Samantha's Opium Den


|Bless Its Pointed Little Head|Frozen Glory|Liquid Poseable Doillies|Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves|People Who Make the World Better|

Welcome to my world...

Welcome to my website, a short journey into my mind. This page (Samantha's Opium Den II) is the third incarnation of my webpage. Samantha's Opium Den is the previous incarnation and now a mirror site. Now, a little about me... I'm a senior in high school, though I rarely act like one, and next year I will be pursuing a career in music. I currently am learning to play the guitar. If you want to learn more about me, follow the link to Bless Its Pointed Little Head. In my spare time, I also like to write poetry. There is a link here so that you can read my pretty poems. To get to the poetry, click on Frozen Glory. I'd love to get some feedback on them, so please sign the guestbook or email me. And lastly, my wish list of things I want done on this site are:
  • Some causes that I feel strongly about
  • Music I like
  • A million dollars and... Nevermind
    Well that's all, folks. This site will be updated frequently since I'm on February break, so come back soon and get addicted.
    This page was last screwed with on February 13, 1999.
    You are addict to get your fix. What a junkie!.

    Love letters, hate mail, solicitations
    © Samantha Tessar 1998, 1999

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