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The Gemini personality

Gemini is the most mental sign of the zodiac. Geminians are usually more intelligent than average, and are found in areas of life which require good thinking and communication skills. They are very adaptable, and can easily modify their approach to suit changing conditions.

They are indecisive, however, both in their work and in their relationships. They can be very fickle: this can create problems with their partners, who are never quite sure where they are with them.

Their mental attitude to life can sometimes make them seem a little cold. They are not keen to show their feelings until they know someone very well; and even then, they may seem rather detached.

Despite this, they can be very charming, and often have a good circle of friends. Although they may often drop friends who bore them, they are usually able to keep up a good social life. If they are successful in life, it will often be through having made the right connections. However, their excellent thinking skills make them likely to do well in any area where their mental abilities can be recognised.

Advice to Geminians for attracting the right person.

As a Geminian, you will have little difficulty in attracting members of the opposite sex: indeed, at times you will have a large number of different admirers. You know how to flirt, and can be charming and interesting when you are in the right company.

However, you must try to be a little more consistent in your relationships. You may be inclined to forget about people when you have grown tired of them. In romantic relationships especially, you should try hard to be more consistent.

Because of your intellectual nature, you may at times appear a little unemotional. Although you are not really a cold person, it may be difficult for other people to realise that you care about them. Try to show your emotions a little more, and to take more interest in other people's concerns. This may make it easier for you to have successful long-term relationships.

Your fickleness may cause some frustration to your partner. Try to be a little more constant in your feelings. If you are not sure how you feel about someone, it may be better to hold back until you are ready to make up your mind.



This can be a very stimulating combination. Aries may feel that Gemini is a little too emotionally detached, while Gemini may find Aries too emotional. But this couple will have a good social life, and both will enjoy trying out new experiences. Any arguments between them will be passionate, but will soon be forgotten.


Taurus may be a touch too stable for Gemini's taste, while Gemini may frustrate Taurus by being so difficult to pin down. However, so long as Taurus is determined to keep working at the relationship, there is a good chance that they can sort out these difficulties.


While this pair are unlikely to want to wallow in emotion, they will certainly communicate well with each other. Good conversation will be a definite plus to the relationship. This couple will stay together, provided they are able to find a sufficient outlet for their energies outside the relationship, as well as within it.


This is very much a meeting of opposites. Gemini might find it difficult to fathom Cancer's moods - and Cancer may find Gemini a little cold at times. However, if each partner can come half-way towards understanding the other, the combination can work well.


This couple will enjoy an excellent social life, and will get on well together. It is important for Gemini to flatter Leo as much as possible: this is the quickest way to Leo's heart. This will also allay Leo's insecurities about Gemini, who may appear at times to have a "roving eye".


While Virgo and Gemini have a lot in common, they also have important differences. Virgo is much more practical, and may find some of Gemini's ideas unrealistic. Gemini may also find that Virgo's criticism is a little too accurate for comfort. However, both are good communicators, so they should be able to understand each other well enough to sort out most of their differences.


This can be an extremely good match. Libra's easy-going nature will help to iron out any disagreements before they occur. It may seem at times as though their feelings are not very intense. This will certainly be a very romantic relationship, however, and the strong sense of harmony could suit both partners down to the ground.


The difference in emotional temperament between these two could be a problem. Scorpio really needs a partner who is more intense; Gemini, on the other hand, will feel overwhelmed by Scorpio's emotional fireworks. On the other hand, if other parts of their astrological make-up are more compatible, they could easily find enough in common to create a very workable relationship.


This can be a very active partnership: both Sagittarius and Gemini are dynamic people, who are constantly "on the go". At times, the relationship may appear to lack depth. It is important that they resolve any difficulties as soon as they crop up, rather than leaving them to get worse.


Capricorn can provide the stability and practicality which Gemini needs. Gemini, on the other hand, can give Capricorn some much-needed encouragement and inspiration. Capricorn may need to "loosen up" a little, however, and try to become a little less serious. Provided Gemini is prepared to take the lead at times, both partners will benefit from the relationship.


With stimulating conversation, and plenty of interesting things to talk about, this couple will be good company for each other. The only danger is that they may become friends, rather than lovers. Both partners must try hard to inject some passion into the relationship.


Although this will certainly be an attraction of opposites, it can work very well. Gemini is magnetically attracted to Pisces' sensitive nature, and Pisces may be equally impressed by Gemini's cool intellectualism. So long as they are able to communicate their needs to each other, this can be a good balance.

How do you attract a Gemini woman?

The Geminian woman can be very charming, and will often be quite beautiful. She will be a good conversationalist, and will probably have a large selection of intelligent friends.

At the same time, she will drive you to distraction if you don't understand her well. She will change her mind at the drop of a hat, and may become upset for no obvious reason. You may be confused at her tangibility, and will not know where you stand with her.

The key is to be patient, and to accept that her moods will not be constant. She is unlikely to show any strong emotions until you get to know her well, and nor will she want a high degree of intimacy. If this becomes frustrating, you will have to "grit your teeth" or go elsewhere. Be warned, however: the Geminian woman will soon spot unfaithfulness in her partner.

It is particularly important not to let her become bored. She needs stimulating company, and will appreciate a partner who is well-read and intelligent. This may be much more important to her than your physical appearance. You should find out the areas that interest her, and become as knowledgeable about them as possible. Try to keep up with current affairs.

Don't criticise her unless you cannot avoid doing so. She can be very highly-strung, and may react negatively. At the same time, if there is anything that you feel needs to be discussed, you would be better coming out with your comments directly, rather than being obtuse. She will expect you to be completely honest.

How do you attract a Gemini man?

Many women find Geminian men difficult to understand. They are often very charming and successful in life. At the same time, their very intellectual approach to relationships can make them seem a little cold. They are slow to warm up emotionally, and do not readily share their feelings.

The way to a Geminian man's heart is through his intellect. Find out as much as you can about the areas that interest him, and keep up-to-date on current affairs. However, don't try to interfere in his business or professional concerns unless it is clear that your advice is welcome.

You may have to put up with the fact that he is always changing his mind. Learn to accept changes of plan, and try to forget about occasions when he has given you less attention than you would like. At times, you may be a little unsure how he feels about you. Don't assume, however, that he has lost interest, just because he doesn't want to see you for a while. He will be very fickle.

Don't try to boss him around, as he is very independent, and does not take criticism easily.

On the other hand, you may need to put up with a certain amount of criticism from him. Be careful not to overreact. He may say things which upset you, but he will soon regret what he has done, and will apologise. Don't take his comments too much to heart.

It may help if you dress conservatively. In public especially, you should be quite reserved. He may be embarrassed by public displays of affection.

How good are Geminis at making money?

Those Geminians who succeed in making a lot of money usually do so with the help of other people. They are generally very good at explaining their ideas, and will be able to persuade others to invest in them. They are often very shrewd in business.

The main danger to watch is that they may become frustrated if they have reached middle age and have not achieved any great financial success. They will do well if they are able to stick to a good idea and not dissipate their energy in too many different projects.

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