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Women and Disability Resources

This site was last updated on September 28, 1999.

These are social, academic, activist, and just-for-fun online resources I've collected on women and disability. If you know of any on-line web or gopher resources on women and disability that I can include on this page, please e-mail me.

Why focus on women with disabilities? Because:

Experiences of exclusion, being devalued, of assumptions about incapacity, and the need for (often unwanted) help all intersect in a particularly powerful way for women with disabilities -- all the more for women of color and/or lesbians who have disabilities.

Looking at disability through the lens of a feminist, and at feminism from a disability perspective enriches both feminism and disability studies with fresh insights.

Thanks to the Fact sheet on women with disabilities and development for the following items.

Women with disabilities experience a high incidence of abuse - physical, emotional and sexual.

Women with disabilities are the poorest of the poor around the world.

In every sphere of life, women with disabilities in the developing world experience a triple bind: they are discriminated against because they are women, because they are disabled and because they are from the developing world.

In many developing countries, there are few educational opportunities for disabled girls. When there are opportunities for education, in special schools, boys usually receive them.

Many women are disabled due to the practice of female circumcision and infibulation in parts of Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Women are disabled with urinary and gynecological infections, fistulas that prevent walking and through trauma induced by the procedure.

The unemployment rate for disabled women in developing countries is virtually 100%.

Women and Disability

General Resources

A women and disability page from Women's Health Statewide in Australia

Disability Cool: Women's Stuff

Links to issues of "GnarlyBone News: Disability Culture" by Cheryl Marie Wade

Disabled Women's Resource Kit, copyright, Disability Awareness in Action, London, UK.

Disabled People International Women's Committee

The Disabled Women's Alliance

DisAbled Women's Network (DAWN) Ontario

Having a daughter with a disability (National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities)

NOW's Disability Rights Committee

The 10/31/93 issue of Canadian Women Studies, devoted to the topic of women and disability.

Military Woman's forum for disabled women vets

Center for Research on Women with Disabilities


Disabled Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health Resource Packet


Employment, Equality, and Gender, a report by Rannveig Traustadottir, Center on Human Policy, Syracuse University

Fact sheet on women with disabilities and development, from the Public Participation Program, Canadian International Development Agency

Factsheet on Women and Disability, prepared by Rehabilitation International and the World Institute on Disability

African American Women with Disabilities

African American Women with Disabilities: An Overview, by Eddie Glenn, Howard University Research and Training Center

Older Women with Disabilities

Older Women with Disabilities, a research page under development.

Lesbians with Disabilities

Dykes, Disabilities, & Stuff, a quarterly newsletter about issues of health and disability of lesbians with disabilities

Abuse of Women with Disabilities

Abuse of Disabled Women: A bibliography

Service Needs of Women with Disabilities: Disabled Women Rate Caregiver Abuse And Domestic Violence Number One Issue (Berkeley Planning Associates)

Special issue of Abilities Magazine, on violence toward women with disabilities

General Women's Resources

NetGuide: Women's Guide

Beatrice's Web Guide

The Feminist Majority Foundation.

National Women's History Project.

4000 Years of Women in Science.

National Museum of Women in the Arts.

Guerilla Girls. The conscience of the art world.

The Women's Studies Department at San Diego State University. At 27, the oldest Women's Studies Department in nation.

Women's Studies Resources On-Line (University of Maryland).

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