Points/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Myrmidon 18 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 6 6+

You may include between one and five Myrmidons for each Elites or HQ choice. Each Myrmidon must be attached to a Vermin pack as indicated in the army list. The Myrmidon is a member of his squad and cannot leave it during the game.

Weapons: Myrmidon's whip.

Options: Each Myrmidon can be given any equipment allowed from the Vermin Armoury.


Leaders: Although natural leaders, Myrmidons will always subordinate themselves to higher authorities. To represent this Myrmidons may be taken as both HQ and Elite choices.

Points/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Warvermin 10 4 3 4 3 1 5 1 5 4+

Pack: The Warvermin pack consists of between five and twenty Warvermin.

Weapons: Autopistol and close combat weapon.

Options: Any model may replace their autopistol with an autogun or shotgun at +1 pt.

Any model may either upgrade their ranged weapon with Warpstone ammunition at +1 pt, or replace their close combat weapon with a Warpstone blade for +5 pts.

The entire pack may have any of the following: frag grenades at +1 pt per model; krak grenades at +2 pts per model; Warpstone bombs at +4 pts per model.

The pack may be accompanied by a heavy weapons team bought separately from the Heavy Support section.

The pack may be led by a Myrmidon bought separately from the HQ or Elites section.

Transport: If the pack numbers thirteen models or less the entire pack may be mounted in a Burrower bought separately from the Fast Attack section of the Army List.

Points/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Shadowvermin 15 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 7 6+

Pack: The pack consists of between five and ten Shadowvermin.

Weapons: Needle pistol and close combat weapon.

Options: Any model may replace their close combat weapon with a weeping blade at +7 pts.

Any model may replace their needle pistol and close combat weapon with a needle sniper rifle at +5 pts.

The entire pack may be given any of the following: frag grenades at +1 pt per model; krak grenades at +2 pts per model, smoke grenades at +2 pts per model; warpstone bombs at +4 pts per model.


Shadow Cloak: All Shadowvermin wear a Shadow Cloak, thus any shooting at a unit of Shadowvermin in cover requires a 6 to hit.

Infiltration: In the right circumstances Shadowvermin can work their way into a forward position on the battle field. To represent this, as long as the mission allows Infiltrators they may set up using the Infiltrators rule. If the mission does not allow Infiltrators then after both sides have deployed but before the first turn takes place the Shadowvermin pack may make a 'free move' of up to D6+6".

Move Through Cover: Shadowvermin roll an extra D6 when rolling to move through difficult terrain. In most cases this means that they will roll 3D6 and pick the die with the highest score.

Points/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Biotox Fanatic 15 4 0 4(6) 4 1 4(3) 1 7 -

Pack: The pack consists of between five and ten Biotox Fanatics.

Weapons: Biotox Censer.


Fearless: Biotox Fanatics never fall back and cannot be pinned. They are assumed to automatically pass any Morale test.

Biotox Censers: Biotox censers are huge but cumbersome weapons, thus in close combat Biotox Fanatics strike at +2 Strength and -1 Initiative (already included on profile).

In addition, the rank clouds which issue from the biotox censers surround the Fanatics, making them difficult targets to shoot at. Biotox Fanatics and any Skaven unit shot through a Biotox Fanatic pack count as being in cover against shooting attacks, and thus receive a 5+ cover save.

Points/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Shadow Assassin 75 5 3 4(5) 3 2 5 3 8 4+ (Invulnerable)

Pack: You may include one Shadow Assassin as a single Elites choice.

Weapons: Weeping warpstone blade (bonus already included on profile), needle pistol.

Options: The Shadow Assassin may have any of the following: bands of power at +10 pts; Warpvermin grenade pack loaded with weeping grenades at +10 pts; prehensile tail at +10 pts; warpstone bombs at +5 pts.




Shadow Cloak: The Shadow Assassin wears a Shadow Cloak, thus any shooting at the Shadow Assassin whilst he is in cover or specifically targeting the Assassin whilst he is part of his pack requires a 6 to hit.

Concealed: The Shadow Assassin must be assigned to a pack at the start of the game; make note as to which pack the Assassin is assigned to. The Shadow Assassin is not set up at the start of the game as normal, instead the Assassin is revealed once his pack is fighting in hand-to-hand combat. The player declares that his pack conceals a Shadow Assassin, and replaces any model from the pack in base-to-base contact with an enemy with the Shadow Assassin.

Surprise Attack: To account for the element of surprise, on the turn during which he is revealed a Shadow Assassin fights before any other models but at the same time as any other models with the ability to strike first (eg. Howling Banshees). After the Assassin has made his surprise attack he becomes a part of his pack and fights as normal.

Leadership: Although the Assassin remains a part of his pack his Leadership value is never used by the pack he is with, nor does he benefit from the Pack Mentality rules. If the pack he is with is fails a morale or Leadership test and is forced to flee the Assassin may either remain with the pack and suffer the consequences or pass a separate leadership test and transfer to another pack within 6".

All original concepts © Krinos. Last modified 06-10-01. Disclaimer: This website is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Warhammer, Squat, Astronomicon and Skaven are trademarks of Games Workshop Limited,and are used without permission. No challenge to their status is intended.