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Submitted by: Elaine McDowell

  • 1/2 cup soft butter (NO Sub)
  • 1/2 pint sour cream (NO fat free or low fat)
  • 4 eggs beaten
  • 4 cups flour
  • 1/4 teaspoons baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 12 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder

    Sift dry ingredients. Makes a soft dough. Let rest at room temp. One hour-will rise. Knead down and roll out on lightly floured board to about 1/8 inch thick. Cut into desired shapes and cut center slits (2) twist and drop into 350 degree hot oil. Watch closely and turn over and fry to lightly browned. Drain on paper towels. Shake in powdered sugar.


    Submitted by: Elaine McDowell

  • 8 ounces Salt (Plain not iodized)
  • 3-4 ounces black ground pepper
  • 3 tablespoons garlic powder
  • 15 pounds lean ground pork
  • 10 pounds lean ground chuck
  • 1 quart cold, cold water

    Mix all spices in container
    Mix thoroughly, the beef and pork.
    Mix in spices, mixing thoroughly.
    Mix in cold, cold water.
    Wash casing in very warm water.
    Cook small amount, and season to taste.
    Stuff into the casings


    Submitted by: Elaine McDowell

  • 1 tablespoon oleo or butter
  • 1 14-ounce can sauerkraut
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 2/3 cups uncooked rice
  • 1 cup cooked tomatoes (I use one can)

    In large skillet melt butter. Spread sauerkraut over butter, sprinkle with rice, then onion. Top all with hamburger, salt, pepper and tomatoes.
    Do not stir, cook covered over low heat 25-35 minutes. Serve from skillet.
    Makes 4 to 5 servings.


    Submitted by: Elaine McDowell

  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup vinegar (Cider)
  • 3 cups water

    heat until sugar is dissolved.
    Fill jars with pickles that are cut into 1/2 inch pieces, put in pinch of Alum.
    In each jar place a sprig of dill and 1 teaspoon salt
    Pour brine over pickles and steam for 1/2 hour until pickles turn yellow.


    Submitted by: John Chmielewski

    Sour grass is szczaw (sorrel)
    Zupa Szczawiowa aka SOUR GRASS SOUP

  • 2 qts. meat stock
  • 1 lb. young fresh sorrel (sorrel is any of various plants belonging to the genus Rumex, of the buckwheat family, having edible acid leaves used in salads, sauces, etc.)
  • 1 or 2 small potatoes
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 4 T. butter
  • 4 egg yokes

    Clean the sorrel and scald it. Chop fine, cook in butter untill tender and rub through a sive. Boil the potatoes, rub them through sive, and mix with sorrel puree. Season with salt and pepper.

    Simmer for 10 minutes. Beat the egg yokes and add to them 2 tablespoons of hot soup. Pour into simmering soup and heat to just below the boiling point.

    Add the sour cream and serve immediatly.

    As I rember my grandmother used to add other things to the soup because I remember the soup was not a puree when we ate it but I can not rember what she added.


    Submitted by: Adina Case

    Recipe Notes:
    This recipe is a direct result of having leftovers from Shabbat.
    There were all these little items taking space in my refrigerator.
    Create your own topping, go crazy and have fun as there is no right or wrong.

  • Maple syrup
  • Cinnamon
  • Nutmeg
  • Brandy or Cognac
  • Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Peaches, Plums, Bananas, or whatever leftover soft fruit you have
  • Pinch of black pepper

    In a sauce pan heat up maple syrup. ( The amount of maple syrup will vary based on the amount of people you are serving, the amount of French toast, waffles, or pancakes you are making. There is no right or wrong.)

    Slice the strawberries, peaches, plums, and bananas into small pieces. Add brandy or cognac (if you don't have any don't worry it works great without as well). If you like, after the liquor gets warm (about 5 minutes), carefully throw a match on it and let it burn out.

    Sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg.

    Spoon out the fruit and strain the sauce. Return fruit to pan.

    Return pan to heat for a moment and add a pinch of black pepper. (I'm always surprised what a pinch of black pepper does for fruit)

    Pour over waffles, French toast, or pancakes.

    For total decadence, add mascarpone cheese between each layer of waffles, French Toast, or pancakes.

    2 Servings per Rib

    Submitted by: Col. & Mrs C. A. Case

    Recipe Notes:
    When you speak to your butcher you need the following guidelines:

  • Each rib will feed 2 people.
  • The weight of the meat without the ribs. (i.e. my butcher will only sell me this cut of meat together so I save the ribs for stock or another dish)
  • You need the butcher to tie up the roast.


  • rib eye roast
  • black Pepper (We like "Butcher Block" pepper)
  • water

    Coat the roast with "butcher block black pepper" or grind fresh black peppercorns. Put 1 cup of water in a roasting pan with a rack.

    Preset oven to 500 degrees (allow about 20 minutes for the stove to get up to temperature).

    The calculation we use is to take the weight of the roast without the ribs TIMES 6 minutes* then shut off the oven and leave it in the oven for 1 1/2 hours.


    The roast will come out medium rare to rare.

    *For Example: If your roast weighs 4.6 lbs, the initial time in the oven at 500 (would be 27.6 minutes)

    Wine Glazed Fruit

    Submitted by: Col. & Mrs C. A. Case

    Recipe Notes:
    It is easy to make and a winner every time. This dessert can be served both warm and at room temperature.

  • 2 apples
  • 2 pears of one type
  • 2 pears of another type
  • 2 chef's choice of nectarines, plums, or peaches

    For every 8 fruits
  • 1 heaping tablespoon of brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup of red wine

    Create mixture with sugar, honey, cinnamon, and wine.

    Remove pits and seeds from fruit then cut fruit into quarters.

    Mix fruit with mixture.

    Set oven to 400 degrees.

    Place on a sheet pan and cook for 25 minutes.

    Flour Tortillas

    Submitted by: Jennifer Gutierrez

  • 2 Cups Flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 cup oil
  • 1/2 HOT water

    Mix all this together in a bowl, stir it with a fork until it becomes doughy and then kneed it for 5-6 Minutes

    Cover for 20 Minutes.

    Roll 1 to 1 1/2 in balls and flatten out.

    Use Rolling Pin to make the tortillas thin and round.

    Heat Skillett to about 450 degrees

    Put Tortillas in the pan for 35 seconds or until Light brown then flip to the other side and repeat.

    To keep warm Put Tortillas in a covered container.

    This recipe makes about 12 Tortillas.

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