R & B RURU Ranch Mini horses and Waterfowl
Available   |   Horses and Mini horses   |   Nursery   |   White Sebastopol Geese   |   Gray  Rare Sebastopol Geese   |   Gray Saddleback & Splash Sebastopols Geese   |   Lavender Ice Sebastopol Geese   |   Buff Saddleback Sebastopol Geese   |   Call ducks   |    Indian Runner Ducks   |   Peafowl   |    our dogs Kira & Kindra   |   Links   |   Contact Us
 Sebastopol Geese, Call Ducks Indian Runners and Peacocks.
We are hobbyist breeders and only have limited amounts.

Our Sebastopol Geese come from some of the best lines of Sebastopol geese. Our lines are mainly out of the Dave Holderread lines. We also have Dorothy Thomas lines and Vicky  from Cottage Rose.

Hi we are Ron and Barb Rudolph

 R & B RURU Ranch and Waterfowl web site.

Come in and take a look at our horses, dog, geese, ducks and now peafowl.