 Hollywood Pitch, the untold story.

The scene opens in a desert. All is quiet.   A ship can be seen in the backgound, sivler and stong.  Why is it there.  Who will be on it?  What is it's purpose?
Get on with it.
  Suddenly a noise is heard overhead.

Two ships fly over the canyon walls.  One a sleek black and grey ship, obviously technologically superior.  The other made from spare parts looking much like an erect pen...
That's enough George.    
Well, sexual references are usually helpful to generate interest in the film.
I get the point, now put the models away and get on with it.

The black and grey fighter lands and out of the ship comes the pilot.

The Man in Black.
Johnny Cash?
No, the hero, Vader Lord of the Sith.
Lord of the who?
The Sith.
Well, who are the Sith?
You are the Sith.  I am the Sith.
Well, I didn't vote for you.
You don't vote for Lords, oh sod it.  Will you be quiet? I am trying to pitch an idea here.

His nemesis, loooking cobbled together like his ship, steps out.  It is Moltar of the bare brained.
Moltar of the bare brained?  Is that the best you got?
Vader and Moltar grapple with Vader quickly getting the upper hand.

With Vader quickly getting the upper hand.

Getting the upper hand.  

Um.  Well.  Uh, a little help?


Getting a head of ourselves in the tale, are we?
Ha ha, very funny.  Can I have that back, please?
You know what would really liven up this tale, always sure to be a hit?
No, what?

On second thought, how about a space opera?
Can we have monkeys?
I'll see what I can do.

Thanks to Michael from the T.I.E. Tomfoolery
 for the Pictures.

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