Your Comments & Points Of View

Some people say, that after so many years there is nothing left to talk about or write about concerning this brilliant series. Well I disagree 100% as I could write about the episodes, the actors, books that has been so lovingly written.

When Ron Koslow put pen to paper and gave us the Pilot he was inspired as he wove this unique storyline. Then as the weeks unfolded more and more quality television in the form of unforgettable storylines came our way.

Now while out of production we have the chance to review these episodes, time and time again, re-familiarizing us with the beauty that captured millions of viewers all over the world.

Keep the dream alive by supporting your local conventions, if you cannot make it to one then why not support The British Beauty and the Beast Fan Club, Chatterbox, Helpers Network UK. All these productions keep the dream alive.

Gwen Lord.

I was asked recently "Why?" I like B&B so much. My answer to them is simple, "Because I love It!"

"But Why?" came the insistent voice. I sighed and wondered how to explain the inner feelings of one person and relate them to another person, who was on a different wave length!

Looking back it was one of those programme's that totally grips you from the very first episode. I saw half of the first series before I realised that I had to get them on tape. I went downhill from there on! Video's took over my few 'alone' times and I became a little annoyed that I had so few. However help was at hand and through Gwen and Jacqui I became a part of my own dream.

I had never been taken over by a TV programme before and I have become an avid addict. One who has no intention of being cured, I might add. Beauty and the Beast has become a part of my life and have helped me in many ways. The trust and love portrayed in the series must affect everyone, if not, then they are the ones missing out. It is a programme you either love or hate, there is nothing in between.P> For me there is no doubt that there could never be another series like it or with the same results. It may be make believe, but underneath all the fiction there is reality that eats away at you until it becomes a part of your thoughts and behaviour. It has a truth that you will seldom find in the real world, but there are people out there that that represent everything that can be found in Beauty and Beast. Bring it back, give us our dream and let the reality become a part of fantasy. There are people out there that need it, want it, love it. I guess that is "why?"....

What do you feel about this....?

Pauline Marshall.

How is it, when ever anyone mentions the name Stephen McHattie, a hush descends and one is felt as though they have committed a mortal sin saying even his name.

I would like to say, that this actor is brilliant. He is one of the few you love to hate. Which means he is a talented actor, because he really is a nice guy, so everyone tells me. I found the part he played in the third season of Beauty and the Beast to be riveting. He captured the moment, he created the mood, he was really Mr Nasty.

But we all keep letting our personal hate of the story-line, cloud our vision about this man. We hated the way Catherine ended up. We hurt like it was happening to us personally, we wanted it all to be a bad dream. I was a total wreck for days after I watched the very first episodes of the third season, then as the sting of them ebbed a little I watched the rest, more in loyalty to all I'd enjoyed before. Here was some of the best episodes, some of the best directing, and producing. What a crime Catherine wasn't in any of them. But the writers who did this to us didn't know us and how we would grieve.

It's the writers who hold the key to when we get our film/new episodes. At all cost we mustn't let the dream of Vincent and Catherine fade away.

Keep the dream alive and remember all the B&B episodes were great because Vincent was in them.

Look after one another, and stay well.

Paul Thomas.

Because we were privileged to view in all three seasons good quality television week by week, with good story lines, it is an impossible task to decide which scene was my favourite. However, there are moments of pure magic that I would like to touch on that captured my heart from the very beginning.

"The Pilot" Their reunion on the balcony after 6 months had elapsed.

"The Alchemist" When Catherine goes towards Vincent and hugs him when everyone else is terrified of what he might do.

"Ozymandias" How Vincent reacts when Catherine tells him she is going to marry Elliot and he slides down the wall and roars his agony. Linda Hamilton was utterly brilliant as she walked away.

"A Happy Life" Has to be a favourite for everyone all the way through, but especially the ending!

"Chamber Music" I laughed with Vincent and Catherine when rain interrupted the concert in the park.

"Dead Of Winter" Remember that 'personal' question Catherine asked Vincent?

"Orphans" After my father died I found great comfort watching the scene at the hospital when Vincent declares his love for Catherine and makes a promise to her father as he lay dying. Her encounter with his spirit afterwards and the reading of the velveteen rabbit was incredibly moving. To see Vincent's hand cup Catherine's head as she tells him so desperately "I need you" and the extra emphasis when she repeats herself and he pulls her close. The conversation at the Falls, when they both talk about their relationship. How she ever managed to leave at all is quite beyond me! How many of you were saying " Go back and kiss him" I know I was!!

"Arabesque" The way Catherine dealt with Vincent's shame when she told him "These are my hands".

"The Watcher" The relief that washed over Catherine's face when she knew Vincent was waiting on the balcony. The embrace and the kiss that followed (it was there - notice the angle of the heads) The passion as she implored him to hold her tighter, tighter.

"A Distant Shore" There was a lovely moment when they were reunited at the end, again on the balcony!.

"A Kingdom by the Sea" The exchanges between them when Catherine is planting a rosebush and unknown to her Vincent has been watching from the shadows. His actions when she pricks her finger and how she forces him to look at her when she holds his chin in such a determined way and says "don't go". Later when he confesses to knowing about the kiss between Catherine and Elliot and she says "I wished it was you" their expressions said it all.

"What Rough Beast" One of the most emotional moment ever must be when Catherine tells Vincent she doesn't know what to do and begs him hold her "one last time". At that moment, I wondered what the strange noise was in the room and it was only then that I realised it was me sobbing my heart out. I tell you I was a gonner by this time! When the cameras pulled back and they clung together, Vincent's breath lifted the hair on the top of Catherine's head. This was television at it's absolute best.

"The Rest Is Silence" I don't think there can be a fan anywhere who hadn't waited and waited for Vincent to tell Catherine he loved her. When he finally said "Whatever happens, whatever comes, know that I love you" I was sobbing again!

My closing comments have to be that all the interaction between Catherine and Vincent made Beauty and the Beast what it was, a unique television experience. A once in a lifetime thing! Ron Perlman and Linda Hamilton as Vincent and Catherine were the essence of Beauty and the Beast. I just hope that the powers that be will do whatever it takes to persuade Linda Hamilton to reprise her role as Catherine Chandler, after all Ron Koslow created the part just for her. On the downside, if Linda should chose not to participate then we must respect her decision. To me it would be just as ridiculous to attempt to reprise the role of Vincent with anyone other than Ron Perlman! Lets give Republic our support and hope that with love all things are indeed possible.

Sylvia Brookfield.

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