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[The Alamo]

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March 6,1836...6:30a.m ... last firing is over... The Alamo has fallen!

After a 13 days siege of 2,000 Mexicans, 189 Heroes had offered their lives to insure the freedom of Texas.

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The Alamo Garrison
(click here for a map of the area)


The Mexicans

At the end of the Battle of Alamo, Santa Anna's loss was estimated at 600 men.

The Alamo was remembered, as well as the Goliad massacre (perpetrated by order of General Santa Anna), forty-six days later, on April 21, 1836 at the Battle of San Jacinto, where 783 men led by General Sam Houston defeated 1,500 Mexicans.
The battle lasted only eighteen minutes.
When all was over, 630 men of the Mexican army were dead; 730 were prisoners.
Nine Texans lost their lives.

General Santa Anna, disguised as a peasant, was captured the following day.

The independence of Texas was won !

If you want to know more about the birth and the growth of the Lone Star State, go to

I wish to express my thanks to The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, whose book "The Alamo - Long Barracks Museum" was used as a precious source of information for the preparation of this page.
Moreover, I have utilized other information selected from the following websites :
Lone Star Junction : A Texas Almanac
The Alamo
The Texas State website
(Congratulations, folks, you have made a terrific job!!)

Additional links of interest :
The Second Flying Company of Alamo de Parras

All the rights of the aforementioned information are property of the websites producers.

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Page established on February 29, 1996
Last Update : July 27, 1998