Xander Evan Stultz

Born 2-25-2002 at 11:32 PM

8 pounds 2 ounces

First bath

Proud mom's first hold

Grandpa Sir and GB  

Nana-{old crow}

Grandpa Jerry

Grandpa Jim

Grandma Gale

Unky Josh

Aunt Abby

Aunt Amy

Cousin David

Cousin Emily

My friend Mark

My friend Christina and her daughter, friends already

Friend Sarah

Friend Janice

Very proud father at home

Hey, mom dressed me in the shirt that says "Let's Party My Crib 3:00 AM" so I am going to make it happen.

I'm working on my acting.  Do I look surprised here?

Sleepy friends.

Enough of these pictures.  I'm tired.

Hey baby.

Dad and I are showing off our Purple Pride.

Well, if they are going to put this on me I will  have to comply, won't I?

Diggin' my saucer toy.

Uncle Russ is pushing sports heavily.  I mean really, do I need a cup this soon?

Nap time for mommy and me.

Aunt Abby is pushing her alma mater.  I don' think it will take.

Time for swimming.

First time meeting Unky John.  And what is that furry thing smelling?

Watching leaves with GB.

And to think that we are related.  I am so much better looking.

Just hangin' out and watching some TV.

Not standing yet, but I'm working on it.

They strapped me in.  Where do they think I am going to go?

I like bath time.

Flying Xander!

I love my mommy.


Man, these frog legs are good.

Oh, wait a minute, someone is watching.

Me, officer?  I wasn't doing anything.

Just sitting here playing with my frog toy.  Yeah, that's it.  Playing.  Do you think he bought it?

Who you lookin' at?

Calvin Klein called and asked if I could pose for them.

Mmmm, toe.

Howdy, partner.

Wow, a nose bigger than my dad's.

First trip to the zoo and I am riding in style.

Mommy & me at the zoo.

tired after a long day, dreaming of wild animals.


I'm a messy eater!

Going for a ride.


Call me Xander Hood.  And this is Maid Mikaela.

Big boy bath time.

No more pictures, you are embarrassing me.  Well, ok.  One more.

Unky Josh and me goin' for a ride.

Eat 'em up, beat 'em up KSU!

Beware, the power of the Xanderside.

Daddy and I  like TV.

First Halloween.

I'm BatXander!

Aunt Abby visits me on Halloween.

Don't I look cool?

Mmmmm, pumpkin.

Long day of photos wears me out.

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