The first stage was one when I did a lot of camping. These photos translated into photos of parts of the western United States that few have seen. These are scenic photos from scenic locations such as Yosemite, Lake Tahoe, and the John Muir Wilderness. All of these places are known for their beauty. I also visited other beautiful locations during this time such as Mount Rainer and the San Juan Islands up in Washington as well as Spenser's Butte in Oregon. The Grand Canyon needs no introduction. I spent a week hiking through the Grand Canyon and it was breathtaking. My first venture into Hawaii was during this period time where I got to see a volcano erupt into the night's sky and camp on a dormant volcano to see the sun rise over the pacific. There is even a collection of photos from a month long trip I took through Baja California in Mexico.

    The second group represents a time when I had more money. The locations are still scenic, and very beautiful. However, my mode of transport was via a car and they required an expensive plane flight to get there. I spent 3 days in Ontario around Niagara Falls during the fall time learning about colonial history and experiencing the grandeur of this region. Or New Orleans. A wonderful city that should be viewed by the daytime as well as at night. Of course San Francisco needs no introduction. My photos include this magnificent city and the bay to the south of it as well, Monterey bay.

     On my most recent trip, I got to spend 3 days in the Mojave Preserve studying the flora and fauna (mostly the fauna). There I collected a neat collection of photos including a lot of the wildlife that we happened upon.

     I have recently had a photo show highlighting may of these scenic photographs (plus some not anywhere else on my web site). You can see those photographs at

If your have any questions or comments, e-mail me at

Flora and Landscapes of Baja California
Fauna and Landscapes of the Mojave Desert
Spencer's Butte (Temperate Rain Forest Photos)
New Orleans
Seattle & Mt. Ranier
The Grand Canyon
Niagara Falls Area
Sierra National Forest
California & Nevada
The Hawaian Islands
San Francisco Bay Area
Yosemite Photo Collections
Lake Tahoe Region
California & Nevada
San Juan Islands
Washington State

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Updated 3/25/05