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After the election:
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The Spin Doctors
The Mild Man View

Tuesday, 19 October 2004

What Part of NO Did You Not Understand?
Mood:  irritated

What Part of NO Did You NOT Understand?

Republicans seem to think repeating the same lies, that have already been proven to be lies, somehow makes them truths. "If enough of us repeat this, it will make it so." No, that is called being delusional. In mass, being delusional doesn't make it alright, it's still delusional. Now they are relying on the wonderful personality of Dick Cheney to save them (if he can keep from having heart failure during the debate), along with the same part he has been the worst on. He, like George Bush, still talks about Saddam Hussein as if he attacked us on 9/11. In a recent speech, Cheney repeatedly stated that the attack of Saddam Hussein on 9/11 was a great blow to our country. While talking about Iraq during the debate, George Bush said, "We were attacked by the enemy." That is delusional. Also, I just heard another concern for Black Americans. African American men who are concerned that they already have a higher rate of unemployment better think about the fact that the Bush administration has already encouraged outsourcing jobs, tried to ruin unions, and abolished overtime for several hundred thousand Americans.

Does anyone believe that George Bush, with at least 3 supreme court justices who are ready to retire, and knowing that the next president is going to appoint their replacements, is going to appoint justices that favor Affirmative Action? With Affirmative action coming up for reapproval, with the supreme court appointments drawing near, and the election coming close for a choice between a president who has been bad for employment and someone who has a record of trying to favor middle class workers, who do you think you should vote for? The Rich Guy Favoring President or the Middle Class Favoring President?

I have one request for the spin doctors in this whole deal. It is just this, "Pick a lane!" I can't believe one week they are demanding that polls showing George Bush in the lead are like the ten commandments, engraved in stone, no doubt a sure easy win (Would the words "slam dunk" be rubbing it in too hard?) and the following week, after the debates when George Bush looked like the angry little weenie that he is, and the polls shifted radically in Kerry's favor, they are saying that polls don't really show anything that matters.

Saddam Hussein was a crazy man, he was a sick person, the world is better off with him in jail. BUT, he still didn't attack us. So, since Saddam was so easy to arrest, the job of taking him out of power is over. So, why are we asking what the plan is? We should be asking for a new plan. The old one isn't working and "staying the course" in the wrong direction isn't helping. First, I believe the "Axis of Evil" is pretty much Rhetoric. For a poker player, the whole idea to reading your opponent is to read his body language. If you look at the debate and understand that the player who leans forward to speak to you is unsure of what he is doing. The one who leans away is sure of himself. The player who bets while looking you in the eye is trying to convince you of something he is not sure of, the player who throws his money in the pot and doesn't bother to look at you holds the strong hand and is sure of himself.

Today, finally, someone connected to the white house is admitting they made two major mistakes. They didn't send enough troops and didn't contain the violence back then. No Kidding, but what are we going to do to correct it? More of the same.

On another subject, I want to talk to you about advertising. I don't just mean the 527 ads that George Bush says he doesn't like, even though he and Karl Rove thrive on using them to further Bush's career. Think about this; that is advertising and the same type of people who sell you cigarettes, alcohol, and other common items which are legal in the U.S. despite the harm they do people, are selling you a president also. I studied advertising a long time ago, but I remember the principles behind it. Take any item and create a market, convince people that they need this item, and sell, sell, sell. If you can get a customer hooked on most things for 2 weeks, they are hooked. There is an old question that is asked by people who have been able to admit they were hooked on something not good for them. The question is, "How do you create a habit?" The answer is, "Repeat an act." If you say, hear, or do anything enough times it is engrained in you from now on.

So, I bring you to Advertising 101. If you repeat the same thing over and over again, some people will believe it. To say that the 527 ads are bad but then not admit the rest of the advertising is hogwash is being naiive. I don't mean the 'front on attack' type advertising. I mean the sideways advertising. When Rush Limbaugh writes books advertising Republican ideas, he is advertising. When Sean Hannity spends time explaining the right point of view in his opinion (I want to add that his opinion somehow mysteriously sounds like it was written by the same people Karl Rove uses to advertise his candidate. Do you think that is a coincidence?), then he is advertising. When George Bush sells a CD entitled "Faith" (which I will get to later), it is advertising. Now, here is the lesson:
Do you remember what I said about creating a market? Are they selling you something you wouldn't ordinarily want, in order to convince you that their product (in this case, a presidential candidate). If you already needed something, no one would have to advertise it. Word of mouth advertising, from creating a good product, is the best advertising there is. It stands for truth. That is why the soft money contributions, 527 ads, and all the rest of the corruption involved with modern campaigns is phenomenal.

One more thought. Let me say one thing about the word faith. Faith is an interesting word which I have studied because of my own personal quest for spiritual growth. Faith, as it is defined in the dictionary, means "...Belief in something without the need of proof." When you are talking about a spiritual deity who is flawless and not possessing human qualities, frailties, and weaknesses it is possible to believe without need of proof. But; when you are talking about a reason to to to war, when you are talking about a reason to vote for a leader who has made mistakes and doesn't admit them, or for that matter, when you are talking about any type of human being, asking one to have faith is not belief without need of proof, it is asking you to believe "despite" proof to the contrary.

Posted by azmildman_1 at 10:26 AM MDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 19 October 2004 10:37 AM MDT

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