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Astrological Significance

Neptune is related to mysticism and confusion. It has the effect of blurring reality and fantasy.

The House position of Neptune shows that area of your life in which the boundaries are likely to be broken down. For example, if it is presently in the part of your chart to do with finances, you could find it difficult to keep your feet on the ground: you might find it difficult to distinguish between money that you actually have, and money that you would like to have. Neptune does not necessarily cloud our thought, however: it also stimulates holistic and psychic thinking. Note that Neptune moves even more slowly than Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. This means that any effects it has through being in a particular house will work over a very long period of time, and may not be noticeable on a day-to-day basis.

When Neptune makes aspects to other planets, the energies of these planets may express themselves in less direct, and possibly less physical forms. Again, this is not necessarily a bad thing. For example, a favourable aspect to Venus could make us especially sensitive to our partner's thoughts and feelings.

Astronomical details

Neptune was discovered in 1946. It is the eighth planet from the Sun. It does not have a solid surface, but consists largely of hydrogen and helium (possibly with a rocky core). Seen through a telescope, it has a deep blue colour, because of the atmosphere, which is largely methane.

Download a photograph showing the whole of Neptune taken by Voyager 2. (JPG 15K)

Download a picture of Neptune showing the Great Dark Spot (at the top); the "Scooter" (below this) and the Small Dark Spot (below the Scooter). These features are not normally seen together, since they move at different speeds. (JPF 24K)

Download close-up of the Great Dark Spot, also taken by Voyager 2. (JPG 42K)


Mechanical Data
Diameter 49,528 km
Mass 1.0226 Kg
Average distance from Sun 30.06 AU
Period of rotation 19.1 Earth hours
Period of revolution 165 Earth years
Atmosphere 74% hydrogen, 25% helium, 1% methane

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