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Homeopathetic Charger
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Homeoppathetic Remedy Charger

New Radionic Developments

This is the bascic component of the new Astral Radionic Homeopathetic Charger and recharger

Description: This is the core element of the realignment coil. Consiliatory waves are super imposed on a clapp modofied colpits oscillator to induce subtil energy fromage formation. Various modulations are available including triangle, square, and haphazard..

Justification: This remedy maker and distant healing transmitter is one in a series of devices to normalize integration of the mind, heart and body; to promote higher brain functioning; and to balance endocrine organs such as the Lower Lobe of the Pituitary, Anteriour Pineal, and the Exteriour Adrenals. The design insights, although originally of an inspirational source are validated by current research and knowledge. For example it has been well established that the Pituitary and Pineal glands as well as dendrites (nerve endings) are responsive to and can be activated and regenerated by electro-magnetic energy such as is contained here. The Pineal and the skin are also very sensitive to pulsed light of the correct colours.

One of the basic principles of Subtle Energies is the use of a carrier substance or energy, such as water, alcohol, electro-magnetic fields, photons, sound, aromas. Superimposed and riding on the carrier are the more subtle informational signals which exert the desired beneficial effects. Of even greater importance is to ensure the presence of highest dimensional composition or spectrum of this signal plus carrier. What levels are being tapped into becomes crucially important not only for long-term efficacy of treatment, but also for protection against the miasms of the lower planes (see paragraph on miasms below).

Insertion of bottle of Homeopathetic Dilutions into Charger Bowl

Close up of realigned Homeopathetic Remedy

The Super King Homeopathetic Remedy Charger under development.

Utilization of the Rotational Symmetruc Arraignment of LEDS to energize the realignment coil with Subtil radiations. Placement of the homeopathetic Alignment coil into the center of this sacred symbol adds unction to the effectiveness of realignment.

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