Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe

Sr. de Guad InfoNuestra Señora de Guadalupe Photographs
      As I was wandering around Nob Hill, I stumbled upon this little Church tucked in-between a couple of Victorians near China Town. The church is of Spanish Mission design (much like St. Mary's College,Mission Dolores, and the Castro Theater). Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe has a nice fresco on the outside. Its a quaint little church but I do not know much about it. Though it has a very Hispanic name, I believe its congregation is mostly Chinese (because it near China Town and not the Mission.) My photos may appear to be at weird angles. That is because the church is on a very narrow ally way and it was hard to get photos of it. I've also managed to include the Victorians on either side, which I think adds character to it. This little church is a perfect example of finding something really interesting by just wandering around a city and going where few tourists seem to venture.

If you have any comments or any information with regards to this church, please feel free to e-mail me .

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Church and Victorians

The Front

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Scenic View

Coit Tower, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, and the Bay Bridge
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All photos by John L. Polos
Copyright September 7, 1998