Guo Beiping’s Most Recent Artwork

The Largest Oil Painting in Chinese Art History

It is Looking for Museums or Private Collectors

Guo Beiping demonstrated his fascinating art skills and dominating creativity on a super size historical oil painting “Lin Zexu visited Macau? The painting is 3 meters wide and 6 meters long, or 10 by 20 feet. The painting recorded a rare known historical event prior to the 1840 Opium War. Lin Zexu, the representative of the Emperor GuangXu of Qin Dynasty, visited Macau and expressed the Emperor’s favour and cares to the Macau people and the Portugal residences. The painting includes more than 100 different characteristics. The painting made three records in Chinese art history: the largest size, the most figures and the shortest period of time (less than three months). It was appreciated as the “Artwork of the Century?in China.

The painting was exhibited in the Macau Art Museum for a culture celebration event. In order to keep the painting in Macau, the museum is looking for private collectors or sponsors. If you are interesting in collecting the artwork or have information of any potential collectors, please contact The Chang’s Family Gallery at:

Guo Beiping recently finished a private contract for art collector Mrs. Slade of Massachusetts, USA. This is one of the series artwork of the painting “Red Background? The initial artwork was collected by a museum in China.

If you want to have your own portrait or a portrait for your loved ones, please contact us at :

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