Tears of Youth
Your youth is ever treasured, locked within the chest of time. In your youth, you fear not the future, nor regret the past. You endure whatever hardships that time passes you. A young man's tears for a friend, a loved one, flow from the heart. He can never love without these tears. Some souls say that such tears are trivial. These shadows of life have given up their humanity for eternal life from another's. Not eternal greatness, but eternal suffering. Without this humanity they can never again truely feel. Are they so cold? We are all travelers, woundering the sea eternally. Without our humanity, we can never again journey through time. The youths we pick up along the our journey hold a special place in the heart. Those who are gone, teach us about true love and the crystalin tears that flow from the heart. They gave their live for us. Their crystalin souls left behind sit in the palm of our hand. We might just be holding their heart. What adventures that the future holds is unknown, charish your youth always. Someday you shall embark on a true voyage across the sea of time, carring with you a thousand thoughts.

-Jenni Kirby

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