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text editors

  html editors  disk_butt.gif (1327 bytes)
Arachnophilia download it!
New in version 3 -- keyboard macros with system commands, on- the-fly tag coloring, automatic graphic sizing, enhanced FTP upload utility, and much more!
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EasyASP download it!
EasyASP is a FREE HTML editor with built in tools to help aid in the design and programming of ASP Code. There are many Wizards and Templates to choose from.
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HTML Constructor download it!
A great html editor including Netscape and HTML 3.2 extentions: layers, java applets, forms, frames, tables, client-side imagemaps and more.
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Rated 5 floppies: floppy5 rating

Lightning HTML Editor download it!
Lightning HTML Editor is a well-designed HTML editor. You can manage HTML documents as projects and automatically generate site maps. Lightning includes wizards for creating HTML body tags, hyperlinks, lists, tables, frames, forms, JavaScript, and Meta tags. more-arrow.gif (1215 bytes)



DominHTML download it!
DominHTML is a nicely designed HTML editor. DominHTML features include: colorized HTML tags, user-defined templates, a code library for frequently used snippets, user-defined tags, the ability to quickly insert code, and more.
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EZpad download it!
EZpad is an HTML editor with an internal previewer and wizards for just about every complex HTML task. Wizards include HomePageWizard, LinkWizard, EmailLinkWizard, ListWizard, FrameWizard, FontWizard, ColorWizard,BodyWizard, and ImageWizard. more-arrow.gif (1215 bytes)

HTML Constellation download it!
A great web page creation tool that reduces a lot the chance to have syntax errors in your html codes. It is a nice professionnal editor that will be useful for advanced and beginners. It will help you build professionnal pages and sites very quickly. It is also totally free.
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JMK HTML Author download it!
HTML editor, which aims to help you with your HTML design. It contains HTML 3.0 (and 3.1) tags, HTML Document Wizard, &  more. more-arrow.gif (1215 bytes)

PageBuilder download it!
PageBuilder is a handy text HTML editor that helps you with all of those hard-to-remember HTML tags. PagePicker can handle frames, tables, links, fonts, java scripts, layers and much more. more-arrow.gif (1215 bytes)
Rated 5 floppies: floppy5 rating

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