Kefalloniá photos
Island History Photos, Part 1
September 1999:
     Kefalloniá (A.k.a Kefallinía or Cephalonia) is the largest of the Ionian Islands. However, despite its size, it barley registers on the tourism map. That is partly because this island (and underwater mountain peek as are all of the Ionian islands) is very rugged and rocky. Though it has a bounty of sandy beaches, you often have to be a mountain goat, or cliff diver to reach them. Because of this rugged terrain, Kefallonia’s resorts are small and discrete. The main ferry port, Samí, is a cute little town that could be any fishing village in Greece. Therefore, it is a beautiful break from the tourists everywhere else.

     Because of the lack of any large scale tourism, much of the island is unspoiled and beautiful. There are two cave systems, that are spectacular. Though the beaches away from the resorts are hard to reach, they reward the visitor with pure white sand (in some cases pebbles) and the clearest, bluest water of anywhere in the Ionian. Lastly the views from the mountain slopes are breath taking, looking down sheer cliffs and into beautiful water. It also boasts one of the highest mountains in all of Greece from base.

  The population is also very small and clustered around the three main towns. Though there have been people on the island for over 5000 years, it is hard to make a living other than goat farming or growing grapes. That is because the height of the peeks produce a nice little rain shadow. SO half of the island is very green and the other very dry. 2001:     The book and subquent movie Captain Corelli's Mandolin took place on the island of Cepholonia. In fact I when I saw the previews, I recognized many of the scenes from my photos of Cepholonia. Speaking to some Greeks, tourism to the island increased and its now more in tuned with the tourist trade. I like to think that its because people saw the beauty of the island.

I hope you enjoy the photos. Any comments, please E-mail me,

Sami Harbor

Monastery Bell and Sami

Pond in Karavómillos

Dhrogaráti Cave

Melissáni Cave

Bay near Áyia Evfmía

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All photos by John L. Polos
Copyright December31, 1999