Wolf Pack has been Nominated!
Wolf Pack has won two awards!



I won again! Look at this piece of fic go. Won first place for the best Romance in the His Girls Awards. Awesome Blossom! I'd like to thank those who participated in this contest. both judges and nominees alike! You know you guys rock! -Award received on November 25, 2002-

Hey! I won something! My fic didn't fit any of the categories but people still liked it. My first award ever and I'm so happy! First off, I'd like to thank the judges for giving Wolf Pack a chance! And for those (the awesome fans) who have been sticking to this fic through thick and thin. You guys rock and you know who you are! -Award received on November 24, 2002-

           Chapter 1 -> The Accident
           Chapter 2 -> The Fear
           Chapter 3 -> The News
           Chapter 4 -> The Beginning
           Chapter 5 -> The Chase
           Chapter 6 -> The Warning
           Chapter 7 -> The Battle
           Chapter 8 -> The Following
           Chapter 9 -> The Kiss
           Chapter 10 -> The Gathering
           Chapter 11 -> The Survival
           Chapter 12 -> The Courting
           Chapter 13 -> The Observation
           Chapter 14 -> The Walk
           Chapter 15 -> The Conversation
           Chapter 16 -> The Cafe
           Chapter 17 -> The Teacher
           Chapter 18 -> The Talk
           Chapter 19 -> The Apology
           Chapter 20 -> The Life
           Chapter 21 -> The Promise
           Chapter 22 -> The Changes
           Chapter 23 -> The Passion
           Chapter 24 -> The Enemy
           Chapter 25 -> The Morning
           Chapter 26 -> The Friend
           Chapter 27 -> The Betrayal
           Chapter 28 -> The Capture
           Chapter 29 -> The Panic
           Chapter 30 -> The Fight
           Chapter 31 -> The Savior
           Chapter 32 -> The Heartache
           Chapter 33-> The Punishment
           Chapter 34 -> The Facts
           Chapter 35 -> The Agreement
           Chapter 36 -> The End
           The Epilogue

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