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After the election:
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The After Debate B.S.  «
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Sunday, 17 October 2004

Even More Spin!
Mood:  sad
Topic: The After Debate B.S.


Ralph Nader's campaign has been supported by the Republican Party. His whole party is being supported by crooks who haven't seen that registering to vote as "Mickey Mouse, John Kerry, etc." and registering under fictitious names with fictitious addresses is illegal as well as just plain WRONG. He insists he is running a separate platform, although some of the things he says are merely re-worded stances that John Kerry has already made. He is splitting the ticket on purpose and if the misguided persons who are supporting his actions in the name of "doing things our way" would look closely at who is supporting him (RNC party funded).

Now, the whole voter registration disenfranchisement thing is off and running. Florida was already trying to use the ficticious "suspected felons" list again and after a lawsuit by the news media was proven to have listed mostly democrats who have never been arrested. Not only have the Republicans been trying to do that again, they also got caught actually hiring people who would throw away anyone's registration if they registered as a democrat. How low will they go now?

The fact that extra stem cell research MIGHT have an impact on quadrapalegics is enough for anyone who asks themselves conscieniably, "Is it OK that stem cells are not being harvested from a fetus that was going to be discarded, anyway, so some neocon can act like he did the right thing, even though he is lying?" Someone who realises that these fetuses are going to be discarded anyway has to answer, whether a right to life advocate or not, "NO!" The same people who are trying to twist the idea of whether or not this was an issue, but once again, I have the question, "Why did you wait until an election year to "ACT" like you give a damn?"

Recently John Edwards made the statement that people like Christopher Reeves, (The actor who died after being stricken quadrapalegic after a riding accident.) would eventually be able to get up and walk if Kerry wins the presidency and removes the restrictions that George Bush has put on Stem Cell Research. Dick Cheney said that the statement was made that "Everyone in a wheelchair would get up and walk if John Kerry is elected." Once again Dick Cheney, who actually runs the White House more than his President, lied to make another photo op moment that will haunt him later on. This is another smoke screen. The fact that President Bush has restricted stem cell research, which is finishing off all hope of a significant amount of avenues for research is what was in question and continuing to STAY THE COURSE on a wrong turn is not even a smart thought. The whole issue for President Bush is based around "fetuses" being a living human being surrounding the "right to life" and moralistic catholic vote he is trying to pander to.

If President Bush really cared about human life and considered it a sacred thing he wouldn't have had more death sentences carried out under his watch as Governor than ANY OTHER GOVERNOR of the entire history of the state of Texas. Think about what that means. We are talking about TEXAS, where the judges are allowed to sentence "suspects" that are convicted to sentences as long as "two hundred years and a day". With the recent controversy over the amount of people who were wrongly accused of a murder and executed before the law could give them their right to appeal, this shows a complete lack of understanding that one might be the "W" word (wrong). In Texas, if one is accused and convicted of murdering someone and the prosecution can prove three credible eyewitnesses, then, that person is sent straight to the head of the line on the "waiting to be executed" list. They don't wait for years on death row, they don't wait in line, they are excuted immediately. As the comedian Ron White joked, "Most states are trying to abolish the death penalty, my state put in an express lane." And it also means that those actions that we see in the movies where (a) the Governor calls at the last minute to give a stay of execution, (b) that part in the movie where they find out that the guy, who has already experienced prison rape and had his family torn apart over a false charge, needs to be released and given compensation, and we, through the magic of Hollywood, get to have a renewal of faith in the system, and in the real world, that will never come. Houston, Texas, the handgun fatality capital of the world, allows drunk people to keep their gun near them in a bar while drinking. Their idea of checking the gun "behind" the bar is to allow them to pull it from their shoulder holster, pull the hammer back so it is ready for action, and then set it in the drink well on top of the bar to the rear.

I find it hard to imagine that anyone can, after listening to the debate, listen to George Bush and not consider him a liar. His statements were:

  1. "He says, 'Wrong war, Wrong time, Wrong place'... ." That was never said by Senator Kerry and John Kerry even stated that he thought "The WAY" we went to war was wrong. But, "...wrong war, wrong time, wrong place..." are George Bush quotes. (Hmmm, freudian slip? Accidental self-appraisal?)
  2. When Senator Kerry had stated that the president had made the statement that Osama Bin Laden was no longer a priority, George Bush said, "I never said that." Anyone who has watched the movie "Fahrenheit 9/11" have seen the two statements the president made. First, "Osama Bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." George Bush, Sept. 13, 2001
    and then,
    "I don't know where he is. I have no idea & I really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority." George Bush, March 13, 2002
  3. Just about anything President Bush says since the debate, starting the sentence with the words, "My opponent says...", when investigated closely, is seen for what it is, a lie.
  4. President Bush tried to sound like a nice guy at the end of the debates, complimenting Senator Kerry, in order to look like his attitude is saying, "Well, we might disagree, but we do respect each other." It reminds me of J.R. Ewing of the hit T.V. series "Dallas" after he got caught doing another underhanded, dishonest, backstabbing move to try to gain monetary or just plain selfish ends, saying, "Well, no hard feelings", even though he was trying to destroy his supposed 'friend'.

I can't believe the claims that everything one says during the political debate is an issue. The Republicans act like any truth said about them (obviously the truth is offensive to them) is "evil" although their fervor for lying, twisting, and spinning any few words said by an opposing party member are a whole sentence. This is called "TAKING IT OUT OF CONTEXT". E.G. If I said, "The lives of the American people are at risk of seeing a financial collapse in the next four years if the current fiscal policies are continued", and some spin doctor decided to quote, "The lives of the American people are at risk...", and suggested that I was trying to infer that we were in danger of atomic war, that is how taking things out of context is lying.

Today we hear that some soldiers in Iraq have refused to do their fueling duties in order to save their own lives, for fear that it was a suicide mission. I would be afraid to do just about anything in Iraq right now, as the same kind of people who ordered the prison abuse, are in charge. Does that show foresight and planning? Does that show that they care about the soldiers themselves, to say nothing of legallities and moral wrong doing? NO!

Some are saying that anything done to get the job done is OK and they are reassuring the rest of us that everything is OK in the white house. If you are one of those people who look at a flat tire and look at it as being OK, since it's only flat on the bottom, then, you might believe them. Some people tell us that disagreeing with anything they say, no matter how crazy they are acting, is "un-American". The say we "need" to give up our most important rights in order to be free. I don't need to hear much more. The fact that they already have been lying constantly is enough to get me to not trust what they say.



Posted by azmildman_1 at 6:27 PM MDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Sunday, 12 July 2009 5:01 PM MDT

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