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After the election:
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Wednesday, 3 November 2004

The Results: November 3rd, 2004
Mood:  crushed out
Topic: After the election:

The Results: November 3rd, 2004

I give up! We are being told this morning that the guy who never was elected got RE-elected. They campaigned to the weakest minded people here and that states to me that the American People are weak-minded. The mush-mouth from the Bush campaign is saying this morning that the "Democrats and their 527 ads". Anyone with any memory in the United States remembers George Bush's hatchet man, Karl Rove's history. He practically invented 527 ads, he used them against Gore when the Democrats were trying to be nice and NOT do negative campaigning. I am so sick of this. I feel like I might either committ suicide or else move to Canada to watch this country self-destruct under it's own weight. I am going to be doing a whole lot of "I told you so's" in the coming months as the stock market plummets. The global test John Kerry talked about hasn't been felt yet. When all the foreign lenders let us flounder, when we need the loans the most because of all the idiotic spending on the "Iraq War" which is actually us trying to help a small group of Bush supporters in Iraq against the "revolutionaries" that Bush/Cheney are calling terrorists.

I am going to end this blog and start another about the future. I was told last night by the president that now America must set about the task of healing. I don't remember anything being able to heal about jobless economies after a certain point. They flounder. I am sad to see this election turn out this way, although I am proud to see that John Kerry is able to be so gracious about it. If I could talk to him right now, I would only say, "Thank You." I feel we owe him for fighting a brutal campaign machine and giving them a run for the money. And I want to give everyone credit, so if I forget anyone, please email me at and I will add them to the list. So, here goes:

  1. To the young African-American kids that went out of their way to show up at the polls, "Thank You."
  2. To all the people who curtailed the poll watchers, "Thank You."
  3. To all the people who made phone calls and distributed fliers, "Thank You."
  4. To the rock stars who helped the campaign, to Howard Stern, to Al Franken, to Bill Mahr, and the rest of the celebrities, "Thank You."
  5. To EVERYONE who stepped in the ring and took this beating in order to win this race, I would like to say once again, "Thank You."
  6. And last but definitely not least, I want to say thanks to all the people like Karl Rove that made sure that the election was once again "not available" to about 30 percent of Democrats based on their skin color or social status. You are responsible for winning at any cost, which means you are liars and not to be trusted for any reason. You threw away the registrations of Democrats who wanted to vote against you, you moved the polling places without notice to anyone but your own party, and you used the church to influence your actual voters. You taught your voters to register and vote more than once in the states that don't require I.D. and allowed Illegal Aliens to vote. You are the backbone of the Republican party and prove that the only way you can win is to cheat. Thank you for showing your true colors.

Posted by azmildman_1 at 7:23 AM MST | Post Comment | View Comments (4) | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 30 November 2004 9:58 AM MST

Sunday, 21 November 2004 - 1:10 PM MST

Name: Aldaynet
Home Page:

Take your own advice, go kill yourself.

Monday, 22 November 2004 - 10:59 PM MST

Name: azmildman
Home Page: http://http:://

Hard to believe some fat kid from Florida talks all this crap after not having lived through a couple decades, as an adult, of Watergate, Viet Nam, and all the police actions that have come along. If you knew it all and think you understood why Osama Bin Ladin blew up the World Trade Center, you are so smart you know more than the intelligence agencies that just heard Osama's version of why he did it. But, that still means you didn't address the financial part of what the Bush administration has done to us. Maybe you should try reading something once in a while, besides the rhetoric, like the financial reports from the experts, here: or perhaps . I know you won't read them, facts bother people like you.

Monday, 22 November 2004 - 11:18 PM MST

Name: Aldaynet
Home Page:

I'm disturbed you haven't killed yourself yet.

*sigh* just another useless liberal that can't keep a promise.

Monday, 22 November 2004 - 11:52 PM MST

Name: azmildman
Home Page:

Sigh, yeah, and another monotonous Republican who can't stay on topic. Insults instead of a logical argument don't prove a point, they make you look as immature and ignorant of the issues as you seem to be. Any more ignorance will be ignored, I have wasted enough time on your childishness.

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