| This web site has been set up to share some of the styles that I have collected over the Internet. Some of them are very good while others still need additional work. I have not made any of these styles. Please feel free to download and try them out. If you like them, send me some of the styles you have created to share with the fellow Yamaha PSR owners and users.
Some of the styles work well with both the PSR XX0s and above series while others only work well with the PSR 000s. For those friends who are just starting to experiment with midi. Send me your midi files and I will post them for you. Check out the midi page for friends to listen to their music. There is a page that will link you to the major Central American newspaper. If you are interested in learning what is happening in the region visit this page. Feel free to come back as often as you like. I will update this site as I get more styles. Enjoy! This site is still under This page was last updated on 06/17/00. Just before the Titanic Sank.
Bernie Your Host